The first chapter of the chapter is about to end!

If nothing goes wrong, there will be only two or three cards left!

Then there will be 10,000 consecutive draws!

After 10,000 draws, the Earth Chapter officially ends and the Universe Chapter begins!



"I feel... full of strength!" Krillin clenched his fists and roared!

In order to verify his guess, Krillin bent down and smashed the ground!

Then Krillin successfully injured both hands!

Although he was indeed strengthened, it was a pity that he chose the wrong opponent!

The ground on the top of the mountain was specially reinforced!

Krillin smashed it with all his strength, but the ground was not damaged at all, and his arms burst into blood!

This is because the power of Krillin enhanced by [Great Dragon Tattoo] exceeded the limit of his body's endurance!

Fortunately, [Great Dragon Tattoo] was strengthened by Sun Wukong with [Growth Mantra of All Things], and its functions became very comprehensive and can be used to recover injuries!

Because of limited materials, [Great Dragon Tattoo] did not reach gold!

But the functions became very comprehensive!

There is also an important feature, that is, it will grow with the growth of the host!

If Sun Wukong's estimate is correct, when Krillin's combat power reaches 100 million, [Great Dragon Tattoo] should be able to grow into gold!

Of course, when there are enough materials in the future, you can also take the initiative to help [Great Dragon Tattoo] grow!

It depends on whether there is that opportunity!

Qiying Snake and the guards surrounded Krillin and started asking questions!

Krillin also selectively forgot about the injury of his arms and began to show off triumphantly!

Show off muscles, tattoos, and golden light!

Anyway, everything that can be shown was shown!

The guards were also very respectful, clapping and cheering, shouting awesome!

Although it is indeed awesome!

After everyone chatted for a while, a new wave of people arrived at the top of Wolong Mountain!

This is a group of white coats sitting in electric wheelchairs!

There are a total of 23 white coats, and the gloomy man with glasses is among them!

After reaching the top of the mountain, they did not communicate too much, but directly dispersed!

Five people put an instrument that looks very similar to a sweeping robot on the ground, then took out a tablet and started various operations. The sweeping robot began to move, and various small instruments extended from the inside to sweep the ground!

Five people threw a ball casually, and the ball "coolly clicked" in the air and turned into a drone, and the drone quickly rose to the sky!

Five people came to the stone pillar, assembled their wheelchairs together to form a not-so-small instrument, and took out a bunch of things that were similar to toilet plugs, but with hard rods turned into long-line plugs. The plugs were plugged into the instrument, and the toilet plugs were attached to the stone pillar!

Five more people did not get off their electric wheelchairs, and rode to a corner and sat in a row. They all stared at the computer in front of them, their hands still "crackling" on the keyboard, just like five people playing a game!

The last three people took out a small notebook and a pen and walked towards Klin and his group!

The gloomy man with glasses was among these three people!

And Klin was still looking at the white coats who were doing their jobs in a daze!

"Little bald head, I have a few questions for you!" The voice of the gloomy man with glasses brought Klin back to his senses!

"Ah? Oh! Brother Glasses, I see they are all busy. Is it really okay for you to slack off like this?" Klin pointed to the other busy white coats!

The gloomy man with glasses shook his head slightly, "Slacking off? No? I'm not slacking off, I'm busy too! It's just that I'm busy in a different direction than them! They're the scientific instrument scanning data detection and analysis team, and the three of us are the population question-answering, intelligence collection, identification and investigation team!"

Klin was a little shocked, "How come you guys don't communicate about anything, and then start working in groups without any deviation? It's so awesome!"

The gloomy man with glasses raised his glasses with his right middle finger, "This... is called professionalism!"

"It's really professional!" Klin gave a thumbs up!

Klin still has a good impression of this gloomy man with glasses who taught him some practical tips, at least he doesn't hate him!

Next, the gloomy man with glasses asked Klin some questions!

Klin was also in a good mood and pretended to be more expressive again.

all over!

The gloomy man with glasses just listened silently, without moving the pen and notebook in his hand!

"Brother with glasses, why are you holding a notebook but not writing anything?" Klin asked curiously!

The gloomy man with glasses raised the pen in his hand, "This is a recorder!"

He pointed to the notebook he had been holding in his other hand, "This is a camera that looks like a notebook!"

"You are a little too professional!" Klin was speechless!

The gloomy man with glasses glanced at Klin, "Where is the communication device between you and the outside world? Didn't you always hold it before?"

Klin "pia!" slapped his forehead, "It's broken! I forgot about my whisk brother!"

Before he was wiped out by the golden light, he had to hold the whisk in his hand!

When the golden light spit it out, the whisk was no longer in his hand!

At that time, Klin only paid attention to the changes in himself, and forgot about the whisk!

"Xiao Linzi! You finally remembered the whisk! I thought you had a new love and forgot about the old one!" Sun Er's voice came!

"Master, where are you?" Kelin looked around!

"Master is still taking pictures for people at the foot of the mountain! Now I am just using the whisk to send you a message!"

"Where is Brother Whisk? Why can't I see him?" Kelin was puzzled. The voice sounded very close to him, so why can't he find it?

"The whisk should be hidden in your clothes! Look for it!"

Kelin lowered his head and looked at the only clothes he was wearing - his pants!

Kelin turned around, with his back to everyone and the gloomy man with glasses, and then slightly lifted his pants to take a look!

Just when Kelin had just opened a gap, a white light flew out from it and stopped in front of Kelin!

Bai Lin dispersed, revealing the shape of the object!

It was a mini version of the whisk!

The originally long whisk rod was now only 10 cm!

"Go away, demons and ghosts! Brother Whisk, grow bigger! Return to your original size!" Krillin chanted!

The whisk flashed and began to grow!

Finally it returned to its original size!

Krillin took the whisk back in his hand and waved it happily twice!

Krillin talked with the gloomy man with glasses for a while, and then the gloomy man left!

Just as Krillin was helping Qiying Snake choose a martial art, an angry voice suddenly came from a distance!

"Bald kid who is born evil! I will personally..."


Wonderful end of the chapter:

(Readers show their talents)

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