After learning the cause and effect of the incident, Sun Er looked at the ring on Tien Shinhan's hand with a complicated expression!

"Sun Wukong No. 1, you old man! I just left you yesterday afternoon, and you started to make trouble for me! This is too tight!"

"Who said it wasn't?" A voice of approval came from the ring!

Then the ring emitted starlight, and finally gathered into a crane shape, and the crane flashed again, and finally turned into the appearance of Sun Wukong!

"I am Sun Wukong No. 3! I was just separated yesterday afternoon, and I started working overtime! I am the local stall owner, the river god, and the crane master! I am so busy!" Sun San kept complaining!

Sun Er said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's okay! It's a little troublesome! But it's quite interesting!" Sun San smiled and shook his head, then asked Sun Er, "By the way! Sun Wukong No. 2! Don't you want to ask me a few questions?"

"What questions?" Sun Er was puzzled!

"Don't you have any questions about the memory just now?" Sun San was also puzzled!

"I don't have anything to ask, mainly because I guessed it almost!" Sun Er waved his hand!

Sun San frowned, "Almost! Almost! You are always almost! If you do this, you will always be a little short when doing things in the future!"

Sun Er picked his nose, then pointed at Sun San, "I saw it from "Old Lotus Lantern"!"

"Go away! I asked you to ask for a serious reason! But you are mocking me here! It really makes me feel disappointed!" Sun San stretched out his hand and slapped Sun Er's finger pointing at him!

"You make me a little curious! What's the reason?" Sun Er asked!

"It's hard to say this directly! Then I'll ask you a question, think about it!" Sun San stared at Sun Er's eyes, "Have you ever thought about why we are so awesome?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? We have cheats?" Sun Er looked at Sun San speechlessly!

"No, no, no! You are right, and you are not right! This is what I suddenly thought of when I was idle for 40 days! Listen to it, is this the case?" Sun San nodded and shook his head!

"We are so awesome? Cheating is indeed the main reason!"

"But why do we cheat?"

"There were so many people on the earth in our previous life, so why did we travel through time?"

"You also know how fragile we were in our previous lives. We died at any time, and we were scolded by our godfather who gave us cheats just because of this!"

"I don't think that under normal circumstances, we have any advantages over others in our previous lives!"

"So, I have deduced an abnormal situation. Do you think it is possible that we are the legendary fan fiction Protagonist?"

Sun Er narrowed his eyes, "What are you talking nonsense about? Traveling through time and getting cheats, if you add these two points together, I don't believe you if you say we are not the protagonists! I think you are really free!"

"Oh! Just ask! Just ask!" Sun San began to twist his body, "We are all the protagonists! There must be people watching our actions! You can guess it if you say so, but if you don't say it yourself, the readers will think you are a riddler!"

"There is some truth in this sentence! Okay, then I will ask some questions!" Sun Er pointed at the hand of Tien Shinhan who was still lying on the ground. The ring he was wearing, "What kind of ring is that? What's it for?"

Sun San immediately became interested, "Didn't Sun Wukong No. 1 make a ring that can teleport to [Sumeru Cave Heaven]? This one is similar to that one, but the material is better and the function is stronger!"

"The main materials are a piece of purple quality jade and two pieces of blue quality metal! I didn't see what they were called, anyway, I just picked them according to what I liked!"

"The function has changed from only being able to teleport one person to being able to teleport an unlimited number of people as long as the energy input is enough! However, for every additional person, the teleportation will be longer. He will need 10% more energy than the last person! Mainly because of the material limitation, and my refining level is not that high! "

"As for the place where they are transported, it is still in [Xumeru Cave Heaven], but not on that continent! Instead, I found a space outside the continent to set up the scene!"

"It's almost what I guessed!" Sun Er nodded, "Then let's ask the next question! You only changed clothes from a street vendor to a river god. Are you too lazy, or is there some easter egg designed? For example, if you ask the street vendor the same question, you can

To trigger some hidden plot, accept hidden tasks, and finally have rich rewards and the like! "

"Uh~ Yes! Yes! That's it! It's just that Jiaozi was tied up by Tien Shinhan and Crane Immortal and attracted attention, so he didn't ask! What a pity! What a pity! "Sun San was stunned for a moment, then nodded and agreed with Sun Er's statement!

"Just lie to others! Don't lie to yourself!" Sun Er reached out and patted Sun San's shoulder!

"Ahem! Don't say some things out loud!" Sun San coughed to relieve his embarrassment, "Hurry up and ask the next question!"

"You gave Crane Immortal the knowledge of the formation, what did you give to the other three people?" Sun Er asked again!

Sun San pointed at Tien Shinhan, "What I gave Tien Shinhan was a body-building exercise that I spent 40 days to sort out and modify. The quality must be at least purple!"

"When you practice to the later stage, without using Qi, it's not a big deal to blow up a planet with one punch! "

"Of course, it's more resource-intensive! But it doesn't matter, my ring can also be used to teleport to the continent of [Xumeru Cave Heaven], and I can just let him fight monsters and level up in the future!"

Sun San pointed at Jiaozi again, "What I gave Jiaozi is some knowledge about superpower development! Although I don't understand it myself, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, I..."

"Wait a minute!" Sun Er raised his hand to stop him, "Don't show off your Chinese skills in the future! Can a lean camel be bigger than a horse be used here?"

"Oh! Don't pay attention to details! A real man doesn't care about trivial matters!" Sun San scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He felt something was wrong after he said it just now. He didn't expect Sun Er to be so sharp and found it out directly!

"Sometimes you really don't care about details! But sometimes details determine success or failure!" Sun Er shook his finger!

"Uh~~ I suddenly think this sentence of mine is so awesome! Write it down quickly! "Sun Er grabbed a corner of the cassock and started writing!

Sun San saw that Sun Er stopped talking, so he started to say, "Then I'll continue! I gave Jiaozi some ideas about developing superpowers, such as how to train superpowers, how to use Qi to amplify superpowers or use superpowers to amplify Qi, etc.!"


Wonderful end of the chapter:

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