Late at night, Bulma's house!

Vegeta returned with a black face, and even when Tenanks, who was still a baby in his arms, greeted him at this time, he turned a blind eye! Silently walked into the gravity room.

"Hey, really, Vegeta!"

Bulma pouted slightly dissatisfied, but didn't say much, she knew everything about Wuling Sharu, even about Klin, but she didn't worry in her heart.

Bulma smiled and hugged the baby's Tenanks, and said with a smile: "Tenanks, don't worry, that Sharu will definitely be solved by Sun Jun and Wuling." "


the baby's Tenanks opened his little hands and let out a childlike sheer laugh.

"Bulma, you really trust the Sun Jun you said, and Sun Wuling!"

Taise, now dressed in pajamas, smiled at Bulma, and mischievously extended her fingers to tease the baby's Tenanks.

"Sister, didn't you leave Earth with Gark?"

Bulma asked with a smile.

Tais spread her hands and explained: "When Gak and Frieza were talked, the evil emperor who unified the universe was also defeated by the Sun Jun you said, and there are still artificial humans on Earth, which is much more exciting than what I have seen in the universe."

"As for Gark..."

said Tais dissatisfied: "None of my novels based on him are popular, I really don't understand, and he also said that my writing is poor and I didn't write his heroic image, hum!"


Bulma laughed without a ladylike figure.

Tais pinched her waist with both hands and said, "This time I will write out all the Sun Jun and Wuling at the corners of your mouth, and publish a book, hum... If the book sells, it's Guck's own problem, which has nothing to do with my writing.

"Sun Jun, enlighten them? It all starts with the Dragon Balls I found at home..." Bulma

deliberately hid some things that she was very humiliated about, such as the first time she met Sun Wukong and Sun Wuling in Bunzi Mountain at that time, and she was crazy about Sun Wuling!

Later, when she went to the toilet, she was accidentally taken away by a flying dragon, and after Sun Wukong slapped that flying dragon, she was caught by Sun Wuling when she fell, however... She didn't hold back and peed her pants! It was still in Sun Wuling's arms, peeing on him.

At that time, she was more than ten years old, and she was still crying like a child, she could not forget the disgust and disgust of Sun Wuling at that time, now that she thinks about it, she really died on the spot, but compared to Vegeta's women's clothing, she felt much better and more balanced in her heart.

At this time, in the gravity room, Vegeta clenched his fists unwillingly at this time, surpassing the Super Saiyan, and that Wuling Shalu, obviously he put down his pride and joined forces with others, but actually let him run.

"Sun Wuling..."

Vegeta gritted his teeth and said the name with resentment. An earthling, but the result has been pressing their Saiyan head, Sun Wuling, like Sun Wukong, has always been his target!

"Hmph, the first to surpass the Super Saiyan will definitely be me, Sun Wuling, you watch, whether it is Kakarot or his son, when the time comes, you all watch, and finally kill the Shalu who inherited Sun Wuling's main cell and genes, it must also be me."


Bun Mountain, the artificial man finally followed, Sun Wuling's martial arts hall is very large, Tianjin rice, Yamu tea have also come, and Tenanks, even Vic feels tired at this time.

At this time, in the back mountain of the martial arts hall, on an empty grassland! It is also the place where Sun Wuling cultivates, and at this moment, Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan have turned into super Saiyans and practiced against each other here.


Sun Gohan seized the opportunity and punched Sun Wukong in the face, shooting Sun Wukong down! Set off a deep pit.

Sun Wukong gently rubbed his face at this time, stood up from the deep pit, retreated from the Super Saiyan state, restored the previous hairstyle, and said with a smile: "Gohan, your strength is almost catching up with Gohan!" Haha..." Sun

Gohan fell smoothly and changed back to his usual appearance, seeing that the grass around him was already full of potholes, and his heart felt cold.

"Dad, Uncle Wuling shouldn't be angry when he wakes up!"

Sun Gohan pointed around at this time and asked with a worried look.

"Ah! This..." Cold

sweat condensed on Sun Wukong's forehead, and he had already thought of how Sun Wuling would be furious after that.

"Ah! Hahahaha... It should be fine, hahahaha... Originally, I just wanted to have a discussion, but I didn't expect to get excited to fight, and I couldn't control it at all, haha..."

Sun Wukong smiled awkwardly.

"Then we'll replant Gohan, then again, Gohan, you're really strong now, maybe the first of us to surpass the Super Saiyan is you."

Sun Gohan sat on the ground, looked at the stars in the sky, and said with a smile: "Hehe... I will definitely do it beyond the Super Saiyan, Uncle Wuling said that as long as I surpass the Super Saiyan, I can cultivate the Spirit Immortal Flow, and it will also allow me to maintain the Super Saiyan while cultivating the Spirit Fairy Flow.

Goku looked at Gohan with a smile and asked, "Can this really be done?" While cultivating the Spirit Immortal Flow, you can also maintain the Super Saiyan!


Son Gohan stood up, shook the tail behind him, and replied: "Vegeta, after they came to Earth at that time, my tail grew again, Uncle Vic was going to pull it out for me, but Uncle Gorei stopped me and let me overcome the weakness of the tail!"


Sun Wukong supported his chin curiously and said: "Let you keep the tail, it's really curious, if you keep the tail, it will make you become a giant ape, but that form is too bulky, like the mini qi yuan chop of Wuling, like flowers and plants on the road, stones, you can't detect it at all."

"I don't know, Uncle Goling just said that he made a major discovery after seeing the full moon of Vegeta!"

Son Gohan shook his head, his tail swinging flexibly, and explained.

"Hey... Gohan, Goku, come back to eat!

Kiki's shout made Sun Wukong, Sun Gohan suddenly feel a burst of protest in his stomach!

Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan went back to eat, and Lanfang, Xiao Wu's help, the dinner prepared by the three daughters together, and the 18th also helped to fight.

In addition to Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, and Sun Wuling who is sleeping, Pirav, Ashu, Bull Demon King, Bidili, Satan, Tianjin Rice, Yamucha, Tenanks, Vic and Cyborg No. 17, No. 18, No. 16! and Maren, who was still a baby.

Many people gathered together, the android and Vic did not need to eat, but they also sat next to them, such a cheerful atmosphere that made people forget their troubles for a while.

No. 18 looked at No. 17, who had changed his clothes at this time, and asked, "No. 17, didn't you say that you were going to chase Sharu?" How did you stay here?

No. 17 put his hands behind his head, leaned on the bench, looked indifferent, and said: "The enemy is dark, Shalu is hiding again, sometimes waiting is also a pleasure, only those who know how to wait will have good things." No

. 18 wordlessly glanced at No. 17, who was duplicitous at this time, and No. 16, who had been on his mechanical face at this time, and after hearing No. 17's words, he showed a smile.


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