The teacher said that he was a fool.

Sun Er's voice came from the whisk, "Don't ask so many questions! Choose text input!"

Kelin shouted to the big screen again: "I choose text input!"

The screen did not respond!

"Master, what's going on?" Kelin asked with some confusion!

"Do your reading comprehension well! Doesn't it say that he is hard of hearing? Try tapping the screen with your hand!"

Kelin nodded, took two steps forward, and stretched out his hand to tap the words "text input"!

Sure enough, the original options began to change and turned into a sentence!

[Good words make good connections, bad words hurt people's hearts]

There is also an extra whiteboard below!

Kelin stretched out his hand and scratched the whiteboard, and a "one" appeared!

"Let me write! Let me write!" Qiying Snake came over and said with interest!

"Then you write!" Klin made way!

"Thank you! Xiaolinzi! mua~" Qiying Snake kissed Klin's right cheek excitedly, and then stretched out his hand to write on the whiteboard!

And Klin was struck by lightning and was stunned on the spot!

He reached out and touched his right cheek in disbelief, and his whole body began to blush!

The expression on his face began to ripple!

"Don't look like you have no regrets in death! Isn't it just a small kiss? That's all you can bear!" Sun Er's voice made Klin barely come back to his senses!

At this moment, Qiying Snake had already written the three words "start", "jump", and "dance". After clicking [OK], the video started moving again!

Klin was just attracted by the video, so he didn't notice that Qiying Snake's face was also very red at the moment!

The video continued to play!

The person riding the electric bike and the person who was hit rushed towards each other!

One raised his fist, and the other raised his foot!

And just before the collision, both of them withdrew their offensive!

At this moment, the music sounded!

"Why not ~~ dance ~~"

"It's better to dance than to chat ~~~"

"Make yourself ~~ feel comfortable ~~"

"It's ~everyone's ~talent ~~"


As the music played, the two people stood together with their arms around each other's shoulders and began to sway!

Shake your head!

Shake your hair!

Twist your waist!

Kick your legs!

"Don't say! This song is pretty good!"

"You danced well too!"

"It's just that this answer is really not something a normal person can think of!"

"I agree, I agree!"

"Not a kiss, bad review!"

"Why didn't I think you were so perverted before?"

"Before was before!"

The guards started to discuss!

Qiying Snake also looked up at the video, with no extra expression except blushing!

But in fact, her eyes were erratic, and she didn't watch the video seriously at all, and her heart was not as calm as it seemed!

[No! No! No! I was too excited! It was because I kept saying kiss, kiss, kiss, so I kissed subconsciously! I heard people say that kissing will make you pregnant! Why doesn't Krillin's belly grow? ]

Just when she was still thinking about whether Krillin could bear to have a baby at such a young age, the video ended!

The cyclist and the person who was hit bowed forward to express their gratitude!

[100% correct answer]

[Reward: Everyone gets a bronze token with the word "Dragon" and a silver token with the word "Dragon"! ]

The next second, everyone returned to the position before they entered this space!

And in their hands, a bronze token and a silver token appeared!

Klin held up the bronze token and the silver token in front of him. Both had the word "dragon" on them!

The "dragon" on the silver token was a little more spiritual than the bronze token!

If I were to describe it, the "dragon" on the bronze token looked like it was printed!

The silver token was handwritten!

Klin turned his head and looked at Qiying Snake, who was still a little dazed, and said, "Qiying, let's keep going!"

"Oh! Does it hurt?" Qiying Snake was still in his fantasy moment!

"Ah? What?" Klin's face was full of question marks!

"Nothing! Nothing! Let's keep going!" Qiying Snake quickly changed the subject and took the initiative to move forward!


It wasn't just Klin and his group who entered the space to answer questions!

All the people who officially entered Wolong Mountain entered the answering space at the same time that Klin and his group entered the answering space.

Question space!

Either answer the questions alone or answer them together!

These people answered the same questions as Klin and the others!

At this moment, most people are still in normal thinking!

So the correct answer rate is almost 0%!

At this moment, they are being punished!

It's not a serious punishment!

No injuries or death!

Just dancing with the music in the video!

For every 1% less than 50%, you will jump for 1 more minute!

You can go out after you finish jumping. If you jump twice as long, you can also get a "Dragon" bronze token as a reward!

Most people are still happy!

However, there are still a very small number of people who are not so happy, and their spirits are already a little abnormal!

This is because these people are not active in thinking + very unwilling to listen to advice + will not turn back until they hit the south wall!

The typical one is the one who entered the mountain as soon as Wolong Mountain opened, successfully comforted himself after Klin and Qiying Snake flew over his head, and decisively persuaded himself to join after knowing that the aerial trapeze activity was launched at the foot of the mountain!

Here, I am referred to as Brother Comfort!

Brother Comfort entered the answering space by himself!

After entering the answering space and knowing the questions, he is now very confident!

Because he is an experienced martial arts instructor!

He can tell who is stronger and who is weaker in the video at a glance!

Let’s not talk about whether his answer is right or not. When he chose the input method, he chose voice input because he was too lazy to write!

Then his breakdown began!

He said confidently, "The person riding the bike will eventually knock down the person he hits!"

Subtitles began to pop up in the input box according to his words!

[The people in Gito took the people who went shopping early to mess around! ]

"Sure enough, I am a little hard of hearing!" Brother Comfort just muttered to himself!

As a result, subtitles began to appear in the input box again!

[The dog man, please give me a tip! ]

"This sentence is not right! Delete it all for me! I want to re-enter it!" Brother Comfort did not realize the seriousness of the matter at this time!

But soon, he knew it!

[This plan is simple! Roll up the sky and paint it for me! I will pee out the dirt road in the west! 】

"No!" Brother Comfort shouted angrily!

【Not expensive! 】

Next, the subtitles in the input column became longer and longer!

Brother Comfort also gradually became frustrated from anger!

"I won't answer! Let me out!"

【I'm about to burst! Give me the torch! 】

"I want to switch to text input!"

【I dropped something in the southern continent! 】


An example of a person who has a more active mind but also chooses voice input!

"Both of them were caught!"

【Two people stole a puppy! 】

This is to tell everyone that the artificial idiot with hearing loss is hearing loss everywhere!

Don't be lucky!

Can your Mandarin be as standard as the code level?


Wonderful end of the chapter:

I believe everyone can see the author's deep resentment towards the artificial idiot with hearing loss!

I was also broken down!

At that time, I just didn't accept it and did it!

I don't believe it can still show wrong all the time!

How can a child cry every day!

How can a gambler lose every day!

Then I was conquered by reality!

At least 50 times, no matter how standard I said, it just showed that it was wrong!


(Reader shows talent)

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