On the earth of the parallel world, Sun Wukong quietly listened to Bulma at this time telling the concept of time and space, and it was not as difficult as he imagined.

Bulma spoke: "Sun Jun, don't imagine space, time is too complicated, let it be, how much time is now, how much time is before, it is so simple, and space is irregular." Bulma

thought for a while, and said in a description that Sun Wukong could understand: "If you compare space to your qi, and after you let your qi out, don't control him and let him flow by himself, this is probably the concept of space, there is no law."

"Yes, is that so? Bulma, this is like the self-conscious work, alas, alas, it's a pity that it was too late to know.

Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, but it was too late, now the battle had begun, but what exactly should be done to achieve the best of both worlds, neither destroying this parallel world, but also destroying Kronos' wheel of time.

"By the way, there is a way, Bulma, I have a way, I can not let Ah Quan destroy your world, how can I forget this."

Sun Wukong patted his head, he remembered that the king said that he would help find a friend before, he had heard from Kesi about the origin of the king, and the law itself had existed at the beginning of the world, and he was also the absolute ruler.

"But before that, Bulma, you can wait a minute, I'll go to New Namex to see if I can find their qi, and ask them to use the Dragon Ball to restore our earth."

Bulma nodded with a smile and said, "We have all considered this matter before, but we have no idea where the coordinates of the new Namex are at all, and even the divination mother-in-law has disappeared, and there is no chance at all."

"Well, it's really here, great, Bulma, I'll be right there."

After searching for breath, Sun Wukong found the location of the new Nenamet, and instantly disappeared in front of Bulma's eyes, and came to the New Namex Star.


Universe Zero was born, Lucifer led everyone to establish a new order, and under the new order, a hell called Tartarus was born.

Tartarus is the essence of hell and the home of souls after death, connected to reality by the River Styx, created by the angel of time, Kronos, the hell of the zero universe, and used to punish erring gods.

Originally, Tartarus was in charge of Kronos's subordinates, but in the previous turmoil, all of Kronos's subordinates had died in battle, and Lucifer's former subordinates were only Fallen Angels and Salama, as for Amosi, Lyra, and Zhai Kou, all of them joined later.

The sky of the realm of Tartarus is covered with endless fog, and under Keth's feet is the underworld of the hell of Tartarus, the dark and vast earth, and the mountains in the distance are burning endless karmic fires, which will never be extinguished, and are gods used to punish sin.

Suddenly, Kesi saw in the distance, under her perception, there was a wide and endless burning river, in addition, there was the endless abyss, and the gods who received punishment fell into it and could never come up.

"Welcome to Tartarus, which was once the hell of Universe Zero! It is also the place where the soul of the god who takes away the sins dies, and this is also the place where your sins are judged. The

figure of Kronos flew from the hot river of karma fire and landed in front of Kirth, and the ring that had been floating behind his head disappeared at this moment.

Kesi looked at Kronos stubbornly with big blue eyes and said, "Hmph, isn't it that after you die, souls will also come to this Tartarus hell!"

"The winner is the king and the loser is the loser, and I have never denied the fate of us after death."

Kronos said very directly, and then said to Kess: "By the way, in addition to Michael, Kess, and you, we were all gods of the zero universe before, and the place after death is naturally in this Tartarus hell, which used to have the seal of Lord Quanwang, so it was cut off, but now, the seal of Lord Quanwang has been broken, Kers, you know what I mean." Kesi

couldn't help but feel a tingling in her scalp, Universe Zero is also the Primitive Universe, the location of the gods in the past, and she was also born in Universe Zero, so there is still this connection, which is completely different from those younger siblings.

"Uncle Kronos, this place is still left to you, even if I die here, I will directly lift you here."

Kess's palm staff swung and spun up, facing Kronos, and the power of his own mind erupted, and a powerful whirlwind of energy struck towards Kronos.

Kronos formed a barrier, blocking Kers's energy whirlwind, his body jumped, flew in the air, his eyes froze, and two silver laser light waves struck towards Kers.


Kesi flipped backwards, and Kronos' two silver laser light waves hit the underworld under Kesi's feet just now, without any trace, and was swallowed and absorbed by the underworld on the ground.


Keth let out a coquettish cry, his figure jumped, and a wave of energy struck towards Kronos.

Kronos's figure jumped, like a dream jump, like dancing, avoiding Kros's energy waves.

Kronos's palms continued to condense one energy bullet after another, striking towards Kronos one after another.

Shout! Shout! Phew....

Kros's body flipped in the air, space stepped, and the petite body passed through Kronos' energy bombs, clenched his fists, and attacked Kronos.


Kronos stepped in space, like stepping on the ground, and the palm of his hand caught Kesi's punch, and a crack appeared in the flat space generated under his feet.


Kesi let out a coquettish sound, her petite body flipped, borrowed power through spatial steps, spun and flew and kicked Chloe's neck fiercely.


The flat space under Kronos' feet shattered and broke, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

Kronos volleyed over and fell smoothly to the ground, raised his head, looked at Kesi who was coming at him at this time, and showed a smile.


An arc suddenly flickered in the endless fog, and I felt a strong sense of danger, but it was over, caught off guard, and in the endless fog, a thunder fell, directly on Kesi's body.


Kronos was not idle at this time, the surrounding space was abnormally squirming, compared to Ryan's space fragments, they with a closed loop of space, they were more complete and more powerful.


The wriggling space formed a series of sharp long thorns, even if Kesi endured the pain at this time, he could only protect his head and chest with his arms, arms, body, lower abdomen, thighs, palms were all stabbed by space long thorns, purple blood left from the wound, Kesi is now completely a bloody person, miserable and lovely, I want to hold it in my arms for comfort.


A sharp spatial thorn formed in Kronos's hand, looking at Kesi, who looked miserable at this time, did not have any pity for Xiangxiang Yu at all, and fell out forcefully, penetrating Kesi's lower abdomen.

"Xth, now the time and place are all here with me, and in this hell of Tartarus, you have no chance of victory."


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