Sun Wuling hugged No. 18 in his arms, looked cautious, and said softly: "I'm sorry, No. 18, I'm useless, I'm not a good father at all, and I've always put my daughter in danger." "

No. 18 buried in Sun Wuling's arms and cried, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan and others who rushed around were not a taste in their hearts, and on the 18th, Bra's cry was like a heavy hammer in everyone's ears, knocking everyone's hearts.

Bula cries and explains what had just happened, and after hearing that she herself had been broken by Lucifer's arm and two legs, Vegeta could no longer control her anger.

"Bastard, Lucifer, I Vegeta swear I will never spare you, I will slaughter you, I must slaughter you!" Let you not die well.

Vegeta's crazy roar resounded throughout the sky, and he had learned from Lane that among their Saiyans, the legendary Super Saiyan god Amoshi had become Lucifer's servant, and he was already angry, and now he was directly angry to the explosion.

Just as Bra was about to continue saying something, a streamer arrived, and the angel Xth rushed to Earth with Wes and Beerus.

Beerus looked retching at this time, a motion sickness look, no grace, even Weis, Myers' hair was already a little scattered at this time, and the image was not very good, Keth took them to rush with all his strength, from the God Destroyer Realm to Earth, it took a minute or so to arrive, that tearing speed, I didn't want to experience the second time at all.

However, Beerus, Weis, and Myers did not know that after discovering that Lucifer disappeared, he did not fly at full strength, otherwise he would have reached Earth faster.

"Mr. Weiss, Miss Kers, Lord Beerus, Mr. Myers!"

Sun Wuling and the others greeted the four people one after another.

Kesi glanced at the sleeping rose in No. 18's arms, and first temporarily gave up the plan to clean up Sun Wuling, and said: "Rose is indeed Lucifer's target!"

"Gram, Miss Kirth!"

After hearing Kess's voice, Rose woke up with a strong will, resisted the tired protest of her whole body, and woke up.

"Rose, you are very tired now, rest quickly!"

Sun Wuling's face changed, he had done this before, it was very uncomfortable, it would be better to rest normally in such a situation.

"Rose..." Hearing Rose's

voice, Bra came out of Vegeta's arms and quickly flew over.

Rose Wei said weakly: "Mom, dad, let me eat a fairy bean, please, just now I have something I want to consult with Miss Kesi!" After

hearing that Rose Wei couldn't let go of her practice, No. 18 felt her heart clench.

Sun Wuling sighed helplessly, Rose's temper was the same as him, and he was particularly stubborn in many things, and when he was about to take out the fairy beans, No. 21 and Lane came over.

"Wait a minute, let me come, father!"

Lane's palm was free to condense his energy, and he took a step ahead of the 21st to restore the rose treatment.

"Ryan, why are you here in the seventh universe?"

Beerus, who had recovered a little of his spirits, shouted in surprise.

Mels was also stunned, he felt that Lane's strength was stronger than him, and more importantly, Lane was a human being, and there were actually people among the human beings who had reached the realm of angelic strength.

With a smile on his face, Ryan replied, "Lord Beerus, I have come here to discuss some matters with my father. With

the influx of Lane's free and desperate power, Rose recovered, got down from No. 18's arms, floated in midair, and looked directly at Kirth.

"Miss X, I fought with Lucifer before, the spatial phase and reality around him were distorted, I couldn't enter his body at all, even the extreme freedom was the same, and finally I used a soul impact to temporarily knock that arrogant Lucifer unconscious, losing his will, but it was still useless, the distorted space seemed to be uncontrolled at all, as if it had self-awareness."

"Rose, you knocked Lucifer unconscious!"

Beerus's eyes widened, a look of disbelief, he still remembered that when he was in the palace of the whole king, the two guards of the whole king were directly shot by Lucifer, if it were not for the great priest, he might have died, and Lucifer's arrogant and invincible appearance left an unforgettable impression on him.

Even the others were stunned, Kesi took the lead to come to his senses, coughed softly a few times, and said: "It must be a carelessness of the enemy, and you were injured, it's a pity, the doppelganger and the soul of the body are connected, no wonder Lucifer actually withdrew directly, if Rose you used the power of extreme freedom to fuse with your soul's moves, it would definitely be enough for Lucifer to drink a pot."

"Combining the power of extreme freedom with soul impact!!"

Rose Wei was stunned, she didn't expect it at all, not only that, but even Sun Wuling was the same.

Kesi sighed and said: "Alas, it's a pity, such a good opportunity, this is talking to you later, as for Rose, the spatial phase distortion that overlaps with reality you said before, called space closed loop!" It is also a manifestation ability of the realm of God. "

Spatial Closed Loop !!"

Sun Wuling, Rose and others shouted out in amazement, and everyone listened carefully to Kesi's words.

Kesi continued: "When the realm of God reaches the realm of selflessness, it will merge with the surrounding world, forming a closed loop of space, and when it reaches such a realm, even Lord Wang cannot erase it, and it is also the realm of God that belongs to our world dimension.

Kess accented here in the last world dimension, with a hint of inexplicable meaning.

Vegeta hurriedly asked at this time: "Miss Kess, so to speak, only by reaching the realm of the god of the closed loop of space you said can you have a chance to defeat Lucifer?"

Kesi nodded, specially glanced at Sun Wuling, with a hint of caution, replied: "That's right, if you don't reach the realm of the god of the space closed loop and cancel it out with each other, you can't touch the god with the space closed loop at all, unless there is a spiritual attack such as a soul, otherwise, the space closed loop can resist all tangible attacks, and the ascending energy of one is somewhat inverted, after reaching that realm, many things that seem difficult can be easily solved."

Unlike Weiss and Myers, Beerus heard about it for the first time, and when he remembered the palace of the whole king, he said: "No wonder the two guards of the king were killed by flying seconds like that."

Sun Wuling nodded, and Kesi's admonition made him remember, and he gave up his plan to accumulate the power of free intention to attack the dantian.

Kex continued: "It is difficult to close the space loop of this god realm, except for Lucifer, me, my father, and Kronos, the angel of time, there is no god other than the four of us who has such a realm.

After that, Kesi glanced at the thoughtful Lane and said with a smile: "Mr. Lane can control space debris, it seems that he is also going in the direction of this space closed loop, and even has a little shadow of the space closed loop, if it is not too young, the power of the free mind God on the body is not strong enough, I am afraid that the rest of the angels may not be able to compare with you."

Lane replied: "That's right, Miss X, I am indeed practicing in the realm of the gods of the space closed loop, but this space closed loop is really difficult, and those who have reached such a state in the world can be counted on one hand." "


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