No. 18 leaned sideways on the single sofa, supporting his chin, revealing a graceful figure, and his collar loomed with a hint of spring.

"Rose, can you play with something that a real girl should play?"

No. 18 really feels very helpless, Rose is too sensible and obedient, but now she has a lot more smiles than before, Bulma's Bra, that's the real little girl! In Rose's room, except for a nineteen-story ghost ball that Sun Wuling made when he was a baby, there were no other toys at all.

Rose tilted her head, still holding two chess pieces, one black and one white, in her hand, and asked suspiciously: "Mom, what is the thing that a real girl should play?" Ragdolls, teddy bears, or some amusement park? After

speaking, the air bomb control, the two black and white chess pieces in the palm of the hand rotated, black and white, rotated and merged, and made a sound, like an electric fan spinning, making Rose think.

Rose Wei said: "Dad said that after reaching the realm of gods, we can only rely on ourselves, and I don't want to blindly pursue Dad's footsteps, I want to get out of my own way!" No

. 18 couldn't help but help his forehead, a few words back to the practice, of course, this is not important, the important thing is that she, who is a mother, is completely unable to help Rose!

Originally, I thought that when Rose grew up, she would be able to irrigate and help cultivate with natural qi like Shalu did at that time, but now, Rose is eleven years old, and she has already opened up all the dantian on her body, and she has begun to think about her divine realm.

"Oh, is it over?"

Bra heard the sound of the chess pieces turning in Rose's hand, and woke up from her sleep, she couldn't understand Go at all, she was bored in every way, fell asleep, and now after seeing it, it seems to be relieved.

"Well, Bra, all right!"

The chess pieces in Rose's hand stopped, black and white separated, and there was a smile, green and full of hope, "And I seem to be able to see some." "


Bulma House!

Bulma made the Super Dragon Ball radar, but because the Earth is geographically remote, the Dragon Ball radar cannot detect the Super Dragon Ball signal.

Gak was also on Earth at this time, and after Frieza's resurrection, he was destroyed again, and the Earth became a forbidden area in the universe, and Gak had a good relationship with Earth, so he was sent by the Galactic King to let Gark often reside on Earth.

Gak said: "In the universe, there is a strange person who knows everything, named Lord Zuno, and can even tell what underwear people he has never seen wear, maybe he will know about Super Dragon Ball?"

"Alas, are there still such people? Do you know everything?

Sun Wukong asked in surprise.

Bike, Vegeta, Bulma, and Tais also nodded.

Sun Wuling suddenly realized, remembering Tsley who was staying in Bun Mountain at this time, he remembered this person who was ignored by him, and his voice became cold, "I remember, Gark, you said before, did Frieza Army know about the Cyril Star Dragon Ball from this guy's hands!"

"Yes, that's right..."

replied Gak with a nod.

"Huh..." Sun

Wuling thought that there was also Zamas who also learned the location of the Super Dragon Ball through this one named Zuno, so it is good to prepare in advance.

"Ah, this still needs to go to the universe, what a trouble!"

Bulma looked complaining.

Sun Wuling waved his hand and spoke, "Don't bother to go to the universe so much!" Have you forgotten someone!

"Goku, who is it?"

Sun Wukong, Bulma asked in a voice, and Bike, Vegeta and others also looked at Sun Wuling suspiciously.

Sun Wuling supported his forehead and replied: "Sorry, I also suddenly remembered, it's normal for you to forget, divination mother-in-law, how did you forget her, Wukong, Bulma!"

"Divination mother-in-law..." Bulma

, Sun Wukong, and others suddenly realized.

Bulma said in surprise: "Divination mother-in-law, it's her, it's great, so that you don't have to go to the universe, how to forget her, hahaha..." Sun Wukong shouted in surprise: "Yes, how to forget the divination mother-in-law,

she must know where the last Super Dragon Ball is!"

Sun Wuling nodded in his heart, it seems that more than him, it is really many people who have forgotten that in addition to being able to bring people from the netherworld, the divination mother-in-law also has her most famous divination ability, to say mysterious words, this is not more mysterious than that Zunuo.

Garker's head was full of doubts, and he asked curiously: "Mr. Wuling, who is the divination mother-in-law you are talking about?" Is it even more powerful than Lord Zuno?

Sun Wuling explained: "Although I don't know what kind of person Zunuo you are talking about, but judging by his behavior, it is not as good as the divination mother-in-law, Gak, if you have time, you still help me... Forget it, no need! Sun

Wuling thought of the King of the Northern Realm, he could teleport directly from him to Zunuo's planet, and when this martial arts meeting with the sixth universe was over, squat Zamas in advance at Zunuo's to see how arrogant he was, maybe the follow-up future world black Wukong and the like would not appear.


Sun Wukong teleported with Bulma, and Gark came to the palace of the divination mother-in-law, and Gark wanted to meet the divination mother-in-law, so they came together.

At this time, the diviner mother-in-law sat on the crystal ball, a black wizard hat, thin and small, looking at Sun Wukong, Bulma, Garke said: "You guys, by the way, and Wuling, actually forgot the old god, but went to the dead fat man in the universe, want to kiss him, hmph, the ability of the old body You guys actually forgot, and, why didn't Wuling come?" "

Alas, kiss him

, fat man..." Bulma's face changed, and she imagined a greasy, swollen fat man image in her mind, which made her quickly shake her head.

Gak took the opportunity to say: "Everyone who asks a question to Lord Zuno needs to kiss Lord Zuno's cheek, and only after offering a gift can he ask questions, by the way, I almost forgot, I also need to make an appointment in advance, and now the queue is estimated to be seven years!"

"Alas... What a troublesome guy, it's good that I didn't go, divination mother-in-law, that, do you know where the last Super Dragon Ball is?

Sun Wukong asked towards the divination mother-in-law.

"Hmph, of course the old body knows, cut, but I won't tell you, you guys, you think of me when there are things, and you don't even bring gifts, hmph..." The

divination mother-in-law turned around, snorted coldly with dissatisfaction, and replied.

Bulma and Sun Wukong looked at each other, and Sun Wukong asked the divination mother-in-law: "Then in that case, let me challenge the five masters of the divination mother-in-law!" "


Suddenly, Sun Wuling moved over in an instant, went back and specially changed his clothes, a dark robe, and a formal dress of Rose and No. 18, and a curious Bra.


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