"Impossible, Lord Quan Wang can't interfere, Lord Quan Wang! What's going on? All

Kronos looked like he was devastated at this time, and the sudden appearance of the king made him crazy.

At this time, Kesi slowly flew to Sun Wukong, in front of the whole king, holding the magic staff, bent down towards the whole king Weiwei, and saluted: "Lord Quan King, Guian!" "


The child's childish voice was empty and light, and the king looked at Kronos and the others who were terrified at this time.

"Here, well, the wheel of time, is it Kronos, the angel of time? Already out? The

voice of the king made Kronos startled, and when he came back to his senses, he understood that the king in front of him was the king of this parallel world.

"Impossible, my wheel of time is impossible to alarm Lord Quanwang, impossible! I don't believe why you have the means to summon Lord Quanwang. After

Kronos understood everything, his heart was about to collapse, and he saw that in his line of sight, the whole king raised his palms, and the power full of destruction condensed and formed.


Kronos quickly took back the realm of Tartarus, and the body fled with the dragon god Salama, who was already unconscious at this time, and the spatial closed loop surged and disappeared into the world, even the spatial closed loop was not wanted.

"Kronos, don't think about running, Lord Quanwang, thank you for your help!"

"Ah Quan, goodbye, thank you, after the matter is over, I will take you to meet a good friend!"

Kesi broke the space first and rushed in, followed by Sun Wukong swinging towards Quan Wang and shouting loudly.

"Well, okay, Goku!"

Quan Wang's dull appearance made a childlike childish voice, waved his hand at Sun Wukong, and the entire Kronos' wheel of time and the endless doppelganger were destroyed by the whole king in an instant, clean, without any trace.

After being summoned by Sun Wukong with a button, Quan Wang learned the situation from Sun Wukong, and he originally planned to destroy the entire world because of this, but after Sun Wukong's persuasion, he stopped this plan.

Kronos, who has reached the supreme realm, cannot be destroyed, but the wheel of time can, and more importantly, the king of this parallel world has understood everything that happened, and he has his own results in his heart, and he also understands what kind of plans he has in the other world.


Outside, in the earthlings, Broly, Rose, etc., they sensed the divine breath that Sun Gohan burst out, and the majestic power of self-extremity seemed to destroy everything, making people feel suffocated.

Cold sweat condensed on Rose's forehead, and she said in surprise: "This, is this the power of Brother Gohan?" It's so powerful, you can feel it from so far away, so strong, there is a fallen angel who was solved by Brother Gohan.

No. 21 gently held up his glasses at this time, and the sky returned to its previous clarity, and said with a smile: "The endless fog has also disappeared, the sky has also cleared, and everything is going smoothly."

Vic nodded in satisfaction at this time, even the legendary fallen angels were not Sun Gohan's opponents, except for Yamucha's accidental leaving of a famous painting, they were all intact.

In the spiritual time room, the scene reflected through the crystal ball, everything that happened on the earth, was also seen by Bulma and everyone else, and the excited cheerful sound filled the entire room.

Bulma and Tais and Kiki hugged each other, and everything went smoothly according to plan.

"Alas, Yamucha is too careless, otherwise, it would not be possible to sacrifice like that."

The eyes under the sunglasses of the turtle immortal completely saw through why Yamucha died just now, too careless and reckless, and Sun Wuling also reminded in advance not to be careless, let alone act alone.

Lan Fang gently supported her chin, her palm kept stroking her lower abdomen, a gentle smile, and bright eyes with a hint of maternal brilliance.

"It's okay, there is also Dragon Ball, and the master has already prepared accordingly before, don't worry, Mr. Yamucha will deal with it properly."

"Dispose of properly??? Lan Fang, Wuling, where did he arrange Yamu tea? Now hell is full!

Tais asked curiously.


On the King of the Realm, at this time, Yamucha was wearing an orange martial arts uniform, wearing a halo on his head, and looked like he did not dare to see people, feeling very humiliated, and his palm slapped behind the King of the Northern Realm.

The King of the Northern Realm also said sarcastically without hesitation: "Before Sun Wuling came to me, let me arrange to dispose of you, but I didn't expect that someone really came over!" It depends on the situation, or the only one. "

The words of the King of the Northern Realm were like a sharp knife, stabbing Yamucha's heart fiercely, like falling into an ice cellar, and the heart that wanted to die was there, although he was already dead, he seemed to find a crack to drill into, and he was actually so dead.

"But compared to these, what makes me more dissatisfied is why the Genki bomb has not been used once!" Is this move really useless? "

The King of the Northern Realm hung his head in disappointment at this time, all kinds of battles, it seems that the Yuan Qi Bullet has never been used, is this move really useless?

"Gohan is so good!"

Yamucha closed his eyes, the battle between Sun Gohan and the fallen angels in the universe continued at this moment, and Sun Gohan crushed those fallen angels with an absolute posture.


In the seventh universe, Sun Gohan protects his chest with his hands, his posture is cold and indifferent, but his scarlet eyes are full of tyranny and madness, and he looks at Leviathan with contempt.

Leviathan and the others were panting at the moment, five people went together, exhausted all kinds of means, and there was no way at all, the gap in strength was too big.

"Is this the legendary fallen angel? How is it so vulnerable! The

power of self-intention poured into his body, and Sun Gohan's next attack was no longer going to stay.

"You, you fellow!"

Sun Gohan's disdainful look made the anger in the heart of a fallen angel suddenly explode.

"Bastard, when we fight, we don't have you Saiyans yet, go and die, you low-grade race."

Beelzebub instantly rushed to the right side of Sun Gohan, and condensed the power of his will, and Beryl then came to the left side of Sun Wuhan without saying a word, forming a left and right attack.


Sun Gohan's face remained unchanged, at this moment, Sun Gohan and the theater version became Super Saiyan II to face BoJack and others, the difference is that the power of the fallen angels is not comparable to them at all.


Son Gohan's left fist that condensed his own extreme intention swung hard, and the fallen angel Beryl was blasted into ashes by Son Gohan's punch.

The right foot raised his leg, gathered his own extreme power, and kicked Beelzebub hard, and Beelzebub, like Beryl just now, turned into dust and was directly kicked by Sun Gohan.


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