"Well, Vic did they find out about Sharu!"

Sun Wukong suddenly sensed that the breath of Bike, Vegeta and others was sometimes skyrocketing and sometimes low, and there was also a qi, in addition to Sun Wuling, there were multiple mixtures together.

Bidiri and Sun Gohan also put away the smiles on their faces, and they also sensed the situation in the northern capital at this time!

"Bidili, number 16, please stay here to take care of Gorei, I passed with Gohan!"

Sun Wukong stood up, and Sun Wuhan hurriedly came to Sun Wukong's side, and was about to move away in an instant, but was suddenly stopped by Bidili.

"Uncle Wukong, have you forgotten what Master Wuling told you? Bring the four-star Dragon Ball to Shinnami for the time being!

Sun Wukong's face changed, and he smiled embarrassedly, "Hehe... I really forgot, haha... Thank you, Bidili, Gohan, you wait for me first, I'll be back later.

"Well, okay dad, but why did Uncle Goei send the four-star Dragon Ball to Shinnamikos?"

Son Gohan asked puzzled.

Bidili looked at Sun Gohan and explained, "Master Wuling, he has always felt uneasy, in a cautious manner, after making a wish. In addition to the four-star Dragon Balls, the rest of the Dragon Balls are scattered all over the earth, which is also a layer of protection, otherwise, if Sharu gets together the Dragon Balls, it will be a real disaster. "


Beidu, at this time, Wuling Sharu gritted his teeth, and the magic chain in his right hand kept waving.


The Demon Chain in the hand of Wuling Sharu was like a whip, striking towards Bike!

Vic did not hide, and rushed over with Tianjin Rice and Yamucha, and grabbed Wuling Shalu's Moga chain together!


Vic shouted loudly.

"It's been ready for a long time, Qi Yuan Chop!"

Klin threw out the already condensed qi yuan and cut off the Moga chain directly! The broken chains of Maga dissipated like burning ashes.

The break of the Moga chain caused Wuling Sharu to take a few steps back in a row.

At this moment, Tenanks and Vegeta unleashed their moves at the same time.

"Magic Flash!"


Wuling Sharu took off, and the magic flash and afterburner cannon under him collided with each other, setting off a violent impact.

No. 17's figure leaped, swinging flexibly in the air, as if dancing, kicking the Wuling Shalu who had just flown into the air, and directly kicked it in the face of Wuling Shalu, and the huge force made Wuling Sharu directly deformed.


drooling, blood spit out, figure flew upside down, fell to the ground, and directly lay in the deep pit!

"Very good, that's it, everyone must be stable, don't show flaws, give him a chance!"

Vic looked at Sharu, who crawled out of the pit, and said with a smile.

Vegeta said dissatisfied: "Obviously I was dealing with a guy who was much weaker than me, and I actually had to join forces with others!" That

being said, Vegeta didn't really want to deal with Sorin Sharu on his own.

No. 17 landed smoothly on the ground and walked towards Wuling Sharu with everyone.

At this time, Enlightenment Sharu's right palm reached into the dust, and with the release of magic, a small bottle was conjured up in the dust.

Wuling Sharu stood up tremblingly, remembering where he had placed, standing behind the small bottle he had hidden, and looking directly at Vegeta and the others who were wearing sunglasses and standing side by side towards him.

"Poof..." Gently

wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Wuling Sharu's eyes were full of coldness, without the slightest look of fear, and let out a croak.

"Have you been beaten stupid? Sharu! I actually laughed. Vegeta clenched his fists and shouted at Goryoshishalu.

Wuling Shalu said coldly, "What does it matter to you?" Saiyan prince, super Saiyan, haha... Unite so many princes who fought me, Vegeta, it seems that the title of your fighting nation is not worthy of the name! Vegeta

stopped when he heard this, Bike, Klin and the others also stopped, Vegeta was too angry, his forehead bulged, he had been enduring something, looking at Wuling Sharu, the corners of his mouth raised a little curve.

"Hmph, Saiyans of the Fighting Nation, how can you guy understand, Shalu, did you deliberately provoke my anger, did you deliberately set some trap!"

Wuling Shalu's heart beat suddenly, but he said quietly on the surface: "Yes, a trap has been set, it's best not to come over, otherwise, you may die!" This

feeling of horizontal mold made Bike, Klin, No. 17, Vegeta, Tianjin Fan, etc. take a step back one after another, not daring to act rashly at all, and looked at Wuling Sharu at this time with guard.

Tenanks pointed his sword at Ling Sharu and said, "Mr. Bike, this guy Shalu should not be a bluff!"

Vic replied, "It's possible, but the other party has the same mind as Goku, maybe he will get something!" You see, even Vegeta held back his anger.

"What a shadow Mr. Sun Wuling has left on you!"

Tenanks complained to himself, even his haughty father, Vegeta, and when he returned, he must ask his mother.

"Spread out, don't stand together!"

After Vic finished speaking, everyone dispersed and surrounded Wuling Sharu again.

Wuling Sharu looked around, as well as Vegeta, who was erupting with breath in front of him, and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, "Finally hooked!" "

Wuling Sharu put his palms together, and after opening it, he continuously condensed six turtle school qigong bombs, and under the control of the qi bombs, they attacked towards Bick, Klin, Tenanks, Tianjin Rice, No. 17, Yamucha who had just landed!

After just throwing out the turtle pie qigong bomb, Wuling Sharu aimed his palms at Vegeta, Zama stride, Vic is really unfamiliar with this move, just knocked the turtle faction qigong bomb away, Vic shouted towards Vegeta: "Get out of the way, Vegeta!" "


Seal Wave..." It was too late, at this time, Vegeta, who had just gathered his strength and was ready to bombard Wuling Shalu with afterburner, directly hit Wuling Shalu's Demon Seal Wave head-on, and the green energy vortex was like a tornado, even if Vegeta who became a Super Saiyan at this time, he could not resist.

"Haha... Haha..."

Wuling Sharu let out a maniacal laugh, looking at Vegeta who was caught in the magic seal, and could no longer control the joy in his heart.


Tenanks waited for the rest of the group to knock the Turtle Sect Qigong bomb away, or dodged it, just in time to see Vegeta screaming, in a small bottle sealed by Wuling Sharu.


Wuling Shalu moved at high speed and flew in a straight line from the front, and he who had been defended to death, finally seized the opportunity, broke a gap, and finally had a chance to escape.

No. 17 also tracked Wuling Sharu with high-speed movement, and Vic dropped the weight on himself and said: "Klin, you guys release Vegeta, I and Tenanks go to chase, you can't let him run."

"Yes, Mr. Bike!"

Tenanks saw that Klin had peeled open the sand to reveal a small bottle, he didn't have time to think about it now, knowing that Vegeta was okay, and followed Vic to move at high speed to chase after Gomoru!

"Demon Seal Wave... Abominable, but the 17th, Vick, Tenanks chased after it, should be able to catch up ... of it!

Klin's expression slowly froze, his smile disappeared, and he looked a little unsure, and said reluctantly.


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