Zamas's affairs are no one else who knows his true face except Kers.

On the seventh universe earth, after Sun Wuhan's reminder, Rose has Lucifer as a reference, that is, crossing the river by feeling the stone.

Son Gohan, Vegeta's self-extremity is not referenced, but their self-esteem has two people to refer to!

Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong was in Bulma's house at this time, after contacting Weis, waiting for Weiss to take them to the tenth universe, Rose's approach gave them a wake-up call, touching the stone to cross the river, since Rose is touching Lucifer to cross the river, they can naturally also touch Kesi to cross the river!

Weiss came to Earth with Beerus, unlike before, Weiss and Beerus did not stay too much, nor did they enjoy food as before, taking Sun Wuling and Sun Wukong directly towards the tenth universe together.

On the way, in the shuttle block, Beerus, Sun Wuling, and Sun Wukong were playing poker at the moment.

Beerus asked, "Sun Wuling, are you going to scourge Kesi again?"

Beerus's words made Sun Wuling instantly collapse, what is a scourge!

Sun Wuling said dissatisfied, "Lord Beerus, what are you talking about?" Don't you and Weiss want to reach the level of spatial closed-loop? "


Beerus pouted, that kind of realm and power of the true apex, how could he not want to, but the destructive power of self-extreme, he had never heard of anyone who could reach that realm with self-extreme.

Sun Wukong said with a smile: "Gohan may be able to ah, he has really become so strong, Wuling, don't be caught up by him again at that time!"

Sun Wuling replied, "I have never vetoed Gohan's potential and talent. "

Sun Gohan's talent needless to say, after the guidance of Sun Wuling, the practice has not fallen, even if he has left Sun Wukong and Vegeta behind, Sun Gohan can still keep up with him.

The tenth universe has arrived!

The Destruction God Realm of the Tenth Universe, who was sitting cross-knee on the stone pillar at this time, was startled after sensing the arrival of Sun Wuling and his group, and his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Sun, Sun Wuling, why is this beast here again!"

Kirori's little face was full of horror, and she looked like she had been played badly.

Rumsey moved his shoulders at this time and said with a smile: "Oh, Sun Wuling is here, I don't know what music to bring here this time!"

Rumsey's words made Kesi pout with grievances, "No, Lord Rumsey." "


A stream of light fell, and Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, Weiss, and Beerus fell in front of Kess, Rumsey's eyes.

After gently flicking her twisted braid, Kesi stood up, looked at Sun Wuling, and asked, "Why are you here again?" If it's about the closed loop of space, I've told you how to do it.

Sun Wuling took a step forward, first greeted Rumsey politely, and explained his intentions to Kess.

"What? Are you going to fight me?

Kesi was stunned and looked at Sun Wuling, didn't this Sun Wuling understand the gap in strength with her?

Seeing Sun Wuling's serious look, as well as the space debris slowly condensing around her, she understood, and said with a smile: "So it is, space debris, like Ryan, have already entered the realm." "

Sun Wukong and Weiss, Beerus, and Rumsey left, leaving the venue to Keth and Sun Wuling!

A silver energy halo condensed around Sun Wuling's body, and the space debris around him stood around his body, "Although it is a beginner, it is not a real space closed loop after all, Miss Kesi, sorry to disturb you at this time, let me experience this supreme power at the apex!"

The magic staff in Kesi's hand waved and spun, and finally pointed at Sun Wuling, and the silver braided hair flicked behind his head, "Yes, but I also need to ask you about one thing."

Kesi's words made Sun Wuling's condensed momentum dissipate, and he asked suspiciously: "I can actually help Miss Kesi?" What the hell is going on?

Kesi tilted her head and pouted, "Because you have many ghost ideas and can especially exploit loopholes, I need you to help me exploit a loophole."

Sun Wuling's head was tilted, a little confused, always felt that Kesi's words were strange, but he couldn't say what was wrong, maybe he thought too much.

"As long as I can help, I will definitely help, Miss Kers, I'm coming!"


Sun Wuling's spiritual eyes opened, and a silver energy film condensed around him, and he instantly came behind Kesi, condensed a turtle faction qigong bomb, and threw it towards Kesi.


Under the vision of Sun Wuling's spiritual eyes, his turtle sect qigong bullet was automatically squeezed by the space around Kesi, as if it came to life, and attacked him, and the magic staff in Kesi's hand stood on the ground, his gaze did not change at all, and he didn't even look at it.

"See, space closed loop, is that Miss Kess's space closed loop?"

Sun Wukong, who was fighting in the distance, also watched the battle between Sun Wuling and Kesi with his spiritual eyes.

Beerus, Rumsey, and Weiss also watched intently. Suddenly, Beerus spoke towards Rumsey, "Hey, Rumsey, Kex has been your angel for so long, haven't you learned a little?" "

Hahaha... No, so be it, I've already started studying dancing, how cold..." Just

as Rumsey was about to hum, he was quickly stopped by Weiss.

"Lord Rumsey, let's quiet the battle between Mr. Gomori and Xes first!"


Shout! Shout! Phew....

The distorted space around Kesi struck towards Sun Wuling, and if it weren't for the special means to be completely invisible, Sun Wuling kept opening the distance in an instant.

Sun Wuling's pineal gland condensed a halo of energy, and was about to try the soul impact, but Kesi's figure had disappeared in front of his eyes.


Sun Wuling looked around, and Kesi's breath also disappeared, completely out of sight.

"I'm here!"

The immature girl's voice with a hint of playfulness made Sun Wuling's expression suddenly freeze, and Kesi came to his back at this time, and slapped her palm on Sun Wuling's shoulder.



Sun Wuling spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body seemed to fall apart, he just felt Kesi's palm slap on him, and the divine power on his body was suddenly dispersed by a huge force.

Kesi landed smoothly in front of Sun Wuling, and the girl's young and immature loli little face showed a faint smile, feeling relieved a lot.

"This is the gap, Sun Wuling, after reaching the closed loop of space, in addition to the improvement of strength, there are more things that can be done, such as..." Under

the eyes of Sun Wuling's spirit, a spatial square condensed in Kesi's palm, and Weiss and Sun Wukong were transferred to the side by Kesi with the move of space transfer, and when the technique and power were assembled, the Great Priest transferred people in various universes exactly the same.

"You saw it at the power conference, father, no, Lord Great Priest used this move to transfer you to the ring, and the eliminated fighters at that time were also transferred to the stands."


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