
Facing Kronos' words, Lucifer snorted coldly in dissatisfaction.

The cracked space around began to recover, and Lucifer looked at the sculptures of those fallen angels, excited, arrogant.

"Hahaha... Lord Quan Wang has removed the shackles of the original rules, and these fallen angels who follow me can also wake up, hahaha... Lord Quan Wang didn't really think that Michael's children were opponents of the fallen angels!

Kronos looked at Lucifer curiously and said suspiciously: "Oh, does Michael have any other children besides Xe?"

Lucifer opened his arms, and the energy of extreme ease gathered in his hands, and said disdainfully: "Except for Kess, Michael's other children are all waste, and they are not the opponents of the fallen angels at all." "


Kronos showed a smile, remembered something interesting, and said, "I really miss it, it's been so long, that little girl should have grown into a big girl at that time."

"No, I don't feel grown up at all, I feel no different from when I was a child, although I have reached the same height as us, but the appearance really seems to have not changed at all, and I don't know how Michael raised it, those other wastes that are tall and fat, just the smallest of the lengths."

Lucifer looked puzzled, and Kronos was like good friends, joking, playing, and once a partner in fighting together, that is, in front of Kronos, the high priest, Lucifer can have such an easy-going.

Kronos made up for Kris's appearance, quickly shook his head, and replied: "After I go out, I want to see Kesi properly!"

The purple energy in Lucifer's palm diffused, blended into the six sculptures around him, and replied: "It just so happens that Kex has been handed over to you, her strength is already comparable to you and Michael." "

Oh, Lucifer, are you saying that little girl is already about the same strength as mine?" Kronos seemed to have heard something strange, his eyes narrowed slightly, Lucifer would not say such things casually.

"Okay, after I go out, let me deal with this little girl Kers, I want to see how much she has grown."

Lucifer then added: "Add Salama to go with them, they need Super Dragon Ball, and we need it too, so Kex won't kill Salama."

Lucifer's words made Kronos' eyes stangle, let a lonely guy like him do this, and Kroese seemed to have grown more than he thought.


Lucifer's seal was lifted, and the burst of energy finally slowly returned to calm, and six blue-skinned, purple-haired, red-eyed angels wore a special battle robe and knelt on one knee.

"Lord Destruction Angel, Lord Angel of Time!"

The shackles of rules removed by all kings also awakened these fallen angels!

Lucifer showed a faint smile and looked condescendingly at the six fallen angels!

"Leviathan, Samael, Beryl, Mammon, Beelzebub, Asmode, after a long time, you have finally awakened."

Samael raised his head and asked suspiciously, "Lord Lucifer, what's going on?" Our corresponding universe has been destroyed by Lord Quanwang, we should be asleep, right?

Lucifer let out a contemptuous laugh and said, "Lord Quan Wang destroyed the shackles of the angels, the gods, and the gods of the realm, and it is also because of the disappearance of the shackles of this rule, you have also awakened from your slumber." Hearing

that it was Lord Quan Wang who had removed the shackles, the six fallen angels looked incredulous.

Beryl hurriedly asked, "Lord Lucifer, is Lord Quan Wang on our side this time?"

"Hmph, of course not, but this time Lord Quan Wang did not stand on Michael's side again, this time, it is also our opportunity, are you still willing to follow me?" Bring the world on track.

Lucifer's body slowly floated in the air, and the eyes of the fallen angel were filled with worship and fanaticism, and he replied without hesitation: "I am willing to follow Lord Lucifer!"

Kronos, the angel of time who looked at all this, showed a smile, his deep eyes seemed to see through everything, and whispered softly: "Finally, it's about to begin, the seal of Lord Quan Wang is already unable to stop Lucifer, two years ago, the past sixty years and the future were already a fog, Lord Quan King, this is also what you did, right?" What do you want to hide during this period of time, suddenly covering the future, but also covering the past sixty years, what happened during this period of time, so that Lord Quan Wang actually personally intervened and interfered with my prying time? "


The seventh universe, Earth, and Rose had deep troubles at this time, especially after learning that only after reaching the closed loop of space could he have the qualifications to fight Lucifer.

"What's wrong, Rose, is there anything unhappy?"

Sun Gohan wore a purple martial arts uniform and sat next to Rose, and he noticed that Rose was not practicing at this time, and asked with concern while wiping her sweat with a towel.

Rose nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and replied: "Brother Gohan, I heard that you have reached the level of restraint in the power of your own extreme will, I really congratulate you, unlike me, who has practiced for so long, I just reached the state of full power at the comfort of the extreme will." Rose

looked lost at this time, Sun Gohan didn't know how to persuade well, thought about it, and said: "Rose, your extreme freedom is several times more difficult than our God Realm, and you have reached the state of full power, which is already very good."

Rose pouted, supported her chin with both palms, and said, "But since the end of the power conference, it has been two years, I don't know when Lucifer and they will attack, Dad said that he has found a trace of entry, has caught up with Ryan, even Gohan brother you." Sun

Wuhan didn't know how to persuade and comfort Rose, his self-extreme and Sun Wuling's freedom can be guided, and Rose's extreme intention can only be self-comprehension.

Rose continued: "Freedom is pure creation, self is pure destruction, then what is my extreme freedom? And how did Lucifer do it? I asked Mr. Vis to ask the Grand Priest for me, but even the Great Priest did not know.

Sun Wuhan thought for a while, and spoke: "Rose, then you can refer to Lucifer, you should have seen him, since he can achieve the closed loop of space with the power of extreme ease, there must be something to refer to." "

Referring to him... Brother Gohan, you won't let me learn that Lucifer guy, will you! Rose

was full of disgust, the arrogant, self-righteous fellow, she felt that the Frieza she had seen before was better than Lucifer, and she repelled him from the bones.

Sun Gohan shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course not, Rose, isn't your extreme comfort completely opposite to Lucifer's?" In that case, you can also use him as a reference, and the reverse is not done?

"The other way around!"

Rose's voice raised a little, she didn't expect this at all, and Sun Gohan's words reminded her at once.


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