At this time, Bun Mountain, Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Sun Wuhan, Bike, Broly, Rose, Lane, Beerus, etc. stood side by side in a row.

Kesi was sitting on the podium in the shade at this time, looking condescendingly at the people who wanted to practice, Weiss and Bulma, Kiki and others were drinking tea, eating snacks, and watching Sun Wuling and others from a distance.

After glancing at Sun Wuling, Lane said with a smile: "Father, I didn't expect you to inform me as well."

Sun Wuling stood straight and straight, like a student during military training, and replied in a low voice: "Cultivate well, this opportunity is difficult, Lane, come on."

"Yes, Father!"

Lane naturally knew how rare this opportunity was, the realm power that was truly at the apex, he had been stuck here and could not go further, especially seeing that Sun Wuling had already followed him, and even surpassed his appearance, which made him feel a little anxious.

In three years, Tenanks, Sun Wutian, etc. have also grown up, and they have grown into big boys, and Bula, Rose is the same, the pavilion is erected, and the girlish appearance of Rose is almost exactly the same as the figure in the memory of Vegeta, Vic and others, and it looks more and more like No. 18.

Kess's appearance made Tenanks in the distance ask suspiciously: "Is she the angel who killed Uncle Goling in one move?" It doesn't look like it at all, and it looks similar to us!

"Shut up..."

Suddenly Bra pinched the flesh around Tenanks's waist, she was now wearing a red fashion crop top, and when she saw Rose's dissatisfied eyes in the ring, she quickly whispered to Tenanks.

Bra's shouting also made Sun Wutian quickly close his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know, Tenanks, Rose told me."

Xiaofang, who was already three years old, gently grabbed Bidili's sleeve at this time and asked, "Mom, why don't you go to the class with your father and grandfather!" Bidili

shook her head with a wry smile and held Xiaofang in her arms, she had already opened up all the dantian of her body with the help of the 18th, but the cultivation after the realm of gods would depend on herself, she had no clue at all, and she couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.


Kesi looked at Sun Wuling and the others in the audience, and spoke: "The concept of space closed loop is useless no matter how much you say, let you really experience it once to have a clear understanding of the concept of space." "


Sun Wuling and the others stared, Kesi was going to play so big at the beginning.

The magic staff in Kesi's hand hit the ground, the power of God spread, and the space suddenly shattered and broke in half, which frightened everyone, and Xiaofang jumped into Bidili's arms in fright.

Bidili, No. 18, Bulma and everyone else who were watching from a distance were also wide-eyed, and the blue water-curtain-like space was full of dreamy feelings, at this time, they stepped on the glass-like space, standing, as if stepping on the ground, protected by a protective cover.

Unlike others, Sun Wuling, Beerus, Sun Wukong and others are flying in this space at the moment.

Beerus seemed to know what was here, and a cold sweat condensed on his forehead, "It's not good, Goku, Goku, this is where the phases of space are distorted and overlapped."

"Oh, Lord Beerus knows too!"

Kess's figure came to them at some point, and as if it were dreamy, there was no trace of emotion on Lori's green little face.

"Since Sun Wuling, you ask me to guide you in your practice, I also have to take responsibility to you, you want to let your divine power reach the closed loop of space, I thought for a long time, I can only use more than conventional training methods."

Kesi's words made Sun Wuling and the others couldn't help but swallow their spit, and Beerus was even more shocked into a cold sweat.

Weiss also spoke: "Kess, will it be too chaotic, if you are accidentally involved in the turbulence of space, you will be seriously swept to death on the spot, if you are lucky, you will be lost in a certain time and space, and you may never be able to return."

Weiss's words made No. 18, Kiki, Bulma, etc. explode instantly.

Kiki looked at Sun Wukong and the others at this time and shouted: "No, Gohan, Goku, Goku, this is too dangerous, don't go, what if you accidentally run into spatial turbulence for a while!"

No. 18's face also changed drastically, and he no longer looked cold, and said, "Miss Kesi, is there a slightly safer cultivation, if it is like this in the first place, isn't it too ruthless!"

Kess explained: "That's because none of you have an absolute concept of space, that is the nature of the world, it is still too late to exit, there are some things that can only be understood if you really experience it, by the way, this is only the first and most dangerous step, I will do my best to help you."

"Come on, Miss Kers! I stay,"

Sun Wuling chose to stay first, the strength of Kesi has made him a little unattainable, that Lucifer who is stronger than Kes, will be more terrifying, really let Lucifer kind of guy return, the idea of treating humans as servants, the world he rules, can human life be good?

Rose, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, Lane, etc. stayed without hesitation.

"Hmph, the prince of the Saiyans can't just back down like that." Vegeta snorted coldly and stood beside Sun Wuling.

"Sorry, I quit!"

It was Vic who spoke at this time, and Broly.

Broly said in disappointment, "I'm sorry, but the bloodline in my body is starting to be afraid, Mr. Gory, Goku, everyone."

Vic said, "My strength is too different from yours, I'm afraid I will hold you back then." "


Broly and Vic were transferred to the protective cover by Ke Space.

Keth continued to ask, "Wise choice, is there anything you want to give up, Lord Beerus, what about you?"

"Don't underestimate the God of Destruction, let's get started, Kers!"

Beerus clenched his fists, as if on guard against a great enemy.

"Space turbulence is coming, by the way, don't think about releasing qigong bombs to attack space turbulence, you guys think about how to dodge, by the way, teleportation such a move, is useless here."

The staff in Kess's hand was held high, and with the crystal ball on a staff emitting a ray of light, Kess and Weiss hid in the distance with everyone inside the protective cover, forming a spatial block, completely isolated.


A gathering space shook, and the hearts of Sun Wuling and the others were raised in their throats.


The space was broken, and in the sight of Sun Wuling and the others, the space above was completely cracked, and the dense water droplets broke through the cracks and rushed towards the face like the waves of the sea.

"Too, it's too!"

The corners of Rose's mouth couldn't help but tug, the spatial turbulence continued to spread, and there was no end in sight in an instant, but under her perception, there was at least a light year away, and it was not over.

"This is space, every drop of water in the spatial turbulence condenses countless spaces and time interlacing, don't get involved, by the way, the spatial turbulence is irregular, don't be careless."

Beerus gritted his teeth, his body shuttling through the turbulence of that wavey space.

"Yes..." Sun

Wuling, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Sun Gohan, Rose, Lane, and Beerus shuttled through the turbulence of space and began special training.


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