The wedding day is getting closer!

Bulma and Vegeta, Klin and Violet, Tianjin Rice and Lanqi! Three couples married together.

Vegeta is also married, I don't know if the women's clothing incident hit him too hard, and finally agreed to hold a wedding with Bulma!

The wedding scene was on a private island in Bulma's family, and Sun Wuling has been thinking about what gift to give, giving golden red envelopes, this is not his past life! Before Sun Wukong, when Kiki got married, he gave a pair of silver bracelets!

What to send to express friendship, and then send bracelets and the like, after that, Sun Wuling thought, he handmade music box, not only that, the tone of the music box is also specially made by Sun Wuling himself, a song that can trace the unforgettable Dragon Balls in his past life!

It took a long time, and finally succeeded, he learned some fur in his previous life with a person who was particularly good at handcrafting, although it was a little rusty, but he still rushed to make three music boxes!

Finally, it's the day of marriage!

After enjoying the massage of Lan Fang, Little Dancing Fox Girl, and Bunny Girl, I slept beautifully, and woke up the next morning, really refreshed!

"Enlightenment... Are you up? Sun

Wukong walked into the living room at this time, and there were two cups of medicinal juice on the table in the living room, which were prepared by Bidily Li to help Sun Wukong!

When Sun Wuling learned that he would die of viral heart disease, he forced himself to become a doctor, took special medicine, and paid special attention to his physical condition!

"Alas, should I tell Wuling that my viral heart disease was cured by Rose!"

Looking at Sun Wuling's appearance of spending so much time, Sun Wukong felt a little careless, but he couldn't expose it, otherwise, he might show his stuffing!

Sun Wukong held the cup, endured the pain, and drank the medicinal juice that looked like milk, even if he ate it every morning, he still felt bitter!

"Good medicine is good for disease, these are all good medicines for the body, prevention is better than really dying at that time, you don't really want to get sick, brother!"

Sun Wuling was wearing a suit at this time, looking at Sun Wukong's face full of entanglement, and his facial features were almost screwed together! Took the cup to connect the hot water, and also helped Sun Wuling pour a cup!

"I know, but it's too bitter!"

Sun Wuling did not answer, raised the cup containing the milky white medicinal juice, and drank it all!

After drinking the medicine, he quickly took the hot water handed to him by Sun Wukong!

Sun Wuling and Sun Wukong took Bidili, Satan, Kiki, and Sun Gohan to their destination using teleportation!

Yamucha, Oolong, Pu'er, Turtle Immortal, Dumpling, Dr. Brive, Mrs. Brive has long been here! In addition, there is a blonde woman that Sun Wuling saw for the first time, who looked like Bulma.

"Hello, my name is Tais, and I'm Bulma's sister!"

Tais generously introduced herself to Sun Wuling and the others!

"Bulma's sister!"

Sun Wukong and others were shocked, even Sun Wuling was slightly stunned, but think about it, in the original memory of Dragon Ball, Bulma and Vegeta were not married, but now they are married, such an important thing, Tais, who is Bulma's sister, naturally wants to come!

However, what caught Sun Wuling's attention was the member of the Galaxy Patrol Team named Garke, and the Galaxy Patrol Team was directly led by the Galaxy King! Equivalent to the work of the police!

The wedding scene is all acquaintances, at this time Vegeta is wearing a white dress, even if she is held by the arm of Bulma in a wedding dress, she does not feel ashamed at all, it seems that it is because of that women's clothing, I don't know if I have the opportunity to merge with Sun Wukong into Veget, Wugeta and the like in the future, will I resist!

Even if it is night, there is still no intention to end, Vegeta, Tianjin Rice, and Klin have all drunk too much, most of which are still filled by Sun Wuling!

"Wuling, is this the music box you sent?"

At this time, Bulma took the music box that Sun Wuling gave her and Vegeta, which was also printed with a photo of her and Vegeta, and gave it to Klin, and the same was true for Tianjin Rice!

"yes... I made it myself, and the music in it was specially prepared by me, which took me a lot of effort! Sun Wuling replied.

"Music... But how come I've never heard of this tune! Bulma

opened the music box, and the tune that made Sun Wuling and many fans who like Dragon Ball familiar sounded, even if there were only individual tones, but when they heard the first reaction, they could even hum it!

Gradually attracted to you!

Sun Wuling said the name of the song, which made Bulma a little unbelievable, and finally let Sun Wuling sing it under everyone's coaxing!

Finally, an electric guitar with music, this wedding, finally in Sun Wuling singing "gradually attracted to you", the end of the song, the end, under the applause of Sun Wukong, Klin and everyone, this wedding finally ended successfully! Sun Wuling, Klin and the others scattered and went home.

At this time, in a dark and unknown closed and dark underground secret room, everything that happened at the wedding scene was reflected on a huge display screen, and the final picture was frozen on Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong's body.

On one of the seats, an old man who looked very old and very old, with a white figure eight beard, looked angrily.

"Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, haha... I can't think of it. I, Dr. Gro, am still alive, with all the undead in the red ribbon, to take revenge on you! Dr

. Gro clenched his fists, his voice was filled with infinite resentment, and he didn't even know how many times he had said such words, and he looked a little nervous!

Suddenly, Dr. Groh looked at a lump of human-shaped meat in a petri dish in the distance!

"Obviously it's just an earthling, but you can suppress Sun Wukong, Vic these people, Sun Wuling, you can't think of it, I use you, a special earthling, to make an ultimate artificial human, Sun Wuling, those red ribbons that died under your qi yuan, I believe it will be very happy."

"But what happened to that girl who looks exactly like No. 18?"

Dr. Gro's words turned, and with his operation, the picture was changed, and a photo appeared on the display, which was the scene of the future destruction angel Rose getting along with everyone!

"When the parents of the 18th and 17th sold them to me, they didn't have any sisters! Their parents are also starving to death, and there can be no more sisters on the 18th, but what the hell is going on here? Dr

. Gro has always felt uneasy because of this, but his hatred for Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, makes him ignore everything.

"No matter what, my revenge will not stop, soon, it will be soon, when the ultimate artificial human Sharu is completed, then it will be your end, Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong!" Wash your necks and wait for us then! Haha..."


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