The zero universe, also known as the initial universe of origin, is located at the Supreme God Realm of the zero universe at this moment, Sun Wuling raised his head and looked at Lucifer at each other, his eyes were like torches, like sharp sharp knives.

Time seems to freeze in this moment!

Suddenly, a closed loop of space erupted between the two sides, and the abnormally distorted space-time, endless fog and extreme realm collided with each other.


Lucifer looked at the closed loop world of Sun Wuling's space with some surprise, it was full of desolate and ancient worlds, there was no end in sight, and the world that Sun Wuling imagined was completely different from others.

Lucifer's spatial closed-loop concept is endless fog, Sun Wuling's spatial closed-loop concept is the realm of extreme intentions, and Kronos, Kesi, and the Great Priest all conceive of the cosmic starry sky, which is completely different.

In the confrontation of the spatial closed loop, Lucifer's endless fog is slightly inferior, and Sun Wuling's spatial closed loop is the extreme realm of conception, and it also has the power of the extreme realm.

Lucifer felt the sense of oppression brought by the realm of extreme intentions, and the power in his body was weakened, which made him really more and more curious about the spatial closed loop that Sun Wuling envisioned.

"It's really powerful, it can actually weaken my power, what kind of world are you envisioning."

Lucifer was full of curiosity, the strange soul on Sun Wuling's body, and deliberately covered himself with a soul barrier, he felt that Sun Wuling must have some secret.

Sun Wuling stretched out his palm defiantly and said lightly: "If you beat me, I'll tell you, but can you?"

The plain words were full of contempt, Lucifer was the first time he had encountered him, and no one had ever dared to despise him so much.


Lucifer's extreme and free power converged, and a wave of energy diffused, instantly shattering Sun Wuling's spatial closed loop, forming one qigong wave after another towards Sun Wuling.


Sun Wuling's body jumped, disappeared in front of Lucifer's eyes in an instant, and instantly flew out of the Supreme God Realm, about a light-year distance, space steps, the space under his feet squirmed, supporting Sun Wuling's body.

Sun Wuling's palm opened, and the power of his intention spread freely, instantly centered on his palm, and spread straight to a hundred light years away.


The energy of the free extreme intention converged, and an invisible and transparent space long blade formed, and with the wave of Sun Wuling's palm, the space of one hundred light years long was like a sword blade, striking towards the Supreme God Realm.

Lucifer's gaze froze, and the space shifted to the outside of the Supreme God Realm, his arm was raised, and the power of extreme freedom condensed in the palm of his hand, forming a purple energy bomb.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and the purple energy bullet in Lucifer's hand wiped out Sun Wuling's move, as if it had evaporated.

"Sure enough, like Rose, the power of extreme self-consciousness not only has the power of self-conscious creation, but also has the power of self-extreme destruction, and it is really more troublesome."

Sun Wuling did not have the slightest fear in his eyes, and the power of extreme ease seemed to be more troublesome, but it was not impossible to crack, he had made a lot of preparations in order to deal with Lucifer, and he came with the goal of killing him.

Lucifer instantly came to Sun Wuling at this time, and like Sun Wuling, he stepped in space, in the void of universe zero, as if stepping on the ground.

"Not bad? It doesn't seem to be that kind of shell-like goods, Sun Wuling, can you tell me why you want to kill me? When did I offend you, or was it the reason why all cosmic humans were wiped out because of my endless fog?

Lucifer stretched out his palm and asked Sun Wuling.

Sun Wuling frowned, it seemed that this arrogant Lucifer, who could establish order in the chaos in the past, could become the first great priest, not the absolute arrogance and madness he imagined.

Lucifer was not a simple fellow, otherwise there would not have been so many gods who would have followed him against the king.

"Remember what you did when you were in the seventh universe? Lucifer!

Sun Wuling's voice almost roared, he was very angry, his heart had been lingering, and Rose was almost taken away by Lucifer.

"The Seventh Universe ??"

Lucifer recalled suspiciously, he got an energy doppelganger to go to the seventh universe, wanting to bring Rose back.

"Rose, are you Rose's father!"

Lucifer shouted out in surprise, the reason why he thought so, he noticed that when fighting, Rose and Sun Wuling's eyes were exactly the same, full of coldness, in his line of sight, Sun Wuling and Rose figures seemed to overlap.

Sun Wuling's fists clenched, his palms continuously condensed the turtle faction qigong bullets towards Lucifer, and said angrily: "That's right, Rose is my daughter, Lucifer, you bastard, I'll let you die." "

Phew! Shout! Phew....

The dense turtle faction qigong bombs struck towards Lucifer, and a purple energy film formed around Lucifer's body, and the turtle faction qigong bombs hit his body, and they were all evaporated by the energy film on his body.

"It's incredible, Rose is actually your daughter, I really don't know how you taught, just blindly cultivating and improving strength, you can't practice extremely freely."

Lucifer's praise did not make Sun Wuling happy, Sun Wuling's voice was still very cold, and said: "Rose has her own ability, it has little to do with me, all I can do is do my best to give her a world where she can soar."


let out a burst of laughter and laughed: "How many people can really do this, stupid humans will always repeat the same mistakes again and again, worthless, I really don't understand why Lord Quan Wang would let mankind become the leader of the world."

"Sorry, I'm human too!"


Sun Wuling's eyes widened, and a silver halo flashed at the pineal gland, and the soul impact mixed with the power of extreme freedom struck towards Lucifer.

Lucifer refused to show weakness in the slightest, and the arrogant eye of soul and other moves were released, colliding with Sun Wuling's soul impact.


The two invisible shocks spread, and Sun Wuling's black hair was curled, not moving.

Lucifer took two steps backwards before he stabilized his figure, and in this spiritual soul move, Sun Wuling pressed Lucifer's head.

Lucifer's forehead condensed green tendons, gritting his teeth, the previous spatial closed loop and now, made him very unhappy, he was actually suppressed by Sun Wuling again and again.


Sun Wuling's face did not change in the slightest, his palm was like a knife, and the power of his mind gathered freely, and the surrounding space was frozen on his palm, as if he was wearing a glove, and the energy bomb thrown by Lucifer flew away.

The energy bomb scattered and landed in a distant galaxy about 1.5 light-years in diameter.


The energy bomb burst, the compressed space burst instantly, and the law of extreme freedom, the galaxy about one and a half light years away, with the energy bomb explosion was instantly engulfed, disappeared forever and collapsed, forming a strong energy storm spread around.

Sun Wuling, Lucifer was light and indifferent, and the energy storm spread through the two without making any waves, and in the end, this energy storm spread for about eight thousand light years before dissipating.


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