Klin let out a wry laugh at this time, and the endless fog around him constantly attracted him and Tianjin Tian.

"Ahhhhh Rose, go quickly! Leave us alone, we haven't lost yet, ahhhhh..."

Tianjin Fan's palm condensed his breath, and he couldn't bear to look at the rose at this time, and his palm smashed heavily towards his body.


Tianjin Rice is silent, he has his own pride, he is not just because of a junior is so simple, the short time he spent with Rose, let him treat Rose, as if he was looking at his own child Lan Pill.

His character does not allow him to be a drag, Tianjin Fan commits suicide, gets rid of the whip of the rose, and the soul is absorbed by the endless fog without going to hell.

Only Klin was left alone, and Klin touched the black hair that he had grown at this time, and looked at Rose, whose lips had been bitten at this time, and he understood that Rose was very uncomfortable.

Klin's palm condensed the breath, Rose was trembling all over at this time, angry, restless, for a moment, one second everyone was still laughing, together, but now they all disappeared.

"Rose, I'm sorry, you're in a bad mood now, now everything can only depend on you, it's a pity that you can't see the end, you will definitely win!"

Klin slashed his chest with his palm heavily, without hesitation, he could not break free from the shackles of Rose, but he was also unwilling, and chose to commit suicide in front of Rose like Tianjin Rice.

"Can I win? Father! Why did it suddenly become like this! After

sensing Kex's breath, Rose teleported over, angry, unwilling, she just wanted to kill Kronos, kill Lucifer, kill all these people.

Zamas was the only one on the earth at this time sluggish and helpless, looking at everything that suddenly happened at this time, the dragon god Salama on the side looked like nothing happened, showed a happy smile to Zamas, condensed the power of the soul, and broke free.


In the starry sky of the universe, the moment Kesi saw that she was about to be absorbed by the endless fog, a petite figure blocked in front of her and grabbed her, and a white energy aura poured into her body, and the pressure of the endless fog could not affect her.


The white aura poured into her whole body, forming a film of energy, so that Kesi couldn't help but be stunned, in her line of sight, with the rose as the center, the dark and silent world was formed around, and Sun Wuling's extreme realm, full of ancient and desolate, the difference is that the closed loop of the space of the rose gives people a feeling of disappearing and engulfing, full of depression.



Kronos was also stunned and looked over in disbelief.

"No, no, that little girl Rose actually reached this strength at this time?"

Kronos was naturally no stranger to this closed loop of space, but what surprised him was the age of Rose, and they had explored and done for a long time in order to reach this supreme realm before they finally succeeded.

The violent fluctuation collided with the endless fog, extinguished and dissipated, and Rose was ecstatic at this time, showing an evil smile, and condensed the power of extreme freedom to rush towards Kronos.

"Stop, Rose, don't be so reckless!"

Kesi felt helpless in her heart, Rose had just reached the supreme realm at this time, her mind was unstable, and she was carried away by her own strength.

This is a normal reaction, whether it is her, or Sun Wuling, or the Great Priest, Kronos, Lucifer has encountered such things.

Kronos's body was wrapped in endless fog, and energy arcs flashed in the endless fog, forming an energy impact, which struck towards the rose at this time.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Rose Wei's palm condensed, and the energy of the Heaven-shattering Palm of All Nations spread and erupted all around, colliding with the energy impact released by the endless mist.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you..." Rose

Wei's palm condensed the qigong bullet, constantly striking towards the endless fog ahead, releasing one after another.

Kesi flew beside Rose, her twisted braid flicked gently, stood side by side with Rose, condensed the energy bomb, and released it together.

"Rose, calm down, that endless fog has been devoured except for Lord Quanwang, do you know what happened?"

Thinking of the devouring power of this endless fog, if even she could not avoid being absorbed, Sun Wuling and the Great Priest who fought in Universe Zero did not have the help of Rose like her, I am afraid that they were swallowed by the endless fog.

The qigong bomb in Rose's hand was continuously released, and the endless fog was constantly dispelled, and he said angrily: "Once Lucifer and those fallen angels die, their own original sin will return to the essence of the world and merge with all life in the world.

Kesi's little face was startled, because of the battle, her body was already dirty, and there were purple blood stains, she suddenly thought of something.

"Father told me that before he became an angel of time, Kronos was the god king of the Titan clan, and this devouring ability is probably a move he has been hiding, hateful, rose, use the strongest long-range move with me, otherwise in addition to the seven deadly sins of Lucifer and the fallen angel, there is also the power of Sun Wuling and my father, and it will be completely finished at that time."

Kesi jumped back instantly, opened the distance, raised her palm, the silver flame condensation full of mysterious destruction, the Great Priest's trick Judgment Day, she will naturally too.

Rose Wei also jumped in an instant, standing side by side with Kess, forming a calyx shape in her palm, and the power of extreme freedom and soul impact converged in her palm.

"Judgment Day!"

"Turtle Sect Qigong Wave!"

Kesi and Rose accumulate their strength to the maximum and release it together.

The silver energy flame and the turtle school qigong wave fused together, and everywhere they passed, the endless fog all broke apart, and they were burned by the silver energy flame.


Piercing through the endless fog, he hit Kronos head-on, and just when the energy diffusion expanded, it was suppressed by Rose and Kesi with a spatial closed loop, fixed in the range of one light-year in diameter.

"Hit, did it succeed?"

Rose's face was beaming, and suddenly, a violent spatial shock came, so that she and Kesi almost did not stabilize their figures, and the endless fog connected the neutral space together, from the initial zero universe to the twelfth universe, these thirteen universes were connected into a whole because of the endless fog.

"Fused, thirteen universes are all integrated."

Kess now saw through the staff the cause of this space earthquake.


Rose frowned, the endless fog in front of her slowly dissipated, and the figure of Kronos appeared in front of them intact.


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