"Kill, kill us! You are not giving us a chance to choose at all!

No. 18's voice raised a few points, and he looked at Sun Wuling with some anger.


Sun Wuling looked at No. 18 and replied seriously, her flat voice made her shudder: "If you don't agree, I will directly kill you in this extreme realm, believe me, I can do it, right, No. 16!"

No. 16 nodded and said to No. 17 and No. 18: "Sun Wuling is right!"

No. 17 looked at No. 16 and asked, "Can't the three of us go together?" Just now, if your Hell Flash Cannon is a little more powerful, you may directly kill Sun Wuling!

No. 16 shook his head and replied: "Just now it was the most powerful power I charged, but I could only make Sun Wuling vomit some blood, but I still have a means..."

Before No. 16 finished speaking, Sun Wuling directly interrupted him, his voice was not as cold as just now, and said: "You are talking about self-explosion, No. 16, I have seen your so-called final means before."

Sun Wuling's voice was much softer, "I have dealt with artificial humans with Goku a long time ago, Ah Ba, that is, artificial human number eight, number 16, I can feel that you have the same kindness as him."

Sun Wuling's voice was a little softer, making No. 17 and No. 18 let down some of their guard, not as vigilant as they were just now.

"I don't actually have much hostility towards you artificial people, you and Ah Badu are the same, they are the product of the ambitions of the Red Ribbon Legion, it can be said that both you and us are victims of the Red Ribbon Legion."

After Sun Wuling finished speaking, he looked at No. 17 and No. 18, and said: "After the machinery, Dr. Gero began to use the human body to transform it with a frenzy, No. 17, No. 18, behind your two numbers, I don't know how many people died to succeed!" We can live peacefully together on Earth! No. 16, No. 17, No. 18, just like Ah Ba.

Sun Wuling completely let go of his body at this time, slowly stretched out his palm, looked at No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18, and said, "Let's defeat that Sharu together, completely gain freedom, and then live on this earth together!" Sun

Wuling's words went to the 17th, the heart of the 18th, being targeted as food, absolutely uncomfortable, the most important thing is that they can't beat Sun Wuling, and the biggest charge hit Sun Wuling on the 16th only made him vomit a little blood.

They had also heard about Cyborg No. 8, although it was not made by Dr. Gro, they thought that they were directly destroyed like some failed artificial humans before, but they did not expect to be alive.

Looking at each other, No. 17 took a step forward, shook hands with Sun Wuling, and asked, "What are you going to do?" Sun Wuling, how to lead out Shalu?

Sun Wuling said with a smile: "Of course, I need you to accompany me to act a scene!"

Looking at the 16th, 17th, and 18th who had agreed to cooperate, Sun Wuling was happy in his heart.

First show his absolute strength and express his attitude of toughly eliminating Shalu, and then use the topic of Ah Ba, who is also an artificial human, to express sympathy for the artificial man, and push hatred and contradiction on the red ribbon.

Therefore, instead of being a bad person to be persecuted, it will be better to let the 17th and 18th be willing to help independently, and the artificial man No. 17, No. 18, and No. 16, persuade success!


At this time, Sun Wukong and others flew towards the northern capital!

Bidili said to Tenanks: "Half a month ago, Master Wuling found a time machine like you on a certain mountain west of the Western Capital, and it seemed that it had been a long time ago, at least a year, and at that time, something like an eggshell was found in the light machine, as well as the shell of Shalu's transformation.

Sun Wukong replied: "Yes, I heard Wuling say that like Tenanks, Sharu of the parallel world has come to our world, I don't know where Wuling is now, how did he know about Dr. Gro's research institute?" "


Vegeta, who was flying behind, said dissatisfied: "Bidili, haven't you arrived yet?" Sun Wuling, that guy may have solved Shalu.

Bidili shook her head and replied, "Not yet, it's still far away, at least it will take more than ten minutes, but when it comes to the institute, Dr. Gro is a scientist!" Since he is a scientist, he should leave some clues!

Vic said, "Who knows, Bidili, fly quickly, I don't want to see Gohan solve everything." "



At this time, Shalu, who hid his own enlightenment, has been constantly looking at the disappeared places such as Sun Wuling with his spiritual eyes, wanting to understand the principle and learn Sun Wuling's extreme intention field!

"Hmm..." Wuling

Shalu quickly closed his spiritual eyes, carefully shrunk his body, and poked out his head.

At this time, Sun Wuling, No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 came out of the realm of extreme intention, and Sun Wuling was lying on the ground at this time, panting heavily, and the martial arts uniform on his body was completely tattered.

And No. 16 was lying motionless on the ground at this time, No. 17 and No. 18 gritted their teeth, covered in blood, and looked like they were dying.

"Bastard, you can actually blow yourself up, but, it's abominable!"

Sun Wuling condensed a Qi Yuan Slash, and under the surprised gaze of Wuling Shalu in the distance, it collapsed uncontrollably, which in his understanding, Sun Wuling could not appear in this situation.

"Sun, Sun Wuling, me and No. 18 are of unlimited energy, hehe... At that time, when the 16th is restored, die, it will be you who dies! "

No. 17 coughed up a large pool of blood, bleeding a lot, lying weakly on the ground, trembling and raising his head.

No. 18 spread her hands weakly, gasping for breath, looking weak on the surface, but she was already crazy in her heart: "Sun Wuling, you bastard, actually made me so dirty, this bloody smell is unpleasant to death, no, ten clothes are not enough, a hundred, no, a thousand."


Sun Wuling's laughter sounded reluctant at this time, "Wukong, they will rush over soon to see if the 16th recovers first."

In the distance, Wuling Shalu looked at the blood stains on No. 17 and No. 18's body, as well as Sun Wuling, who was weak at this time, and No. 16, who was in a coma!

"This was slashed to the aortaby by Sun Wuling with qi yuan and the like, self-explosion, 16 did he use a move similar to the energy explosion, consumed a lot of energy at one time, and the speed of recovery could not catch up, so he temporarily fell into a deep sleep."

Sun Wuling's ambiguous words made Wuling Sharu more convinced, and life is often full of confidence in the answers he pursues.

"It's really heaven to help me, Sun Wuling consumes too much, even the qi yuan chop can't condense, the 17th and 18th were also severely injured by Sun Wuling, the 16th was in a coma, if I absorb the lives of the three of them, my strength will definitely increase a lot, no, even if it directly reaches the maturity stage."

Wuling Shalu looked excitedly at his palm that looked very immature at this time, Sun Wukong and others were still far away, and it was simply too late.

Just as he was about to go out, suddenly, an adult-sized figure flew from the snow-white pine forest in the distance, and ran towards Sun Wuling and the others one step ahead of him.

It looks like a humanoid bug, with eyes like snake pupils, and a barbed-like tail swinging flexibly, full of excitement.


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