The fish was cooked in a big pot, but the fish was still hot.

Drops of hot oil flowed down the fish, making a "sizzling" sound, as if a wonderful symphony was being played!

The sweetness of the fish itself and the spicy flavor of the soul ingredients blended into an alluring aroma, which slowly drifted away as Sun Er gently fanned the fan in his hand, filling the air and making people salivate!

It was like a fine work of art, showing an intoxicating golden color and exuding endless charm!

"Master! You are so good at cooking, why did you always let me do it before?" Kelin wiped the saliva that flowed down, with a puzzled look on his face!

Sun Er grinned, revealing a self-righteous smile, "Because I'm lazy!"

"" Klin chewed what he wanted to say several times in his mouth, and finally swallowed it down!

He was obviously convinced by this powerful reason!

"Okay, okay! Now I'm making it for you, right?" Sun Er handed a string of grilled fish to Klin!

After Klin happily took it, he took a big bite!

Then he was burned!

But humans are creatures with strong learning and finding ways!

Soon, Klin learned how to eat it while breathing in the cool air and chewing quickly when being burned!

Sun Er also ate the delicious grilled fish one bite at a time, and at the same time did not forget to preach to Klin: "This kind of delicious food will not feel good if you eat it all the time! Only once in a while can you really enjoy its deliciousness! Haven't you heard of the old saying "A long absence is better than a new love"? "

It makes sense!


This is a lie!

With Sun Er's cooking skills, it is so easy to make every meal delicious without getting tired of it!

He is just too lazy to cook for the little bald guy!

For example, Sun Wukong No. 1, if it is Sun Wuhan, Lapis and others who want him to cook, there is a high probability that he will get a flying kick!

But if Bulma, Chi-Chi and others want him to cook, they will probably do it immediately, but they will inevitably tease him!


The barbecue dinner is over!

Krillin, with a round belly, looked at Sun Er with a serious face!

"Master! You must get up early tomorrow! Tomorrow morning, the championship game will start! If you get up late, we won't be able to see it!"

"It's impossible to get up early!" Sun Er shook his head, but then changed his tone, "But you can stay awake!"

"Don't sleep tonight! I want to teach you real skills!"

"Yeah!!" Krillin's sleepiness due to eating and drinking disappeared immediately, and the whole person suddenly became energetic!

"Master, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it can be false! Tonight, I will teach you the essentials for going out!" Sun Er nodded in confirmation, then waved his hand, "Let's go! Go back to the hotel first!"

"Go! Go! Go!" Krillin happily picked up the whisk and walked quickly to the hotel with his big belly!


The two of them soon returned to the hotel room!

"The class officially begins! Xiao Linzi, are you ready?" Sun Er picked up the whisk and swung it, and the white silk on the whisk instantly floated out and fell all over the room!

A barely perceptible light flashed, and the soundproof barrier was formed!

Next, it's all business secrets!

These are all paid courses outside, and they can't be heard by the walls!

"Xiao Linzi, remember one sentence: being strong or not is a temporary thing, but being handsome or not is a lifelong thing!" Sun Er began to teach!

"Today, I will teach you the key to being handsome! That is the language you use in daily life!"

"You must use the language you use in daily life! Think carefully about some of the speeches I made when I appeared on stage!"

"Give me an example! For example, when I first appeared on stage and defeated Tao Baibai! What did I shout when I appeared on stage?"

"Hey! You dare to come out and harm people in broad daylight! Why don't you surrender quickly!"

"This "Hey" is not ordinary! This is the onomatopoeia that I have accumulated experience and carefully selected after years of practice, and finally formed the most suitable to deter the enemy!"

"You can try it yourself! Remember, you must pronounce it from the lungs. The throat is an oscillator, and the mouth is a megaphone! Finally, shout out the word "Hey" that is loud, goes straight into the eardrum, and has a little tremolo!"

"I'll give you five minutes, practice it yourself first!"

Krillin listened with great interest. Although Sun Er didn't teach a way to improve his strength, he was interested in that

I agree with the saying "Being strong or not is a matter of time, being handsome or not is a matter of life"!

Klin's dream is to become strong and handsome and then marry a beautiful wife!

So in order to realize his dream, Klin began to practice hard!





"Don't shout too loud! Make it lower! Don't shout with your neck tilted back, lower your head! Drink some water first to moisten your throat!"

"Okay, Master! Ton~ton~ton~hey!"


"That's it! 5 minutes are up! Today's "Hey" practice ends here! I can't stand it after practicing too much!"

"In the next period of time, read this book, "Don't lose in not being able to show off"! You don't have many pretentious quotes and practical skills!"

"I personally suggest you read Chapter 5: Language first The speed of the game affects your mentality!"


"That's enough! It's almost dawn! Take a break and stop reading!"

"Wow! Master, this is a magical book! Who wrote it?"

"The same author as Master Roshi!"

"This author is too awesome!"

"I guarantee it's awesome!"

"Master, let's go to the competition site now! It's only 5:00 now, there must not be many people at the site! Let's pick the best seat!"

"Okay! Let's go!"


I wonder how the audience friends rested last night?"

"Is the barbecue dinner prepared for everyone in this competition delicious?"

"Tell me loudly, okay?"

Sun Er didn't expect that the competition would not start directly, but there would be this!

Looking around, no one responded to the host. Sun Er thought for a while, and then shouted loudly, "Delicious! ”

After Sun Er finished shouting, several people shouted with him one after another!

The host spoke again!

"Too quiet!"

"Try it again and tell me if it tastes good?"

This time more people shouted, but Sun Er did not speak, because he felt that things were not that simple!

The phrase "Too quiet!" made him think of a possibility!

Sure enough, the familiar melody sounded from the speakers around!

Soon, the song ended and the host began to insert commercials!

Sun Er murmured in a low voice, "It's me! So fun! And the name of Aikong Company is so good, you can tell it's a real fan!"


Wonderful end of the chapter:

(Where readers show their talents)

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