"Hahaha... Touched, hit, Kirth, I can touch you.

Sun Wuling let out a maniacal laugh, and the heaven-shaking palm of all nations condensed, and just at the moment when he was about to erupt, Kesi's palm suddenly clenched his fist and slammed it hard.

"Ahhh..." The

wrist suddenly broke, and the condensed Heaven-shattering Palm of All Nations instantly collapsed, emitting a painful scream, and Kesi directly broke his wrist.

This severe pain made Sun Wuling's fiery and violent heart begin to weaken as if a basin of cold water had been poured with cold water.

The girl's immature appearance was full of coldness and indifference, without a trace of emotion, her voice was cold and piercing, and her other hand was behind her back.

"Sorry, my father calmed down quickly with the help of Lord Quanwang, and I calmed down because of my father at that time, Sun Wuling, I will use this left hand to calm you down completely."

Kesi grabbed Sun Wuling's wrist and pulled it towards him, and his palm turned into a fist and struck towards Sun Wuling.

Qi Yuan chop!

Sun Wuling used his other hand to form a silver qi yuan slash towards Kesi, Kesi's words once again completely ignited his heart that had been furious, actually looked down on him, he also reached this supreme supreme realm, and he was afraid that you would not succeed.


Kesi did not dodge, did not dodge, his eyes were cold, without a trace of emotion, and the clenched powder fist not only shattered his Qi Yuan Slash under Sun Wuling's incredulous gaze, but also shattered with the sharp edge of the Qi Yuan Chop.


The fist hit Sun Wuling's face hard, and the huge force made Sun Wuling's face deformed.

Sun Wuling felt a heavy sinking in his mind, bleeding from the seven tips, and his body began to be a little unstable. His mentality collapsed a little, and with the Qi Yuan Slash just now, he was also shattered by Kesi Front.

A smile appeared on Kesi's delicate little face, and said with a smile: "Sorry, it's a little heavy, I didn't expect you to be so unbeaten, Sun Wuling, do you want to continue to come, I have time to help you vent your silver divine power." Kesi

withdrew his left hand and distanced himself from Sun Wuling, walking leisurely.

Sun Wuling took a deep breath to calm himself down, the power of his free intention condensed, and the broken wrist and other wounds were recovered in an instant.

"The ability to heal yourself? Did you develop your own power well? Kesi

stretched out his left hand, his right hand was behind his back, indifferently and calmly, "However, you are no different from that Lucifer and Kronos now, even though they have been taught by Lord Quan Wang together with their father, the two of them still have not changed in the slightest, becoming puppets dominated by their own power, choosing to resist the will of Lord Quan King."

Sun Wuling wiped the blood stains on his face, rubbed his wrist and the place where he had just been hit by Kesi, before this time, now he was completely calmed down, and returned to his usual appearance, complaining: "Let me recover my senses and don't start so ruthlessly, Kesi, it hurts." Seeing

that Sun Wuling had recovered, Kesi spread his hands and said, "No way, if you are also dominated by your own power like Lucifer and Kronos, I can only destroy you with my own hands."

"It's really merciless, Kers, but when the time comes, I'll beg you to kill me!"

Sun Wuling moved his wrist that had just been broken, lost control and became a demon, affected by his own strength, and he didn't feel like himself at all at that time.

"Alas, this sudden surge of power is really fascinating and crazy!"

Sun Wuling couldn't help but sigh with emotion, his mentality had stabilized, and he also understood why Kesi let him cultivate in this void space, because he didn't want the power he had just erupted to be perceived by Lucifer.

Lucifer's center of gravity was on the High Priest and Kirth, and his power could definitely play a decisive role, and the advantage began to turn to this side.

Kesi stretched out his left hand, squeezed it gently, and then let go, "Although you have reached the realm now, your own divine power is much smaller than ours, you seem to have any cultivation methods, I don't have to worry, next, it's up to you."

"Well, it's really been hard for you for a while, Kers!"

Sun Wuling calmed himself down, his next practice was to use his own free extreme power, all the dantian on his body to strengthen the explosion with the power of god, now before this time, much easier, he felt that it would not take too long, he could even use the power of god to open all the dantian of his body before Lucifer broke the seal.


Sun Wuling and Kesi stayed in that void space for another two days before coming out and returning to Bun Mountain.

At this time, No. 18 was drying clothes on the balcony, and after seeing Sun Wuling and Kesi, his face was suddenly happy.

"Wuling, you're back!"

The shout of the 18th also made the rose in the house quickly run to the balcony, jumped down from the balcony excitedly, and came to Sun Wuling.

"Dad, did you succeed?"

Sun Wuling smiled at No. 18, Rose compared a victory gesture, and said with a smile: "Of course it succeeded, No. 18, Rose, I have now reached that spatial closed loop, how is it, am I powerful?"

After No. 18 gave a blank look, he continued to dry his clothes, gave Sun Wuling a back, and said: "When did you start to be so narcissistic, just when you came back, Rose Wei didn't eat or sleep much for a while, and she has been delving into your extreme field, and I don't listen to any advice."

"Is that so? Rosebush!

Sun Wuling looked very serious, lowered his head, and looked at Rose with a straight face, now Rose's height has reached his chest, and he is about to catch up with Kesi after making a wish.

Rose nodded, her delicate little face full of loss.


Suddenly, Rose's stomach made a cry of protest, which made Sun Wuling's face darken.

Sun Wuling's voice was cold and angry, he was really angry, and said: "Rose, why don't you eat, it's hard for us to cook, or is it that when we grow up, even my mother and I don't care."

"No, Dad, I definitely don't have this, there is no better Mom and Dad in the world!"

When Rose Wei heard Sun Wuling's words, her little face suddenly changed, and she quickly shook her head and replied, and this sentence was also her sincerity.

Sun Wuling's good mood for breaking through now was instantly gone, looked at Rose, and asked: "Who are you showing without you, you haven't practiced to the extent that you don't need to eat, Rose, or do you think that if you go on a hunger strike, you can do everything."

"I, I just can't eat, I have no appetite, Dad, I really don't, don't be angry."

Rose quickly waved her hand and replied.

Sun Wuling glanced at No. 18, who was still drying clothes at this time, and replied: "My stomach is calling, I don't have an appetite yet, hurry up and eat with me, I will do it myself, Miss Kesi, if you don't dislike it, please come and have a light meal together!"

"Well, you're in trouble, Go-spirit!"

Kesi waved the magic staff in her hand, followed Sun Wuling, Rose, and walked into the apartment.


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