
Raditz laughed out loud, "The answer is simple, Kakarot, you were sent to destroy the humans on this planet, we Saiyans are proud fighting peoples, looking for planets with a good environment in the universe, and then destroying the humans living on the planet, and then selling them at a high price to aliens who are looking for a suitable planet."

"That's our job, planets with high combat effectiveness are attacked by adult Saiyans, and conversely, on lower planets like Earth, it is enough to send children like you."

Raditz also has a trace of disdain for a subordinate Saiyan like Sun Wukong, but it is such a Sun Wukong, who actually has similar combat effectiveness to him.

Shout! Bang!

Raditz's pupils couldn't help but shrink a little, only to see Sun Wuling suddenly clenched his fists and sneak attack, even if he reacted, but it was too late, he didn't expect Sun Wuling to actually sneak attack.


Sun Wuling punched Raditz's lower abdomen, and Raditz's eyes widened in pain.

"Bastard..." The

fist changed palms, a qigong bullet formed, and Raditz's abdomen was once again subjected to secondary damage.

Resisting the strong tingling sensation in his abdomen, he steadied himself when he was about to fall into the sea.

"Damn earthlings!"

Raditz's palm condensed an energy bullet, but he found Sun Wuling standing still in front of him, his hands placed on his forehead.

"Sun Fist!"

A fierce bright light shrouded the entire clear sky, and the bright light made Raditz close his eyes in pain and let out a cry of pain, "My eyes! Bastard, I must kill you, damn earthlings. "


Two golden rotating air blades formed in Sun Wuling's palms, with sharp serrations on the edges, and rotated with the sound of cutting through the air.

Qi Yuan chop!

It is impossible for Sun Wuling not to study this trick, and Klin is still learning from him, for which Sun Wuling is just sorry.

Shout! Shout!

If for sensing qi, Sun Wukong, Bike, Turtle Immortal, Tianjin Rice, etc. will all sense qi yuan slash, but obviously, Raditz will not.

The tingling sensation in Raditz's eyes made him close his eyes, and years of fighting also made him accumulate a dangerous instinct, and his palms condensed two energy bullets and attacked Sun Wuling, and the Qi Yuan Slash was also the range of attack.

Sun Wuling gritted his teeth and controlled one of the Qi Yuan Slashes to leap towards the sky, roundabout towards Raditz.

Bang! Bang!

Raditz's combat power is stronger than Sun Wuling, even if the gap is not large, it is still stronger than Sun Wuling, and the energy bomb shattered the remaining qiyuan slash, and slammed on Sun Wuling's body without remaining strength.

Sun Wuling crossed his arms to protect his chest and head, Raditz's energy bounce hit his arm, sending out bursting sparks, the cuffs of his arms were torn, blood flowed out, and the huge countershock force made the corners of Sun Wuling's mouth spill blood.

Raditz's gaze recovered, looking at Sun Wuling's outstretched arm, blood dripping down his fingers onto the seawater, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and laughing with a messy look.

"Hahaha... You bastard, dare to sneak up on me. Answering

Raditz was a sneer from Sun Wuling, and suddenly, a strong sense of danger made Raditz look back.


Seeing the Qi Yuan slash towards him, Raditz desperately flew upward, but it was too late!


Although it did not reach Sun Wuling's ideal of chopping Raditz at the waist, Raditz's legs and the parts under his knees were directly cut by Qi Yuan.

"Ah..." The

broken legs fell into the sea, and the shark that smelled the blood swallowed Raditz's broken legs directly and swam to the bottom of the sea.

Sun Wuling's right fist hit Raditz's cheek fiercely, and the huge body fell on the beach of the Turtle Fairy House, setting off a violent burst of dust, and the detector that Raditz flew out was caught by Sun Wuling, and his posture leaped back to the Turtle Fairy House.

"Huh..." Bulma

, Klin, the Turtle Immortal, and Son Gohan were all startled by the sudden fall of Raditz.

It took only about ten seconds from the confrontation to the end.


Raditz opened his mouth angrily, and an energy bullet condensed in his mouth, aiming at Klin, Bulma and the others.

"Ah, it's not good..." Sun

Wukong hurriedly blocked in front of Bulma, Klin and the others, condensed a qigong bullet in his hand, and was about to throw it at Raditz.

Shout! Bang!


Raditz roared in pain, Sun Wuling kicked on Raditz's heavenly spirit cover, the beach collapsed, Raditz's head was directly nailed deep into the sand, and the beach dust was like a yellow sand storm! Finally, it slowly dispersed and calmed down.

"Enlightenment... How are you?

Sun Wukong noticed Sun Wuling's situation at this time and asked with concern.

"I'm okay!"

Sun Wuling grabbed Raditz's hair, lifted the bloody Raditz, and threw it away like garbage.

Sun Wuling brought the probe and aimed it at Raditz, whose current combat strength value was revealed.

"Raditz's current combat strength is six hundred and forty, it seems that the injury is not light!"

He took off the detector and threw it to Bulma, and walked slowly to Raditz, who was still struggling at this time, and stepped on his fingers without hesitation.


Raditz wailed in pain, feeling as if his fingers had been trampled by Sun Wuling.

"Please, help me..."

Raditz felt his body temperature begin to drop, his legs under his knees were chopped off by Qi Yuan, and the beach was stained with a pool of red blood, and even his vision was a little blurry.

Sun Wuling squatted in front of Raditz, and Sun Wukong also walked over, and Bulma was still worried about what had just happened and did not dare to go over, but seeing that Klin, the turtle immortal, and Gohan all passed, he quickly trotted over.

"Now that your legs are broken, you have lost too much blood, and you press the wound hard, although the pain is reduced, but the blood flow will be accelerated, even if I don't kill you, you will die in twenty minutes."

Sun Wuling's words were like a demon's whisper, which made Raditz's pupils widen, and his mind cleared up a little, and he collapsed a little.

"Stop talking, please, please don't say it, save me, look, for Kakarot's sake, save me, please!"

Sun Wuling looked at the clear sky in the distance, "The nearest hospital here is tens of thousands of kilometers, and your current flight speed takes more than an hour to reach the hospital, in other words, you have died at least four times."

"I, what the hell, you, you can save me!" I don't want to die, Kakarot, I don't want to die. Raditz's eyes condensed tears, and the look of despair collapse made the turtle immortals, Klin, and Bulma a little unbearable, and Sun Wukong was just about to step forward, but was quickly pulled by Bulma.

Bulma whispered to Sun Wukong's ear and said, "Sun Jun, leave it to Wuling here, Wuling is measured."

Sun Wukong finally stopped, his tangled eyebrows have been enduring, his kindness in Raditz's plea for mercy made him feel compassion, plus it was his brother, he didn't expect that he actually had relatives.

"Then it depends on whether you are honest or not! Otherwise, a lie, I will directly throw you in the sea to feed the sharks. Sun Wuling's last threatening words made Raditz quickly nod.

"What did you come to Earth to find Goku for?" Sun Wuling's cold eyes were like a nightmare in Raditz's eyes at this moment, imprinted on his soul.


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