At this time, Lane walked leisurely towards Sun Wuling and the others! Each step was like a heavy hammer hitting the ground, smashing heavily on the heart.

Vegeta took a step forward, gritted her teeth, and shouted at Ryan: "With your strength, you can easily kill us, because of the rules of the power conference, you are bound and cannot use your full strength."

Ryan shook his head and said with a smile: "Although the rules are strict, I have never killed for no reason, Mr. Vegeta."

"If it were normal, I would expect your combined warriors, but sorry, I'm not the only one standing behind me, shattered, my world!"

The energy of the free mind merged into the space debris, dense, scattered, flying at low altitude, and this time could no longer lie on the ground.

"This trick again!"

Sun Wuling's figure was like a phantom, and the figure of the free intention left a phantom, passing through the space debris, and a spiral qi yuan was thrown towards Lane.


The space shattered, and the dark and sticky black hole absorbed Sun Wuling's spiral qi element.


Just when the black hole transformed into a white hole, the spiral qi yuan slash rebounded, but Sun Wuling had long known this move, and instantly moved behind Lane, and the silver qiyuan slashed towards Lane.


Gillian, Kalyfra, Kayl, etc. dodged as they danced in this space debris.

"Compared with the previous round of space debris, both the speed and the power have been greatly reduced, is it afraid of harming us?"

Gillian, who has always been cold and arrogant, showed a smile on his face, a layer of halo condensed around his body, and the power exploded, passing through the rain sea of space debris, and forcefully struck towards No. 21, who was tired of coping at this time.


Ji Lian's fist condensed a hot halo, and slammed the face of No. 21 at this time, without the slightest look of pity for Xiang Xiangyu.



In the distance, Kalifra's eyes lit up with Kaier dodging, although Broly did not eliminate the two of them, but it also forced them to a limit, if not Saiyans, the average person would not be able to move now.

"Kail, can you do it, let's go together!" Help Lane eliminate one is one!

Califra looked at No. 17, No. 18, and Rose who were dodging space debris at this time, and said with a smile.

"I, of course I can, sister!"

At this time, Kaier's long grass-green hair stood on end, his eyes were cold, and although he recovered his senses, his strength was much worse than the previous tyrannical madness.



Although the reaction came, it was completely too late, and No. 17 was hugged tightly by Kaier, let out a roar, and rushed towards the outside of the ring.


Rose's figure was like a phantom, under the surprised gaze of Kalifra, dodged her impact, Rose's elbow hit her lower abdomen hard, and the transformation of Super Saiyan II on her body collapsed directly.

"Mom, come here!"

Rose effortlessly lifted Califra up in front of her and Number 18.


Shout! Shout!

In the ring, No. 17, Kaier died together, plus the most important auxiliary No. 21 was also eliminated by Gillian.

"The seventh universe is so despicable that they actually use people as shields!"

In the stands, Kyle was healed by Bardos, and Elephant Pa shouted angrily at Rose.

Tuo broke the ring and protected his chest, and shouted righteously: "Such an act is definitely not a righteous thing.

Rose's fist couldn't help but clench, making a sound of bones colliding, Xiangpa said she was despicable, she also confessed, she didn't feel that she had done wrong, but it broke justice, justice, made her really annoyed.

"Eleventh universe, that guy named Topo, open his mouth to justice, shut up for justice, I have put up with you for a long time!"

Rose stomped on Kalifla under her feet, pointed her fingers at Torpo, and the girlish sound made the audience fall silent.

"Justice, the justice in the corner of your mouth is that your proud team plays the trick of heroes fighting crime, worshiped and admired, you who have always been so high, completely jump out of the rules, can you see what is in the rules?"

"Within the rules? What are you talking about? Girl! Tuo Po looked at the rose in the ring, the girl's youth, shy posture, she was eleven years old, and her blue eyes were deep and agile.

Rose's childish voice reached everyone's ears, "Have you seen the life of ordinary people? They do not have the same strength as us, they are busy running for their three meals a day, they fight with the sky, the earth, and people, they live very hard, and if there is any disaster, they will lose their humanity.

"Topo, those who worship you are the people of these rules, have you ever seen a famine that causes leaves, bark, and grass roots to be gnawed away?"


Tuo's pupils were trembling, and his fists couldn't help but clench, staring at the rose in the ring.

Rose Wei did not hesitate and continued: "Many people who go to evil are also persecuted because of the surrounding environment, and the environment will make people go to two extremes, one of which is a guy like you, and the other is the evil person in your mouth, who keeps justice on his lips, have you really understood?" You are still some kind of candidate for destroying God, and you don't even understand these simple truths. "


Topo wanted to retort, but didn't know how to go back to the past, could it be that his justice was an extreme?

"Torpo, don't be deceived by her words!"

Wei Mei watched the belief in Tuo Po's heart collapse a little at this time, and quickly shouted.

"Deceit, Lord Destroyer of the Eleventh Universe, how can I deceive!"

Rose's cold eyes made Tuo Po dare not look directly.

"By the way, I don't know if there are such creatures as wolves and sheep in your eleventh universe, in the biosphere, wolves prey on weak sheep, and your justice protects the sheep from wolves, then for wolves, this justice is equal to destruction, because they will starve to death because of your justice."

"My justice is destruction! My justice is destruction, I am not fit to be a destroyer candidate, my justice is destruction? Topo

looked at his hands, his faith collapsed at the moment, his head was in a mess, and he wanted to leave quickly and find a place where no one was.

"Hmph... This collapses, and destroys the God candidate, cut! Rose

pouted and kicked Kalifla with force, kicking her out of the ring and knocking her out.

There are ten minutes left, and there are eight people left in the ring, Lane, Gillian, Son Gorying, Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Gohan, Rose, No. 18!


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