"Ah..." The

dense and continuous qigong bombs attacked Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong's palms continuously slapped Frieza's qigong bombs away, and the qigong bombs were scattered everywhere and sent violent explosions, like a battlefield.

Flying the last qigong bomb, Frieza's figure leaped, and under Sun Wukong's stunned gaze, his legs kicked Sun Wukong's face fiercely.


Sun Wukong let out a scream and fell into the sea, Frieza let out a burst of laughter, looked at the ripples of water on the sea level, and said: "Come up, you won't lose like this."

At this moment, Sun Wukong, who was at the bottom of the sea, sensed Frieza's qi on the surface of the sea, wrapped his hands around his chest, and did not choose to go up for the time being, and began to think about coping strategies.

"That bastard is fast, how do you have to deal with it?"

Sun Wukong began to summarize the experience of the battle with Frieza just now, trying to find flaws.

"He doesn't seem to judge the position of his opponent by qi, he can only see with his eyes... In that case, try to take advantage of it! Sun

Wukong raised his palms, the qi of his whole body gathered in front of his palms, and the two turtle faction qigong bombs condensed, and the qi bounced his hands, and the control condensed at the bottom of the sea.

"Good, that's it!"

Sun Wukong carefully swam into the distance, sensed Frieza's qi, and flicked his hand.

"Okay, it's now, let's go..." Sun

Wukong manipulated a Turtle Qigong bomb to fly out and hit Frieza.

Frieza, who was floating above the sea level, suddenly saw the sea water boiling, and his palm was about to release the qigong bomb, and found that it was not Sun Wukong, but a blue qigong bomb.

"Not here?"

Frieza dodged the Turtle Sect Qigong bomb and looked at the sea level guardedly.

"One more shot!"

The Monkey King at the bottom of the sea once again condensed a qigong bomb and struck towards Frieza.

After sensing a fluctuation, Frieza aimed his palm, as long as he saw Sun Wukong's outcrop, he directly blasted out a qigong wave.


The turtle sent qigong bombs to attack him as they did.

"Not yet..."

Suddenly, I heard the sound of breaking the air, and I saw Sun Wukong flying out of the sea, condensing ten times the realm king fist bonus on his body, and kicking Frieza in the face like his legs fell.

"This is just a return gift! Ohhhhh


After Frieza's body fell on a valley, the valley crumbled, and Frieza's water flow through the sea level formed a stream of water, falling on the mountains on the other side of the sea, the rubble was broken, and Frieza's body was buried by the dust of the falling stones, which shows the strength of Sun Wukong's just now.

Vic in the distance, Son Gohan was completely stunned!

"That's awesome, Daddy!"

Sun Gohan's eyes glowed with starlight, and he looked adoring.

Suddenly, Frieza, who was pressed by rubble, condensed a qigong wave, and the gravel and earth blocks that pressed on him instantly shattered, forming rubble.

Frieza stood up, looked at the Monkey King in the distance, and gently talked about the dust on his shoulders with his palm, without the slightest change on his face.

"Completely ineffective?"

Sun Wukong had a faint smile on his face, without any discouragement at all.

Frieza said, "Is it really quite capable?" Besides my father, you were the first to get me dirty!

Frieza trembled slightly, looked at Sun Wukong, and said with a smile: "This is the first time in my life that I am so excited?" How to clean you up?

Sun Wukong: "It's really bad, I thought it would have a little effect!" "

Phew! Shout!

Frieza and the Monkey King have a new round of confrontation again!


Sun Wuling was receiving the potential development of the Great Elder at this time.


A silver aura formed around Sun Wuling, like a film, wrapping Sun Wuling's whole body, giving people a mysterious and divine color.

"Thank you, Grand Elder!"

Sun Wuling clenched his fists, the breath that appeared on his body poured into his body, this suddenly powerful and skyrocketing force, no wonder Bike, Sun Wuhan, and Bidiri couldn't restrain his heart, he now experienced that mood.

"This is a power that you didn't exert yourself, I just dug it out." The Great Elder replied with a smile, now Sun Wuling gave him the feeling that he could defeat Frieza.

Sun Wuling tried to suppress this impulsive excitement in his heart, Sun Wukong can calmly control his power, he can't be bad.

With a soft breath, he felt the qi of his body, and still did not feel the feeling of not being able to advance, that is, even now, his strength still did not reach his upper limit.

"I'm going, Grand Elder, Neru, Bulma, Bidili!"

Sun Wuling's floating heart was as calm as the sky, and his figure jumped, moving towards Frieza in an instant!

Sun Wuling doesn't know how much his combat power can reach, and the feeling that the current Frieza gives him is not as untouchable as before, that is to say, the gap between him and the current Frieza is not big, and Sun Wukong used ten times the Realm King Fist to compare with him now, the combat power really has to be calculated, definitely over ten million.

"How much it is, it's better to try it to find out!"

In a few seconds, Sun Wuling arrived at the scene of the battle between Frieza and Sun Wukong, and Sun Wuling was obviously taken off by the Dance Void Technique, but he was able to show any breath without revealing any breath, reaching a degree of restraint.

At this time, Sun Wukong had already swallowed a fairy bean, recovered all his strength, and made the opposite Frieza want to explode! Again that unknown thing.

"Wuling..." Sun

Wukong, Sun Wuhan, and Bick looked at Sun Wuling excitedly.

Frieza raised his eyebrows, and his forehead bulged with green tendons, and he was extremely angry when he saw Sun Wuling.

"Another piece of garbage, endless, endless, endless, ahhhh


Sun Wuling snorted coldly, and the Qi Yuan Slash instantly condensed and attacked towards Frieza.

The death beam was directly split in two by the Qi Yuan Slash, falling on both sides of Sun Wuling, hitting the ground.


Frieza looked at the golden light wheel, which gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Frieza's body leaped, looking at the Qi Yuan Chopper that had been chasing him, forming a Qi Gong bomb, bombarding the Qi Yuan Chopper, and directly exploding.

"The plan begins, Goku, Frieza will leave it to me first, I also want to see what level of strength I have now!"

Sun Wuling's aura collided and skyrocketed, and the momentum was close to Frieza at this time, not suppressing his breath, making Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, and Bick all widen their eyes, and even Frieza felt a pressure from Sun Wuling.

"It's so powerful, Wu Ling, I feel that the tenfold realm king fist can't compare to you!"

Sun Wukong smiled and exited, flew back to Bick, Sun Gohan, handed Frieza to Sun Wuling, and began to contact the King of the Realm.


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