"Dad, you are really naïve, in this society, reading is the best way out, Gohan will become a great scholar in the future..."

Kiki's words were not finished, Sun Wuling replied directly: "However, scholars and the path of martial arts do not conflict ah, sister-in-law, martial arts is not fighting and killing, in addition to strengthening the body, but also with philosophy, inheritance to this day naturally has the reason for his existence, Wutian teacher's master Wu Taidou, Tianshen, so it is not your one-sided understanding of fighting and killing." "


Kiki, the Bull Demon King was stunned, Kiki snorted dissatisfied, "Wuling, don't think about fooling me, I'm not a little girl at that time before, and I will be deceived by you."

Sun Wuling spread his hands, his handsome face blew with the breeze, curled his sideburns, and his face did not change at all, "Sister-in-law, following your previous words, is this society related to us?" "

I... This, me! Kiki choked on Sun Wuling's words, calmed down, and thought about Sun Wuling's words, is this society related to them?

"What is reading for? For a stable job, what is the work for? For salary, and what is salary? Wages are money! And money..."

The corners of Sun Wuling's mouth rose, "Are we short of money?" Sister-in-law! "

Is everyone short of money? Anyway, after his intervention, these Z warriors are really not lacking, the bottom of the sea, treasures, so many, Yamu tea, Klin, Tianjin rice, dumplings, including Sun Wukong, these will no longer worry about money.

Now there are still gold and silver jewelry in his cellar that is enough to make treasure hunters crazy to death, not to mention Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan has a big stomach king who eats a lot, in addition to rice, what are the beasts near Bun Mountain for.

"I won't force Gohan, it's his own decision, he wants to protect your sister-in-law you, protect Goku, and me, he wants to protect everyone, he also wants to protect the planet, sister-in-law, scholars and martial arts do not conflict."

"But, but..."

Kiki looked at Sun Wuling with tears in her eyes, "Then you can't let a dangerous guy like Vic teach him!"

"I'll go, it's worthy of enlightenment!"

The Bull Demon King is really convinced, and he can move the stubborn Kiqi, and give Sun Wuling a thumbs up in his heart, which is really more bullish than his Bull Demon King!

"Sister-in-law, we all know your hard work, whether it is Gohan or Goku, they respect you very much and love you, and this is also the case, they will have enlightenment, in addition to protecting this planet, it is also very important to protect you!"

Sun Wuling's words made Kiki blush, even though she had been married for more than four years, she covered her face shyly, "Love, love me, Wuling, this won't be you lying to me again, how could Wukong say such a thing!"

"If he doesn't love you, how can his brother marry his sister-in-law you, if he doesn't love you, how can he take the initiative to give birth to Gohan with you, and if he doesn't love you, how can his brother not meet Bulma, Turtle Immortal, and Klin for four years?"

Sun Wuling made Kiki's face red like steam, and her heart beat quickly, and she shouted shyly: "Gory, don't say it, don't say it, tell Gohan, the things decided must be determined to the end, and I will support him." "

Hmm! I will tell you, in addition to telling you when I come back this time, there are Sendou, Uncle Bull Demon King, and sister-in-law, don't worry, I will also practice with Bike, and I will also train him in Gohan. After

Sun Wuling returned to the house, he packed the bags of fairy beans prepared in advance, said goodbye to Kiqi, the Bull Demon Queen, and flew towards the Celestial Realm.

Sun Wuling flew to the Celestial Realm, and the Celestial God who had just returned from the Earth Mansion heard Sun Wuling's words, and also corrected his meaning, allowing the rest of the Z warriors to cultivate in the Celestial Realm.

Sun Wuling returned to the Turtle Fairy House, while Bulma was playing with Raditz's detector and telling Klin about the matter.

"Wuling, are you saying that we can all go to the Celestial Realm to practice?" Klin asked Sun Wuling.

"That's right... Klin, you contact Yamu

tea, Tianjin rice, dumplings, I have already said to the gods, by the way..." Sun Wuling took out four small bags and handed them to Kelin, saying: "There are three fairy beans in each bag here, when the Saiyans come, we will rush directly over, and the rest Klin, you help me hand over Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, dumplings!"

"I know! Enlightenment! Klin replied with a nod.

"By the way, what about Lanqi? Why is she gone? Sun Wuling then noticed who was missing from the Turtle Immortal House, how did he forget her, and quickly asked.

The turtle immortal shook his head and replied, "Lan Qi, she went to follow Tianjin and never came back after the meal."

"Is that so?"

Sun Wuling couldn't help but feel a trace of inexplicable feelings in his heart, of course, he didn't like it, after all, they had been getting along for a long time, and they were separated like this, and I am afraid that they may not have another chance in the future.

Klin, Sun Wuling left the Turtle Immortal House respectively, and Klin went to Tianjin Rice, dumplings, Yamu tea party and, go to Garinta together!

Sun Wuling flew towards the landing ground of Raditz's spaceship.


Dense gunfight, I saw a woman with long blonde hair and a red dress wearing a slip red dress holding a machine gun at this moment, and the crowd that originally surrounded the spacecraft all collapsed.

"Lanqi, isn't it! How did you meet her here?

Sun Wuling hurriedly fell, looking at the blonde Lanqi who was shooting with a machine gun at this moment, and greeted him, "Long time no see,

Lanqi..." "All dodge for the old lady..." The

blond Lanqi machine gun turned around and shot at Sun Wuling.

"I rely on..." Sun

Wuling was startled, although it was not coming towards him, but suddenly this would still be a big startle, apparently the blond Lanqi also recognized Sun Wuling.

A qigong bomb in his hand hit Lan Qi's side, setting off a puff of dust, and the blonde Lan Qi, who was wrapped in dust, felt a little itchy on the tip of his nose.


Lan Qi sneezed, her appearance changed greatly, her original blonde hair and green eyes suddenly changed, blue hair, black eyes, temperament was not as fierce as just now, and her personality was also gentle, looking gentle and innocent.

"Well, where is this, ah, it's Wuling, you're also here!" The blue-haired Lanqi looked at Sun Wuling happily and said.

"Long time no see, Lanqi!" Sun Wuling came to the motorcycle that the blonde Lanqi was riding just now, and the two bags were all gold and silver jewelry, which made the corners of his mouth tug.

"This blonde Lanqi, it still hasn't changed!"

"Did I do all this? Enlightenment! The blue-haired Lanqi looked at the mess around her, with bullets everywhere, looked at Sun Wuling, and asked nervously.

"It's okay..." Sun

Wuyi knew that the police car that honked the horn was coming here, and the hatch of Raditz's spherical spaceship was still open, and his right arm gathered his breath, condensing a chain with a hook and hooking Raditz's spaceship.

"Lanqi, do you want to go back to the Turtle Immortal House? It's been a long time, and everyone misses you too! Sun Wuling stretched out his hand and asked the blue-haired Lanqi.

"Well, I miss you too, and I don't know how I left the Turtle Immortal House!" The blue-haired Lanqi looked at Sun Wuling and replied, the tone, the voice of the voice and the blonde Lanqi were completely two extremes.

Sun Wuling stretched out his left arm and said with a smile: "If you don't mind, I'll carry you back, Lan Qi!"

"Ah, that would trouble you, Gory!" The blue-haired Lanqi smiled shyly, and naturally came to Sun Wuling's side, and was held in the arms of Sun Wuling's one-handed princess, and the blue-haired Lanqi quickly grabbed Sun Wuling's collar.

"Gone, Lanqi!"

Sun Wuling held the blue-haired Lanqi in his left hand, and the other hand carried the spaceship towards the direction of the Turtle Immortal House, and because of the consideration of the blue-haired Lanqi, Sun Wuling flew very slowly, and the sunset in the sky had begun to fall, Sun Wuling was flying slowly on the sea at the moment, and the blue-haired Lanqi spread her head and looked at the sea, this feeling was the first time.

Snuggled in Sun Wuling's arms, the blue-haired Lanqi looked at Sun Wuling and said with a smile: "Wuling, you are now more handsome than before!" "


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