
After about a minute, the formation was broken by the Great Priest, and the bound energy doppelganger dissipated, and Sun Gohan and the blazing angel Gabriel got out of trouble.

"Uncle Gore, Daddy, Uncle Vegeta!"

After Sun Wuhan came out again, he looked at Sun Wuling and the others in surprise, his consciousness was blurred, unlike others, he was the same as the Blazing Angel Gabriel, he was directly sealed, he seemed to have slept and then woke up.

"Gohan, that's great!"

Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, and Vegeta all breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile, and Vegeta did the same.

The blazing angel Gabriel slowly opened her eyes at this time, and in her sight, the Great Priest was standing in front of her, with a gentle and familiar smile.

"Michael, it's you, it's great that I can still see you! How is everyone, and Kirth, has Kers, grown up? Isn't it like me! "

The voice of the blazing angel Gabriel sounds very clear, and a little immature, just like Kess, who can imagine that this is an angel who has passed tens of billions of years, it is simply too beastly, especially when he said that he was like her in the back, his tone became anxious, obviously very uneasy and nervous, teary.

"It's okay, it'll be fine soon, Kess she is indeed like you, but taller than you, Gabriel, we have a lot going on here..." The

archpriest gently soothed Gabriel, as if coaxing a child, and began to tell what happened next.

Gabriel shook his little head gently and his eyes lit up after hearing that Kesi was taller than her, as if he had received a favorite lollipop.

"I'll go! My heart hurts.

Sun Wuling saw Gabriel's appearance after explaining what the situation was with Sun Wukong and others, how the personality looks like a little girl about ten years old, has this really lived for tens of billions of years?

"What? She is the wife of Lord Archangel, Kers, Bardos, and Ves their mother? Sun

Wukong's eyes were wide at the boss, looking incredulous, Sun Gohan, Vegeta was the same, the first time he heard it.

The time to tell is not very long, only about a minute, everything is explained clearly, and the meaning of the next is explained.

The Great Priest spoke, "Next, Mr. Wuling and I will work together to disconnect Kronos from the inner space, and then completely destroy Kronos!"

"Woohoo! This is our super victory, let's rush with energy, and get Kronos down so that he can't get up again, yay!

Gabriel finally stretched out a scissor gesture, excited and proud, light and pleasant, that optimistic and cheerful look, so that Sun Wuling and the others also showed a smile, and the dull feeling in their hearts was much less.


Outside, on an unknown planet, Kronos was lying in a deep pit, gasping for breath, and the recovery effect had weakened.

Rose stomped Kronos' head heavily under her feet, and in the same way, she didn't know the specifics of the interior space, and she believed in the reformed Zamas who had turned back.

The white twisted braid gently flicked behind her head, and unlike the embarrassed Kronos, the rose was clean and tidy, and her spotless appearance seemed to be dreamy, which was a stark contrast to Kronos.

"You're really patient enough, Kronos, you shouldn't have been treated like this!"

Rose Fox's long legs in flat boots were raised high and fell heavily, smashing Kronos' head directly.

Rose Fox leaped back, stepped on the plane of space, looked at the Kronos who slowly recovered from his head, condensed the air blade in his hand, stabbed Kronos's body, and picked it up.

Kronos looked dying at this time, and the breath on his body was weaker than before, but his eyes full of determination still flashed with light, and he did not admit defeat at all.

"It's ugly, it's really ugly, Kronos, you who are beaten like this, what face is the angel of time, before we looked for the king god of time to help deal with you, but after hearing your name, she was directly scared away, I don't know where to hide, I don't know if she will be scared away when she sees your current appearance."

Kronos seemed to be very calm at this time, their plan was going well, but it still failed, the plan could never catch up with the changes, but even so, Kronos still did not ask for mercy, ordinary warriors in the face of Rose X's torture so much, I am afraid that they have already collapsed and will go crazy.

"Perhaps, this is my destiny, or perhaps, Lord Quan Wang has already discovered everything!"

Kronos dragged his weak body to his feet, his heart felt quieter than ever, even though the whole king did not interfere with them, but everything seemed to be in his hands.

"But even if it fails, Rose, God is the absolute ruler."

Kronos's stumbling steps give people majesty, and he must absolutely implement the goal, even if it is a broken bone.

"Kronos can become an angel of time, it is definitely not as simple as absolute power!"

Rose also frowned, this time she did not use words to stimulate Kronos like before, to Kronos, she now felt so tired.

That's right, it's that the heart is tired, all kinds of commotion and all kinds of torture methods have been used, still useless, can make her feel tired, Kronos is powerful more than just power.

"Aren't you okay? Zamas? Rose

X's heart also felt a trace of anxiety at the moment, she wanted to directly and completely solve Kronos several times, once a hundred, her mentality was a little broken.


Suddenly, a violent throbbing sound came, Kronos covered his chest in pain, and let out a wailing sound, he felt like he was going to die, especially uncomfortable, and the breath on his body instantly weakened a lot.

"Inner space, wait, impossible, how did Sun Wuling and Michael escape, impossible, those humans who were just released by Rose should have fallen into the hell of Tartarus and died, what the hell is going on?"

Kronos's eyes seemed to bulge, his attention was all on Rose's side, ignoring the condition of the inner space, and in the last moment when the inner space detached from him, he saw the truth.


Kronos directly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and Rose on the opposite side also showed joy, and under his induction, he discovered the situation on Kronos.

"Great, it worked! Zamas, fantastic. "



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