Kesi pouted angrily and said, "Father, why am I so short, the other younger siblings are so tall and so big, obviously I am the older sister!" When

Kesi said that when she was big, she lowered her head and could see her toes, she also remembered that in the tenth universe, Sun Wuling said that a woman who lowered her head and did not see her head and feet was the best in the world, even if Sun Wuling also said later, the proportion is the best and most beautiful, but she wants to become the most beautiful in the world.

"Kers, your heart is upset, I originally thought it was Lucifer's reason, it seems to be something else!"

The great priest looked at Kesi curiously, his fingers propped up his chin, and he looked suspicious, as if he felt that something was wrong with Kesi, and there was an inexplicable association in his heart, or he misunderstood.

"Messed up?!! With him, Lucifer is so angry that he hits a tree, father, you don't know how lacking Sun Wuling's human beings are, he took Lord Rumsey crookedly.

Kess's face puffed up angrily, she didn't expect that this father of hers had begun to think crookedly.

The Great Priest rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "In that case, Kesi, how about taking me to meet the Sun Wuling you said face to face?"

"What? Father, you want to see Sun Wuling! See what he does?

Kess said incredulously.

The Great Priest nodded, his elegant smile with an inexplicable light, looking a little gloomy, he seemed to remember that when the power conference, Sun Wuling even had his daughter, and said: "I want to see what kind of ability that human beings have to make my daughter's heart mess up like this."

Kesi nodded and spoke, "Okay, father, but it's better for us to observe secretly, don't contact him, otherwise you may also be taken crooked." "Good


The Great Priest nodded, he really wanted to see how this Sun Wuling tossed Kesi so broken.


Seventh Universe Earth, Sidu Bulma's House!

After learning what Ba went through, Bulma held a banquet, in addition to specifically thanking Rose, she also wanted to let Ba get out of the shadows as soon as possible.

Elephant Pa and Bardos also came and joined the party together, only to relax after learning that Lane was not leaving, and then, at the invitation of Bulma, joined the party together.

Sun Wuling and No. 18 were holding drinks in their hands at this time, because of what happened last time, they set an example for Rose Wei and would never drink again.

Beerus and Elephant Pa were fighting with each other at this time, and before they knew it, they were drinking too much, and they were still fighting with each other, and neither one let anyone.

"Hey, Beerus, are you drinking too much, no!"

"Xiangpa, it's you who drink too much, don't insist if you can't hold on!"

Beerus, whose face was flushed with the pimpa at this time, held each other's bottles and stared at each other with dead eyes, and no one would let anyone go.


Sun Wuling rolled his eyes, as if he had thought of something interesting, and took the drink in his hand and came to Xiangpa and Beerus.

"Lord Elephant Pa, Lord Beerus, besides drinking, there is something more fun, do you want to try it!"


The wine in Weis's mouth spurted out in one gulp, thinking of Rumsey, the god of destruction in the tenth universe.

"What's more fun, Goku, what?"

Beerus, like Pa's eyes widened, full of joy.



A stream of light crossed, and the Great Priest and Kesi came to Bulma's house, hiding their breath, and watching Sun Wuling and the others in a corner.

"Let's learn cat barking together, meow together..." Beerus

, Xiangpa held the microphone at this time and sang together, Sun Wuling, Rose, No. 18 and the family of three in the video without heart and lungs.

Sun Gohan, Sun Wukong, Bulma and others have already rolled with laughter, Beerus, Xiangpa has drunk too much and no longer knows anything, and Weis, Bardos, the two angels look at the starry sky incomprehensibly, the full moon is empty, they can't bear to look directly, they feel the feeling of Kess.

"This, this is Beerus, Elephant Pa!"

The Great Priest glared at the boss, his jaw was about to fall to the ground, and said, "What's going on, Beerus, Xiangpa is actually singing, singing so unreasonably!" This, is this all done by Sun Wuling? "

The Great Priest can call the current Beerus unreasonable, Xiangpa, he now understands, it is he who will be wrong, and he thinks that Kesi likes that Sun Wuling.

Kesi's immature little face was full of grievances at this time, pointed at Sun Wuling, and complained to the great priest: "Father, you see, this is Sun Wuling, before Lord Rumsey, now even Lord Beerus, Lord Xiangpa, have been taken crooked, woo-woo..." The

big priest touched Kesi's little head comfortingly, it turned out that Kesi did not like Sun Wuling, and thought that because Sun Wuling was confused, he liked him.

"In the future, there will be a chance for them to sing in front of Lord Quanwang!"

The Great Priest showed a smile, and the words he said made Beerus, like Pa, terrified.

"You have to include Lord Rumsey!"

Kerth then continued, looked at each other with the High Priest, smiled, turned into a streamer, and left Bulma's house.

Sun Wuling and the others didn't know about the Great Priest at all, and Kesi had just arrived.

After this evening banquet, everyone will start preparing for the next Lucifer.



"Sun Wuling... You're so damaged! "

Beerus, like Pa waking up at Bulma's house, flew towards Bun Mountain like crazy.

Coming to Bun Mountain, Beerus, Xiangpa only saw Rose and Lane playing Go at this time, and Lane sent the purple butterfly to investigate the situation of the earth, and how it was different from the earth he ruled.

"Rose, where is your father, where is Sun Wuling now?"

Beerus almost roared out, must delete the video, drinking too much was actually fooled by Sun Wuling to sing, and still sang together, the most important thing is to be videotaped.

Rose Wei looked at the chessboard intently at this time, and she and Lane were indistinguishable, and replied: "In the martial arts hall, practice with my mother, Uncle Goku, and Brother Gohan, and I got up very early." "

Beerus, Xiangpa flew over together, and at this time on the 18th, Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, and Sun Wuhan were sitting cross-legged on a bamboo pole more than twenty meters high.

Smooth and natural, without falling down in the slightest.


Suddenly, a breeze blew, Sun Gohan felt a little shaky, and after the bamboo pole swayed for a while, he quickly stabilized his figure.

"Uncle Wuling, what kind of practice is this! I feel so tired!

Sun Wuling kept his eyes closed and explained: "In addition to balance, this kind of cultivation can make you calm down physically and mentally, let your body get rid of all the excess thoughts and baggage, and make your mind more peaceful, even if you are extremely self-conscious, this kind of practice is also very useful." "


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