Bun Mountain!

In the martial arts hall, Lane sat in front of Sun Wuling and others, and two women stood behind him, one of whom was Yulin, the junior sister of Tianjin Rice, who had been hiding by their side.

And the other woman is different, the strength is very strong among the earthlings, Sun Wuling and the others' feelings can at least be compared with Klin, the combat effectiveness is at least over 100 million, a black tight robe, perfectly outline the intact figure, the white neck with a purple butterfly-like mark, looks enchanting and cold.

Flower Butterfly, Laine's subordinate, and the only particularly powerful and prominent subordinate on the sixth universe earth, usually serves as a guard of the human palace, and was also arranged by Tang Chengxiang to follow Laine, afraid that Lai really does not plan to come back when he goes to the seventh universe.

Yulin lowered her head and bent down towards Sun Wuling, Tianjin Fan and the others, and said, "I told you all the things as they were, even Lord Leila, no, Miss Laila she got Mr. Sun Wuling's blood gene from Shalu, and His Majesty Lane was born because of this." After

Yulin said everything, she felt that her whole body was full of ease, she was left here by Laila and Zhai Kou, even if she knew that it was for her good, she roughly understood what kind of person Lucifer was from Lane's mouth, if she also followed Leila, Zhai Kou went to the zero universe, a weak human like her would end badly.

But my heart has always been very unpleasant for Tianjin Rice, and I feel very uncomfortable with all the Z warriors, guilty, and uneasy, and finally after hearing that Lane took her to the seventh universe and talked about things, everything was waiting for the result of Sun Wuling and others.


Sun Wuling exhaled softly, looked at Yulin, and said: No wonder the first time I saw you was in Flower Street, it turned out to be this kind of scheme, what did the head of that Western Realm King God think? I couldn't understand it, but I was shocked. Sun

Wuling couldn't understand why he was waiting for him on Flower Street, was he that kind of person? Where did that Western Realm King God learn about him and take him for someone?

"Sorry, bald... No, Senior Brother Tianjin Fan, everyone, my heart has been blocked in panic, no matter what punishment you have for me, or killing me, I have been living in guilt, it is really too uncomfortable. "

How to deal with it, if Sun Wuling's temperament in the past directly cut Yu Lin, he would not pity Xiang Xiang Yu, but now that Lane is here, he can't make up his mind, more importantly, Yu Lin is the junior sister of Tianjin Rice, let him decide!"

Tianjin rice is indifferent and has its own reserve, even if its own strength can no longer keep up with Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling and others, has not given up practice, compared to Kelin, Yamucha has more of his own persistence.

Tianjin Fan finally forgave Yulin, but it is impossible to recognize each other, and Sun Wuling and others are the same, for the sake of Tianjin Fan's face, they did not kill her, but it does not mean that they will welcome her.

Yurin's affairs also came to an end, and her ending ended up on Earth in the sixth universe, but with Ryan's care, there was no problem at all.

"You won't come here just to get Yurin to come over and apologize! Ryan?

Sun Wuling looked at Lane, took a sip of tea, and asked.

"Yurin's matter is just one, after all, she helps her mother with things, I can't bear to see her live with sinking all her life, father, what I'm going to say next is about the zero universe."

Lane's words made the hearts of Sun Wuling, Sun Wuhan and others lift up at once.

Universe Zero, also known as the Primitive Universe, is also the legendary world that destroys the seal of the angel Lucifer, the angel of time, Kronos.

Sun Wuling and the others also learned a lot from Kesi, but they did not know the internal situation of the zero universe, only knew that now Lucifer's power had been able to penetrate the seal of the whole king, and it was only a matter of time before the seal was broken.

Quan Wang, this unknown existence full of mysteries, even the seal he created with his own hands could not close that Lucifer, Sun Wuling could only say horror.

Lane smiled bitterly and said, "Father, in fact, that zero universe, my mother took me in!"

"You've been to Universe Zero!"

Sun Wuling, Bike, Vegeta and others were startled, and they cried out in a lost voice.

Lane nodded and said, "That's where I practiced, the environment there was like hell, and in the angel temple of universe zero, there are six sleeping fallen angels, and I practiced in this angel temple."

"Fallen Angel!"

Sun Wuling really didn't expect that Lane actually practiced in the Zero Universe, and he must know more secrets than Xin.

Lane continued: "The fallen angels are the angels who once followed the destructive angel Lucifer, and they accepted Lucifer's power and became more powerful, became fallen angels, and finally fell into a deep sleep due to the destruction of the thirteenth to eighteenth universes. "

Well, I know this, if the King God of the Realm dies, the God of Destruction will also disappear, and if the God of Destruction disappears, the angels will fall into a deep sleep, and the names of those fallen angels we also know from Miss Kers."

Sun Wuling replied towards Ryan.

The Fallen Angel is jealous of Leviathan: The original thirteenth cosmic angel!

Fallen Angel Wrath Samael: The original Fourteenth Cosmic Angel!

Fallen Angel Lazy Beryl: The original fifteenth cosmic angel!

Fallen Angel Greedy Mamon: The original Sixteenth Cosmic Angel!

Fallen Angel Gluttony Beelzebub: The original Seventeenth Cosmic Angel!

Fallen Angel Lust Asmode: The original eighteenth cosmic angel!

These six angels are all people who followed the destruction angel Lucifer and Kronos, the angel of time, against the whole king, and each of them, together with the original arrogant Lucifer, represents one of the original sin names.

Lane continued: "Not only that, in addition to these fallen angels, there are more minions, and in addition to those fallen angels, I have gathered everything I know in this roster.

After that, Lane threw Sun Wuling a roster with various gods and humans who had become servants.

"Wait, Dragon God Salama!"

Sun Wuling saw the name on the roster, and his jaw dropped in surprise.

Sun Wukong shouted in disbelief: "Ryan, are you sure that you are right? Salama, the dragon god who created Super Dragon Ball, is actually a subordinate of the Destruction Angel.

Sun Gohan then asked, "Yes, if the dragon god Salama is also the same, he directly uses the super dragon ball to make a wish, so that all the human beings in the universe become servants, right?"

Lane explained, "Because before he could do it, he was discovered by Lord Quan Wang and rescued by Lucifer before he was destroyed by Lord Quan King. "

Aaaaa How can it be!

At this time, Vegeta, who was flipping through the album, let out an incredulous cry, and everyone was puzzled, and looked at the name on the album curiously.

"Amoshi, the super Saiyan god, a self-proclaimed servant of God, is a faithful human believer in Lucifer!"

Vic read out the records on the roster and the introduction of Amoshi, the god of Super Saiyan.

The first Super Saiyan god among the Saiyans, with terrifying power that surpasses the average god of destruction.

"I don't believe that Lucifer, that bastard, actually treated our Super Saiyan God as a servant, and will never forgive!"

Vegeta's angry cry was full of madness, he could not accept that the super Saiyan god in his heart was actually beaten into a servant by Lucifer, and what made him angry was loyalty, which he would never accept.


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