The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"Calling Sun Wukong No. 1! Calling Sun Wukong No. 1!"

"If you have something to say, just say it!"

"Now Xiao Linzi and I are heading towards the location of Wolong Mountain on the map I drew at twice the speed of sound! If nothing goes wrong, including the rest time, we will arrive in about two and a half days! I just want to ask, have you arranged the scene?"

"Don't worry, you are not that fast! And the scene will be arranged immediately. Do you need me to tell you?"

"No! It's just a good time to add some suspense and give me a little surprise! But what does not so fast mean? You won't do anything to increase our intensity, right?"

"Hehe! You will know when the time comes!"

"I suddenly want to know your arrangement!"

"Then think about it slowly! Bye Bye!"

"Hey! Hey!! You old man! I'm really impressed!"

Sun Er turned his head to look at Klin, who was having a great time flying in an S and a B, and shouted, "Be careful, Xiao Linzi! Our next journey may not be so smooth!"

Klin stopped in the air, then flew to Sun Er's side, and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "What happened, Master?"

Sun Er looked up and glanced at the big sun hanging above his head, "Just now, I observed the stars and found that our actions affected some cause and effect lines! In other words, the gears of fate began to turn! Our originally smooth fate will become turbulent! Are you afraid? Xiao Linzi!"

"With you, Master, I'm definitely not afraid!" Klin said seriously!

"But..." Krillin looked at the sky again with some doubt, "It's obviously daytime, and there are no stars in the sky! Master, what kind of star sign are you observing?"


Sun Er slapped Krillin's head, "Look! You are lacking knowledge again, no! Even in the daytime, the stars are still in the sky! It's just that the sunlight is too strong, so ordinary people can't see it!"

"Hehe!" Krillin scratched the back of his head, "Master! I'm only four years old this year, it's normal to lack some knowledge! I know that the stars come out at night, which is common sense, which is better than 99% of four-year-old children, okay!"

"Okay, okay! You are awesome!" Sun Er wanted to reach out and touch Krillin's head, but he touched nothing!

"Fuck, where is my apprentice?" Sun Er turned around and looked around!

"Master! Save me!" Krillin's voice came from below!

Sun Er looked down and saw that Krillin was falling at a very fast speed in the air!

Moreover, because the core strength was not strong enough, it lost balance and kept tumbling and spinning in the air!

"Master~ Ugh~ Master~ Ugh~ Help~ Ugh~" Soon, Krillin felt dizzy and his stomach began to cramp and he kept vomiting acid!

"You fly, Xiaolinzi! Why don't you fly?" Sun Er began to control himself and Krillin to fall synchronously!

But Sun Er was very cautious and stayed at a safe distance to prevent Krillin from vomiting out unknown objects!

"Fly~ Ugh~ No~ Ugh~ Get up~ Ugh~ Ugh~!" Krillin was vomiting wildly and trying to explain his situation!

"How could it be? The whisk is not working?" Sun Er was a little surprised, and then he released his mental power to check if there was anything wrong with the whisk? !

As a result, before he started to check the whisk, he found another situation!

"Hey! This is... a no-fly formation!" Sun Er noticed the invisible energy flow around the area where he was now!

Because the energy flow is too subtle, and Sun Er was not paying attention just now, he only discovered the no-fly formation now!

Of course, part of the reason is that this thing has no effect on Sun Er at all, causing Sun Er to ignore it!

In other words, this no-fly formation is only useful for scum with a combat power of less than 500!

Don't doubt it, the target here is Krillin!

The whisk, a divine weapon of at least level 150, was directly dragged down by the level 5 rookie Krillin to the point where even a small broken formation could not be solved!

"Xiao Linzi! Actually, you don't have to be afraid! You just can't fly now! When you are about to fall into Krillin, the whisk will protect you!"

Obviously Krillin didn't listen to Sun Er's kind reminder!

"Ugh, ugh, ugh~~~~"

It may be because he has no subjective consciousness now!

Sun Er shouted a few more times, but Krillin still didn't respond!

But Krillin will be able to escape soon

Leaving the sea of ​​suffering!

Because it is about to land!

When it was 100 meters above the ground, several white silks of whisk shot out from Klin's body and inserted into the ground!

Then, the white silk began to bend and release force continuously!

Klin's falling speed began to slow down and slow down!

Finally, he landed safely!

Although he was a little dazed and foaming at the mouth, at least he was not injured by falling to the ground, right!

"Whisper! Calm your mind! Start! Monsters and ghosts, leave quickly!" Sun Er shouted in the direction of Klin!

The handle of the whisk flashed with bursts of light blue light, which was injected into Klin's bald head!

"What is going on? Why is there a forbidden air formation here?" Sun Er murmured to himself in a puzzled voice!

At this time, a voice came from the woods next to him, "Hehehe! Didn't expect it! Fahai! Here I come again!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Sun Er already knew who it was, "Tao Baibai? I didn't expect it to be you! Why did you set up a forbidden air formation?"

Turning around, it was indeed the familiar figure of Tao Baibai, but there were a few more people beside him!

They were the old man in a green robe with a strange hairstyle, a skinny body, and sunglasses!

The muscular boy with a shiny head, three eyes, and a smile on his face that didn't look like a good guy!

A child with a bleached face, bright red cheeks, and a red ball cap!

The little girl with an even stranger hairstyle, hiding behind the muscular boy!

"Hey, aren't you the world's number one killer? Why are you starting a team action?" Sun Er teased!

Of course he knew who these people were!

Crane Immortal, Tien Shinhan, Jiaozi, and Yurin!

The first three are very familiar, and I have some impression of the last one too!

Tien Shinhan's apprentice sister in Dragon Ball Super!

Her profession seems to be a sorcerer. Because Tien Shinhan betrayed his master and didn't take her with him, she became mentally distorted and took revenge on society!

Her ability is to stick a yellow talisman on people's foreheads, and then control them to do some bad things!

When she appeared, she tried to control the apprentices of Tien Shinhan's martial arts school to do bad things, in order to discredit Tien Shinhan's martial arts school!

In the end, she was moved by Tien Shinhan's sincere feelings!

It's really a cause for celebration!


A wonderful end of the chapter:

(Where the reader shows his talent)

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