
The hollow wounds on Kronos' body began to repair themselves, no longer recovering with endless fog like before, this time using their own strength.

"Impossible! The fusion time of the tabola earrings is an hour, as soon as the time comes, the effect of the fusion will disappear, why? Why! It is clear that the effect of that time limit has passed, why haven't you disintegrated yet, why?

Kronos let out an unwilling roar, his heart had completely collapsed at the moment, his eyes were dead looking at the pair of purple Tabora earrings that Rose Fox was carrying, he couldn't figure it out, he couldn't understand at all, what was going on.

Rose changed back from her extremely restrained fighting form, took out her head rope, and retied her long white hair into a twisted braid.

"My pair of tabola earrings has been upgraded, although the requirements for both users are greater, but the effect of fusion has not changed, we can always maintain the appearance of Rosex as long as we want."

After Rose Fox tied her white twisted braid, she gently flicked it behind her head, looking at Kronos, who was almost collapsing at this time, and felt a little regret in her heart.

Rose Fox couldn't help but secretly said in her heart: "It's a pity, this opportunity didn't succeed, Kronos is really decisive enough, the reaction is really fast, it is worthy of being an era with the father of the Great Priest, only for a second, just now my forced separation technique seems to have separated eight people, I just don't know who they are?" I hope that the best is Father Wuling, Father of the Great Priest, and Brother Gohan, as long as any of them are released, everyone can be saved.

Although Rose thought so in her heart, she was still indifferent on the surface, tilting her head and showing an evil smile.

"It's a pity, Kronos, although you got rid of my magic chains, I am afraid that Lucifer's arrogance has been greatly damaged! Your Endless Mist cannot be used for at least a hundred years, and it cannot be released for 10,000 years, and you cannot use the Endless Mist to restore it now!

Kronos didn't answer, his fists clenched tightly, and his gaze looked from the purple Tabora earrings to Rose's girlish face.

"Abominable, abominable, damn Leila, if it wasn't for this damn traitor delaying me for a while, how could I possibly give you the opportunity to fuse, abominable, abominable!"

Kronos's voice couldn't help but raise a little, and the tearing roar was full of unwillingness.

Rose Fox rubbed her shoulders, tilted her head, and said lightly: "By the way, I changed into a combat form before, using a full force posture, just to make you think that it was the time of the Tabora earrings, but unfortunately, the opportunity that was hard to seize failed, by the way, you don't know how afraid I was of losing my hand and killing you when I changed into a combat form before!"

Rosex's words made Kronos's mentality completely explode! Can't beat and beat, what is even more infuriating is Rose's non-stop commotion, which can be said to be the nightmare of any male compatriot!

Even Kronos, a god who has reached the supreme realm, waits for anger to explode in mentality, and others, think about it, feel terrible, it is simply a double torture of spirit and body

, watching the mentality explode at this time, Kronos rushed directly over, Rose Fox threw her head back, raised her right leg high, and kicked Kronos heavily in the chest with a knee blow.


Kronos quickly stabilized his figure, formed a spatial plane, stopped his figure, and landed on the spatial plane.

Rose Fox's right foot is raised high at this time, her long legs are very long, and the lines look very beautiful, which can attract the attention of a large number of old color batches, but if you have the guts.

Kronos slowly stood up at this time, and the sunken places in his chest also recovered, panting heavily, and his face almost twisted together.

Rose Vicus's purple eyes flashed with a flash of light, and she spoke: "You are too vain, Kronos, I will use one leg next, don't let me down, hold on for a while!"

Kronos's eyes widened as if he was about to fall, and his mentality had been completely broken by Rose, clenching his fists, and rushing towards Rose like crazy.

"Abominable, abominable, actually using this method of fusion, and there is no time limit, it is really too despicable, hateful!"

Shout! Shout!

After two consecutive moments, Rose returned to Kronos, raised her legs and fell heavily, only to see Kronos's head kicked into the chest by this kick, blood splattered, very miserable.

"Aren't you also the original sin evil that devours everything in the world? Now still maintaining the transformation of Super Saiyan Five, the two sides of the fusion need to fit perfectly, otherwise the effect of the fusion will be greatly reduced, but obviously we fit perfectly, just like Veget, and somehow Kesi and Rose have reached the realm of spatial closed loop, so situations like earring explosions are impossible for me to happen. "



Rose Cyx wrapped her hands around her chest, and with her right foot, she swept and kicked Kronos's chest.

The lumbar vertebrae of Kronos's body were instantly broken, and his body was in an extremely terrifying twisted posture, his lower abdomen was directly split, and the back and hips of Kronos' upper body touched together, leaving only skin and flesh connected.

"It's really ugly, Kronos, didn't you say that you are already a god king?"

Kronos looked extremely miserable at this time, did not make the girl afraid at all, fearful, revealed that smile full of evil charm, white extreme freedom condensed on the right foot, kicked Kronos heavily, and landed on an unknown galaxy 15,000 light years away.

That galaxy is about fourteen light-years in diameter.


The white energy instantly diffused and exploded, and the galaxy with a diameter of about fourteen light years instantly turned into dust, and the newly recovered Kronos was injured again at this time, which was very miserable.


The heaven-shattering palm of all nations turned into an air blade, and the white air blade mixed with electricity spread instantly, spanning more than 10,000 light years, stabbing Kronos's abdomen, and directly picked it up.

Rose's thin lips opened, and the voice reached Kronos's ears clearly.

"What's wrong, Kronos, you are too vain, you can't do it with only three feet, get up quickly and continue to fight me, your current appearance is really ugly, do you only have these skills?"

Rose tilted her head, her white twisted braid gently flicked behind her head, she had her own considerations and decisions in her heart, and she had been waiting to find an opportunity.

"Unfortunately, there is no longer a chance to incarnate the universe before, it can only be dragged, fortunately, the endless fog can not be used for the time being, in this case, if Kronos wants to recover again, he needs his own strength, but this is also an opportunity, the fight Kronos is exhausted, in that case, isn't it?" At that time, I can also look slowly. Thinking

of this, the smile on Rose's face became a little stronger, which made Kronos exhausted, so it was even more powerful than before.


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