The enemy should hide in the dark where we can't see him.

"According to my experience, the enemy should hide in the dark where we can't see him!" Crane Immortal analyzed, "Let's pull Tien Shinhan and Jiaozi over first!"

After that, Crane Immortal threw out two ropes and put them on Tien Shinhan and Jiaozi's feet accurately!

With one effort, the two were pulled over!


Three consecutive! The whole world was shocked!

Four consecutive! Invincible!

After Tien Shinhan, or more precisely, the ring on Tien Shinhan's hand, came within 5 meters of them, Yulin and Crane Immortal also fell straight to the ground!


"You are the worst quality one in this batch!" This was the first sentence Yulin heard after she woke up from her daze!

After she opened her eyes and came back to her senses, she began to observe her surroundings carefully!

Front, back, left, right, up, down, no matter which direction, there were blue and white stripes!

In this space with no visible boundaries, four people were floating alone!

They were himself, Tien Shinhan, Jiaozi, and Crane Immortal!

The owner of the illusory voice just now was not found!

"Master! Senior Brother Tien Shinhan! Where are we?" Yulin asked!

"I don't know!" Crane Immortal replied!

Originally, he thought that with his many years of experience, he could confidently say "I have seen all kinds of storms and waves!"

But this place successfully hit him!

He has been trying to use the air dance technique, but no matter which direction he flies, he clearly feels the sense of flying, but his body has been in the same place without moving!

At this time, he just wanted to say "Fuck! It can be like this!"

It was just because of the face of the master that he didn't speak!

When Tien Shinhan heard Yulin's question, he shook his head silently!

Because he felt that he had caused everyone to fall into this situation, he felt very ashamed at the moment!

"Oh my god..." Just when Yulin wanted to say something, the space around her suddenly trembled!


Soon, the trembling disappeared, and the space returned to calm!

And there was no change in the space after the trembling, which made the four people very confused!


The space in front of the four people began to quickly separate up and down like a curtain!

The original blue and white striped space in front of them turned into an endless mysterious white crystalline wall!

The white crystalline wall swelled slightly, and a huge circular black spot quickly moved from a distance to the front of the four people!

This black spot almost reached the end of the sight of several people before they could barely see the boundary!

"This... This! This?!" Yulin was stunned, she couldn't speak properly, and her body was shaking involuntarily!

The situation of the other three people was no better than her!

They were all sweating!

Their hearts were surrounded by a huge fear!

It was a feeling of being stared at by an unknown and terrifying thing that could easily take their lives!

In just a moment, a truth that they couldn't believe emerged in their hearts!

The huge black spot in front of them was actually the pupil of some creature!

And the endless white lens was the eyeball of that creature!



What a terrifying creature it is!

I know nothing about this world!

At this moment, Crane Immortal really felt that his old heart couldn't bear this stimulation!

The pupils of Yulin and Jiaozi were already a little sluggish!

Tien Shinhan also curled up together, trying his best to restrain his fear!

"Yo yo yo! The one with three eyes! Weren't you arrogant just now? Didn't you stop no matter how I told you to stop? Why are you pulling like this now?" The illusory voice came again from all directions!

"Former...Former...Senior! I...We...have no intention of offending you!" Crane Immortal spoke with a trembling voice!

As a master, he can't let his apprentice take the lead!

Now, it's time to show the master's responsibility!

"It's none of your business! Shut up first!" An illusory voice sounded!

"Okay... okay, senior!" Crane Immortal nodded with a smile on his face!

There are many opportunities to show the master's responsibility, but there is only one life!

"You! Three eyes! Tell me! If you want to wear sunglasses, do you cover the third eye or not?" The illusory voice pointed directly at Tianjin Fan and asked a question!

"I... I... I..." Tien Shinhan was a little surprised in his fear, and he couldn't speak for a while!

He thought this

The owner of a giant eye would ask questions like "Do you know you are wrong?" or "Are you afraid?" I didn't expect him to play by the rules!

"Tien Shinhan!" Crane Immortal whispered, bringing Tien Shinhan back to his senses!

"I should choose not to cover my third eye!" Tien Shinhan replied, and then his face turned into a sincere expression, "Senior! I was just scared by you before! I was a little panicked for a moment, so I didn't listen to your advice and smashed the ring! If there is any mistake, I, Tien Shinhan, will take it all, and please let my master, junior brother and junior sister go!"

"Hehehe~~" The illusory voice began to laugh!

"Hehehe~~ Hehehe~~"

He laughed twice more, and the voice stopped!

The space shook slightly again, and then the huge eyeball in front of him began to shrink rapidly!

Gradually, the full appearance of the creature with this huge eyeball was also exposed to everyone's eyes!

It was a crane with feathers as white as snow, beak and claws shining like pure gold, and three blue feathers on its head emitting starlight!

"Let me introduce myself first! You can call me Crane Master!" This time the voice was not so illusory, but came from the mouth of the crane, the voice was crisp and pleasant like the sound of the heavenly fairy!

"Senior Crane Master, hello! I am willing to take all the responsibility for all the mistakes! Please let my master, junior brother and junior sister go!" Tien Shinhan repeated what he said just now, but this time his voice was more firm!

As Crane Master became smaller, the fear in the hearts of the four people gradually dissipated!

Tien Shinhan's IQ has occupied the high ground again!

And this also made him more determined in his thoughts!

All this happened because of me, so I can't let others get involved!

"Hehehe~~" Crane Master smiled again, his wings shook slightly, and he came to Tien Shinhan's side in an instant, and the crane's eyes stared deeply at Tien Shinhan's resolute face!

After staring for a long time, He Ye spoke!

"You said you will take it all on yourself! Okay! How about giving you a chance?"

After saying that, He Ye waved his wings, and a golden dagger suddenly appeared, floating in front of Tien Shinhan!

"It's not a big deal! I'm not that angry! You just need to use this dagger to gently poke your heart, and this matter will be over, how about it?"

He Ye's faint voice sounded, and the pleasant voice sounded so cold in the ears of the four people!


Wonderful end of the chapter:

(Where readers show their talents)

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