Rose looked indifferent, wrapped her arms around her chest, and the overlapping girlish voice constantly stimulated Kronos's nerves.

"This is my extremely comfortable fighting state, come on, Kronos, what other moves, use it!"

Rose has been thinking of how to save those people from Kronos' body, otherwise, she would have killed Kronos directly, and she would not have dragged it all the time.

"Don't think I can't help you, Rose, when I was fighting, you weren't born yet, don't underestimate me!"

Kronos let out a maniacal laugh, and the endless fog squirmed abnormally, enveloping Kronos entirely.

Rose Fox scratched her head gently, the purple bright eyes did not touch the slightest, the girl raised her head slightly, the space of the universe was covered with a layer of purple gauze, the scarlet eyes with huge erect pupils were dense, making people full of discomfort, and the densely phobic person was afraid that he would die on the spot.

The twelve universes, plus the zero universe, have fused together to form a large universe, and the current Kronos and the entire large universe have fused together, and the previous Lucifer was also cleared by the king because of the fusion of the six universes thirteen to eighteen.

"Is this the incarnation universe where Lucifer gathered the moves of the fallen angels before?"

Rose gently flicked her arm and tilted her head, even in the face of such a numbing and strange situation, she still looked lazy.

"But is this also an opportunity? Hee hee hee... Maybe you can save your father and them!

Rose let out a soft and pleasant laugh, Rose and Rose's voices overlapped, and a pair of purple tabora earrings on her ears swayed gently.

"Rose, how about it, I am now integrated with the entire big universe, no matter how strong you are, you can't be stronger than me who devoured the entire big universe."

The dense scarlet pupils were released neatly towards Rose, forming a purple energy, and the moves released by those scarlet pupils were Lucifer's move Genesis.

Rose Tex's right palm was raised, white energy gathered in the palm of her hand, and with a light flick, a white energy wind centered on Rose Fox, and the dense Genesis was instantly blown away.

The white energy wind was like a sharp blade, and those pupils that grew on the cosmic space instantly shattered, forming one space crack after another.


Rose moved her shoulders and complained: "Why does Rose always like to do this shoulder rubbing action, like the 18th mother, is it true that the shoulders are really sore when the body is too good?" The

endless fog reappeared, and I saw that those spatial cracks had returned to their original state, and the erect pupils had recovered.

"Hahaha... Rose, you don't dare to kill me, kill me, everyone else will die, will be completely erased traces of existence, even Super Dragon Ball can't be resurrected, hahaha..."

Kronos made an arrogant voice, making Rose Pout, she knew such a situation, she would be restrained, otherwise she would have killed Kronos directly, why bother deliberately dealing with him.

"Sometimes living is more painful than dying, Kronos, we've been fighting for fifty-five minutes, and this incarnation universe of Lucifer doesn't feel remarkable except that it looks a little disgusting? Are you only the only moves? Rose

said lightly, looking lazy, since his appearance until now, he has not put Kronos in his eyes, and has been crushing the god king Kronos with an absolute attitude.

"Fifty-five minutes!"

Rose's words made Kronos feel overjoyed, the effect of Tabora earring fusion is an hour, and only five minutes remain, then the Tabora earring fusion effect will disappear.

"Great, five minutes left!"

Kronos didn't notice something wrong at all, and he was happily about to shout out, if there were really only five minutes left, would Rose still look like this?


In the inner space, Satan was holding the puppy and running away at this time, and he had sensed that two people were chasing him behind.

Purple silkworm cocoons are everywhere, densely packed, and there is no end in sight, and the purple glow around them makes Satan wonder if he is in hell.


Suddenly, an energy bomb struck, and Satan holding the puppy suddenly tripped over a silkworm cocoon and fell to the ground, and the energy bomb instantly flew over Satan's head.

Satan felt cold sweat all over his body, and any blow that really hit him would probably kill him directly.

Satan turned around mechanically, and saw Zamas and the dragon god Salama floating in midair, looking at him condescendingly.

"Ahhh... So soon it came! Satan

shivered, holding the puppy and retreating backwards.

"Hmph, human, that's such a human being, hahaha... It's really a laughing death, how can Sun Wuling save this thing! Zamas

condensed his hand knife at this time, showing an evil smile, looking at Satan at this time condescendingly, and condensed an energy rune in his right palm, making Satan at this time full of vigilance and unwillingness, and the glass ball in his hand could not help but clench, ready to be thrown out at any time.

Dragon God Salama couldn't help but laugh out loud and said, "It's really funny, he looks like a clown, let's solve him early, or don't stay in this inner space for too long."

"yes! Lord Salama, get ready to do it!

Zamas took a slight step back and smiled.

"Coming, coming, I'm sorry!"

Satan was sweating nervously at this time, unable to stand up, and had been slumped on the ground, his heart was beating fast, and the glass ball in his hand was ready to be thrown out at any time, which was the protection that Sun Wuling gave him before.


Suddenly, under the stunned gaze of Satan and Dragon God Salama, Zamas's hand knife went directly to the back of Dragon God Salama, penetrating the abdomen, and the energy rune in his right palm formed an energy shackle, completely fixing the Dragon God Salama.

"This, what is the situation? Why did the enemy suddenly have infighting?

Satan frightened out of his eyes, looking incredulous, he had seen how strong these people were before.

Dragon God Salama felt that he couldn't lift his strength at this time, and the rune was obviously specially made, completely sealing all his power.

"The power of this sealing rune is Kes's, Zamas, you actually are..." The

dragon god Salama sensed the power of this sealing rune and immediately understood what the situation was, Zamas was undercover.

Zamas easily lifted the sealed dragon god Salama with one hand at this time, and landed smoothly in front of Satan.

Zamas looked at Satan who was sitting on the ground at this time, and sighed helplessly on his face to explain the reason.


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