The 18th clearly listened to Sun Wuling's more than three minutes of video at this time, which was privately uploaded by Sun Wuling himself, and did not sell money or anything because of this, after all, he is not short of money, sometimes hearing this, he also inexplicably has a sense of nostalgia, the music that made him once moved and familiar.

At the end of the song, sitting on the sofa at this time on the 18th, the song sung by Sun Wuling just now made her feel an inexplicable sense of emotion, she couldn't say why, Sun Wuling's singing was slightly better than the ordinary, there was no out-of-tune, out-of-tune and the like, even if he sang on stage, Sun Wuling was still very confident, but at this time the professional was still much worse, after all, he was just a hobby.

At this time, Sun Wuling in the dream stood up and said curiously: "Strange, who, if according to the time, I am not wrong, it is already evening at this time, who is idle at this time, singing is not closed?" Sun

Wuling's thoughts at this time, No. 18 didn't know, No. 18 looked at the plate of accompaniment discs placed on the small table that gradually attracted you, and looked at the microphone again.

"This... Well! With

curiosity, the 18th put the accompaniment disc in, picked up the microphone, and looked at the screen with blue eyes! As the rhythm starts, take a gentle breath and let it slowly exhale with the song, adjusting the rhythm of breathing.

Gradually, my body and mind are attracted to you

, because your charming smile

flies out

of that endless darkness

, Hold my hand


In the dream, Sun Wuling heard the 18th singing and gradually attracted to you! Completely different from before, this music made him feel as if he remembered the first time he heard the singing version of Izumi's sister.

"This voice, no... No way!

Sun Wuling's face changed slightly, and he said with some disbelief: "No. 18, no, that cold artificial man can still sing." It

simply shocked him all year, although it was not as good as the spring sister he remembered, but the 18th sang with a special flavor.

Sun Wuling spread his hands, took a light breath, and after the next tone, began to sing, and his breath slowly spit out along with the song.

Gradually, the body and mind are attracted to you to

this fragment of hope in this universe


Son Wuling's cappella at this time is synchronized with No. 18, and this song from the original Dragon Ball GT gradually attracts you and seems to associate Son Wuling with No. 18.

At the end of the final song, Sun Wuling in the dream exhaled softly, and his eyes were much softer

, "It's not bad, but what are they doing on the 18th?" Judging by the situation, I can't rest anymore, and I just happen to be worried about the saru made with me as the main cell! "


At this time, No. 18, who had just finished singing, suddenly noticed something, quickly turned around, and saw No. 16 standing at the door at this time, looking at her.

"I forgot to close the door... On the 16th, did you hear it all? "

No. 18's pretty face changed slightly, and she forgot it for a while, and she is still in Sun Wuling's home, and the sound is so loud, but the sound is so loud, she actually hasn't let No. 17 get up, and she is completely fascinated.

"I heard it, the 18th, and Sun Wuling heard it too!"

"Sun Wuling?!!"

No. 18's face changed slightly, and I saw that Sun Wuling was wearing a dressing gown at this time, his clothes were changed by Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan, yawning, and looking very tired, standing on the side of No. 16.

"No, I actually feel so tired after eating a fairy bean, but if I sleep again, I can almost recover tomorrow!"

Sun Wuling's eyes were still bloodshot at this time, and the accumulated fatigue broke out once, he just couldn't even open his eyes, his body was protesting, and he forcibly ate a fairy bean, but he still felt very tired, this outbreak of viral heart disease, coupled with heart demons, tortured him not lightly.

"You, Sun Wuling, why are you awake! Didn't it take you ten days or so to wake up? How so? Did I just wake you up? Sorry, I forgot to close the door. No. 18's face was slightly red, not shy, just embarrassed, this feeling was like being caught doing something bad.

"I woke up hearing your singing, but it's not noisy, No.

18..." Sun Wuling snuggled on the door frame, snuggled his body, and looked at No. 18 with slightly narrowed eyes, he felt that No. 18 could be remembered by him, and it was accepted among so many Dragon Ball peers, not without reason, really beautiful, no wonder Klin would be slashed by lightning and hacked into a wave.

Sun Wuling's voice was not as cold and flat as usual, and with the usual lack of gentleness, he said: "Your voice, I heard it!" No

. 18's heart trembled inexplicably, and Sun Wuling's words inexplicably made her feel a throbbing! The blush on his face was almost to his neck, and his previous cold and indifferent appearance was completely gone.

"No, what's wrong with me? I was created to kill Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong! And Sun Wuling almost killed me, what's going on now? I should hate him a lot, why don't I dare to look him in the eye now? No

. 18 couldn't help but think in his heart, holding his chest, his heart was beating so fast, this feeling was wonderful, and a pair of blue beautiful eyes trembled slightly.

"Sounds good, number 18!"

Sun Wuling showed a faint smile and said: "Your voice can be a professional singer, No. 18, I told you this before, but now I really praise you seriously, you look very beautiful!" It's beautiful too! This

time did not have the perfunctory look of the first encounter before, No. 18 calmed the complicated throbbing mood in his heart at this time, looked at Sun Wuling, his beautiful eyes froze, and said: "Sun Wuling, I'm afraid your mouth has deceived a lot of girls, how, do you want to soak me?"

"Ha..." Sun

Wuling's head was confused, soak her, no, no, his words are a little ambiguous, as for puffing girls, cheating girls, he will look at it, he will also be colorful, but really want to contact, sorry, he refused and protested from the bones!

Whether in his previous life or now, he has always been a single aristocrat, a two-dimensional lover, there is no mess that makes him feel comfortable, he lives dashing and comfortable, looking for a girlfriend, this kind of thing makes him feel that in addition to wasting time and energy, there is no benefit to himself.

Adolescent ignorance still feels fresh, grow up and find that what kind of love, it's all! The miserable appearance of his colleagues and classmates in his previous life, plus Vegeta, Klin, Sun Wukong, and Tianjin Rice now, made him stay away from marriage, girlfriends and the like.

Sun Wuling was just about to say to No. 18 that she was self-inflicted, when he saw No. 18 looking at him at this time and said: "I'm really sorry just now, I forgot to close the door, Sun Wuling, please allow me to refuse you, because I am an artificial person, and you are an earthling, we are different."

Sun Wuling pointed to No. 18, and if he wanted to complain, he was speechless and couldn't speak, he didn't know what to say?


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