The Great Elder in the cave, Neru, Dandi, Bulma, Bidili.

"Everyone, can you hear me?"

Sun Wuling's voice clearly reached the ears of Bidiri, Bulma and others!

"Master Wuling, Master, is that you?"

Bidili looked tearful and shouted with joy.

"It's me, I'm now mentally sensing with you here in the Realm King, it feels really bad to die, fortunately there are dragon balls, I can be resurrected together in a while."

Sun Wuling's words made Bulma, Bidili, Tiantian and others smile, which was really good.

"Master Wuling, can you still be resurrected?" Bidili's excited cheeks flushed.

"Great Elder, summon the Divine Dragon now, after we are resurrected, Great Elder, you will use your Divine Dragon to make a wish and transfer you to the Turtle Immortal House on Earth!"

The Great Elder quickly nodded, "Without further ado, let's start right away!" Dandy. After

Sun Wuling finished speaking, looking at the battlefield at this moment through the realm king, Sun Wukong, who became a super Saiyan, Sun Wuhan beat Frieza the whole time, even if at this time Frieza showed 100% strength and became a state of muscle expansion.

Son Gohan, in particular, did not spare a hand, and every punch could leave scars on Frieza's body.

"Frieza is really good enough to fight!"

Sun Wuling couldn't help but sigh, suddenly, his mind turned black for a while, and the environment suddenly became dreamy, and even the realm king and his pet orangutan Barblues, and his other pet Guregli were gone.


Suddenly, the sky was pitch black, and the light receded, and in Sun Wuling's line of sight, a huge figure soaring into the sky stood on Nameix.

"That is the Divine Dragon of Namexing? It looks very different from the earth's dragon. Sun

Wuling suddenly sensed that there was a lot of strange life breath in that Meixing.

"Alas, Vegeta is actually resurrected too? Hehe...... What a stroke of luck.

Sun Wuling thought that because of his death, I am afraid that Klin's wish has changed, and even Vegeta has been resurrected.


Earth, Turtle Fairy House!

With Klin's call, the divine dragon soared, the heavens and the earth had no light, and the impression of the divine dragon on the earth was more like the totem of Sun Wuling's previous life.

"Shenlong, is it okay to resurrect the people on Namek who were killed by Frieza and his group?"

Klin made a wish to the dragon, and Violet, Turtle Immortal, Oolong and others looked at the dragon with anticipation.


The red eyes of the divine dragon flashed with a brilliance, and his voice carried a trace of ancient mystery, "The people killed by Frieza and his party on the Omega Star have all been resurrected!" "

Ah, great, what about Sun Wuling, is Sun Wuling also resurrected?"

Oolong shouted excitedly at Shenlong.

"Yes, your wish has been fulfilled, then I take my leave!"

Ancient and mysterious sound, just when the Dragon Balls are about to be scattered all over the earth, Klin dances the air art jumps and keeps the four planets safe, and the four-star Dragon Balls have a special meaning for Sun Wukong and Sun Wuling.

Shenlong's words also made Klin, Turtle Immortal and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

"Success, by the way, there will be a lot of Nemesis people coming over in a while, I don't know if there are some good-looking Nemesis sisters, hehe..." When

the turtle immortal thought of this, there was a different sense of excitement, he was no longer satisfied with human girls, from Sun Wuling to make what beast girl, monster girl, monitor lizard girl, let his color heart become broader, so that Sun Wuling once wondered if the turtle immortal went to the zoo, will he incarnate as an Indian in his previous life and walk on the road of no return, He made him regret making these strange things a little.

Klin on the side covered his face helplessly, but although he also had some expectant thoughts in his heart, but as soon as he saw Violet there, I don't know why, he was unwilling to show himself like before, he really wanted to show his best side in front of Violet.


Namek, seven dragon balls the size of a basketball come together, and Dandy summons the dragon of Namex in the language of Namekex!

Compared with the divine dragon on Earth, the divine dragon on Namex looks more burly and strong, although it is all green scales, and the dragon ball of Namex looks more like a lizard.

"Let's go!"

The Great Elder said to Dandy.


Suddenly, Sun Wukong's exclamation reached the minds of the Realm King and the Great Elder.

"Change your wishes! Lord Realm King, Great Elder!

Son Goku replied while beating Frieza with Son Gohan.

"Change to everyone except Frieza and me, transfer to the Turtle Immortal House on Earth!"

Son Gohan shouted angrily, "I want to stay too!" "

Son Gohan grabbed Frieza's tail and flicked around, the muscles on his body swelled, and the power of the Super Saiyan exploded in full force, and so did Son Goku!

"Gohan, you have to leave too, leave it to me here, I will fight alone with Frieza in this Nemesis!" Sun Wukong immediately retorted.

The King of the Northern Realm persuaded: "Wukong, although I understand your feelings, let's return to Earth first according to what Wu Ling said!"

"Mr. Realm King, Great Elder, Gohan, or agree, here, it's handed over to Goku!"

Sun Wuling's voice suddenly came, making the King of the Northern Realm and the Great Elder startled.

"Uncle Wuling, great, you're really resurrected!"

Son Gohan was a little excited.

"Well, Gohan, you've surpassed me now that you've become a Super Saiyan, Goku, I'll leave the spaceship behind, but you have to come back, by the way, to prevent Frieza this crazy guy from destroying Namex, that bastard could really do such a thing!"

Sun Wuling took down the universal capsule containing the spacecraft at this time, carefully threw it on the plain sand, and left the spacecraft on Namex.

"I know, Wuling, I'm sorry for things, I can only wait until I return to Earth, thank you for agreeing to my wayward request, I really don't look like an older brother!" I'm sorry. Sun Wukong, who became a Super Saiyan, spoke a little more indifferently than usual, with a trace of guilt and uneasiness in his words, even if he was resurrected, the scene of Sun Wuling's death caused him indelible pain, and the strength to hit Frieza was a little harder.

"All right, Uncle Gorei!"

Sun Gohan stared at Frieza coldly, even if he was now facing the double violent beating of him and Sun Wukong at the same time, he actually showed his decline, it was really durable enough to resist the beating!

"There's nothing I'm sorry for, brother, you must come back alive!" Mr. Realm King, Great Elder, let's start! After

Sun Wuling finished speaking, the Great Elder nodded and motioned for Dandy to summon the Divine Dragon!

Frieza, who was at war with Sun Wukong and Sun Gohan, also saw that the sky was gloomy, and the Amix Divine Dragon stood in the air in the distance, with a hint of antiquity.

"Ahhh... That, Dragon Ball, it must be, bastard..."

Frieza burst out and flew towards the dragon!


Son Gohan's figure jumped continuously, blocking in front of Frieza, and fighting with him, Son Goku then arrived, and the two Super Saiyans beat Frieza again.


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