The Hall of All Kings! The Great Priest said the rules of the next power conference.

"The average level of the first universe, the twelfth universe, the fifth universe, and the eighth universe is higher than seven, and they are exempt from participating in this competition."

The words of the Great Priest made these four universe destruction gods, the realm king gods, breathe a sigh of relief, they were saved, and they did not have to participate in this power conference.

"From the universes, choose ten people as fighters except the God of Destruction, do not kill, shoot the opponent out of the ring, the match time is one hundred taka, in this hundred tak time, everyone fights together, and finally, before the end of the match, the universe with the largest number of people remaining wins."

"The conference will be held in Infinity, I will create a special ring there, when the time comes, I will teleport everyone over, please gather and wait at any location in your universe, those who arrive late will be left behind, please pay attention."

"In addition, the use of weapons or drugs is prohibited, and if discovered, the entire team will be disqualified, which is important to note."


The seventh universe, Bun Yamanaka.

Monkey King and Vegeta had long since come out of the Spirit Time House, and two years of cultivation in it had brought their strength to a new level.

Weiss rushed here with Beerus and the realm king Shenxin, and told Sun Wuling and the others about the power conference to be held, and said the rules.

"It's really a ten-person melee!"

Sun Wuling was leaning on the recliner at this time, Bidili helped him massage his shoulders, Satan beat his legs, Xiao Wu held a tray in his hand, held juice for him, and No. 18 was also wearing a long skirt, lying in his arms, picking the crystal grapes in his hand and putting them in Sun Wuling's mouth.

"I didn't expect to come so soon!"

No. 18 got down from Sun Wuling's arms and stretched out, revealing a graceful figure.

Sun Wuling glanced at Beerus, Weis, who looked unanxious at this time, and asked, "Why aren't you in a hurry, how long is it before the start of the power conference?"

"There are still more than thirty hours of preparation time, except for us, like Pa, like the Ninth Universe, who only know the news today."

Weiss explained to Sun Wuling, and the ninth universe, which is also the lowest on average, is very unpopular, so he knows about the power conference.

"Hey, Wuling, what happened to you, are you sure of winning that son of yours?"

Even if the seventh universe is destroyed, the angel Weiss is still there, and Beerus will be destroyed with it, so he is very anxious, especially when he thinks of the face of Pana, and seems to think that he has won.

"What son, I only have one daughter Rose, when did I admit that guy is my son, Lord Beerus, don't talk nonsense."

Sun Wuling's voice raised a few points, glared at Beerus with dissatisfaction, his tone was full of determination, and he held Rose and No. 18 in his arms.

"Well, I'm sorry..."

Beerus apologized weakly.

Rose moved her fingers at this time and asked, "Dad, do we have any tactics?"

"Of course there is, as long as you don't foul, how can you win, but at the beginning, you have to save your strength first, and with only ten minutes left in the end, let Goku and Vegeta fuse into Veget, and we try not to be eliminated."

Sun Wuling replied, as for why it was ten minutes, because Vegeta and Sun Wukong had experimented with Tabora earrings, because the power was too strong to be able to maintain the original one-hour time, Vegeta could only last ten minutes.


Rose's little face suddenly collapsed, and although the tabola earrings in her hand had no time limit, they also required more from the two of them and could not be used.

After looking at the time, Beerus said: "Tomorrow night at eight o'clock in this Bun Mountain, take a good rest, all the cultivation has stopped, keep me in the best condition, don't lose, the seventh universe, it's up to you."

Sun Wuling smiled and made an OK gesture, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lord Beerus, we have been preparing for a long time." "


Bun Mountain, it was already seven o'clock at this time, a crescent moon hung above the starry sky, in addition to the ten people who were originally going to participate, even the turtle immortal, Klin, Lanqi, Tianjin rice, Yamucha, etc. all came.

No. 18 put on the combat uniform that Sun Wuling made for her at this time, put her arm around Sun Wuling, and sat on the chair, Vegeta, Sun Wukong was nibbling chicken legs at this time, and they fought each other again.

Bra in the crowd looked left and right, did not find Rose, and said suspiciously: "Uncle Wuling, Aunt No. 18, where is Rose?" Why didn't you see her?

Sun Wuling waved his hand and said, "Go change clothes, she designed a set of combat clothes by herself, and it will be fine immediately."

As soon as Sun Wuling's words fell, Rose Wei walked out of the apartment.

"Dad, Mom, everyone, how am I doing?"

Rose's voice attracted everyone's attention.

"I'll go..."

Klin covered his mouth, surprised that his jaw almost fell to the ground, and Vegeta too, looking at Rose at this time, the chicken leg in his hand fell to the ground, he had never heard of it, even Sun Wuling's eyes were glaring at the boss.

At this time, Rose's image has changed greatly from the past, with long blonde shoulder-length hair, clear blue eyes, a purple tight underwear and a blue vest, a pair of red flat boots like flames, and a blue denim trousers with purple stripes on the lower body.

Now the image of Rose is exactly the same as that of the Kurdish king at that time, the difference is that the current Rose is still just shy and not as good as it was at that time, and everyone who experienced that time couldn't help but feel a trace of dreaminess in their hearts.

"Good, it's good-looking!"

Number 18 puffed out his thumb and smiled at Rose.

Beerus looked at Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling, Vic and others suspiciously, how was this collectively mute, and the Saiyans actually didn't eat.

"Hey, what's wrong with you guys! Soon the power conference is about to begin.

Beerus's call brought everyone back to their senses.


The sixth universe, destroy the god realm!

The god of destruction is like Pa, the king of the realm god Fova is here at this time, and there are eight other competitors such as Hitt behind him.

"Why is Bardos so slow, shouldn't Lane not participate!"

Xiangpa kept walking at this time, and his heart was about to be raised.

In addition to Gabe, there were two female Saiyans among the Saiyans, and a Saiyan named Kalifra asked Gabe: "Hey, Gabe, who are we waiting for, listening to the meaning of the destruction god, it seems to be very strong."

"Yes, very strong, Mr. Zhai Kou is also a Saiyan like us, very strong, and the other Mr. Lane, I have only heard, is an earthling, or the ruler of the earth, I heard that it is Lord Zhengpa, in front of Mr. Lane, he can't hold up a move, and the strength is comparable to Miss Bardos."

Gabe's words made Calyfra's eyes light up, and she couldn't wait to see Lane and Zhai Kou.


"Here it comes... It's finally here! Ryan, you're finally here.

Xiangpa's excited hand danced, pulling the realm king god Fuwa who was looking confused at this time to dance.

A stream of light fell, and under the excited gaze of Xiangpa, Bardus took Zhai Kou with him, and Lane arrived at the God of Destruction Realm, and the ten contestants of the sixth universe were assembled.


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