The more you eat, the more you eat.

As I said before, when you reach the level of a senior chef, you will have the two most basic abilities!

Food as a vessel and willpower as a material!

Willpower as a material means consuming the willpower of the kitchen to make various ingredients needed for cooking!

Meat, vegetables, and seasonings are all included!

There is no limit to this. The more willpower you consume, the more ingredients you can make!

However, whether the ingredients taste good or not still depends on three aspects!

The first is the knowledge reserve, that is, how many delicious foods have people who use willpower as a material eaten!

The more delicious food you eat, the more you know about delicious ingredients, and the more delicious the source ingredients you make will naturally be!

The second is sufficient energy, which means that you need to use enough willpower of the kitchen!

If the complete taste of a food ingredient requires 100 culinary willpower to reach the 100% upper limit!

When only 50 culinary willpower is used to make this food ingredient, the upper limit naturally becomes 50% of the complete taste of this food ingredient!

The third is the proficiency of another ability, food intention as a tool!

No one would think that the effort to make the food ingredient is to eat it directly, right?

Unless you are starving to death and need to avoid danger!

After this ingredient is made, it must be processed into a delicacy!

In the process of making, some kitchen utensils that are deeply involved in cooking must be made with food intention kitchen utensils!

And food intention kitchen utensils are closely related to our spirit!

Once you are distracted during the cooking process and the food intention kitchen utensils are unstable, it will cause a large amount of culinary willpower in the willpower ingredients to be consumed!

When the culinary willpower in the ingredients drops below 1% of the ingredients required, the ingredients will automatically dissipate!

Someone may ask here!

Is it okay not to use food intention kitchen utensils?

Under normal circumstances, it is definitely not possible!

If there is a non-food intention tool for deep participation, although it will not consume too much of the kitchen intention, it will directly halve the taste of the ingredients!

Every time you deeply participate, it will be halved!

Don't underestimate this halving!

Let's take an analogy. If you use the kitchen intention to make an ordinary potato, and then don't use the food intention kitchenware!

Don't do anything complicated that requires a lot of kitchenware, just steam a potato first!

Steam potatoes in an ordinary pot!

The taste of potatoes is halved!

The taste in the end is definitely not as good as a normal potato!

The simplest steamed potato is not good, and other cooking methods are even worse!

Whether it is slicing, shredding or dicing, don't even think about it!

Every time the kitchen knife cuts, it is deeply involved in the production, and the taste of the ingredients is halved!

To be honest, if you really use an ordinary kitchen knife to cut a wish potato into shreds!

After this halving for who knows how many times!

Then it is estimated that the taste of the potato will be diluted to a certain extent in the end!

[If the author were to make an analogy, it would be the taste of a potato peel that someone soaked in water and drank for 10 years, and then ate the potato peel! ]

[I would like to state here that the above analogy is imaginary! The author has never eaten potato peels that have been soaked in water for 10 years! ]

However, there are also unusual situations, that is, a certain brainless senior chef has too much culinary power and wants to waste it!

The taste of a power potato will be halved after being steamed in a pot!

Don't be afraid!

Double the culinary power of the power potato at the beginning!

When the taste is halved, use the halved culinary power to block it!

In this way, the taste of the power potato remains unchanged, and the double power potato becomes a normal power potato!

Let me say here that the taste of the power ingredient will not exceed the ingredient itself!

If there is more power in it, it will only make you more hungry after eating it!

This is the principle. If there is really a brainless senior chef who adds tens of thousands of times of willpower to a wish-power potato, then he can really use the wish-power potato and ordinary kitchen utensils to fry a dish of potato shreds that tastes the same as normal potato shreds!


The two abilities of using food as utensils and wish-power as materials are complementary to each other!

Using food-intention kitchen utensils to cook wish-power ingredients is an ability that senior chefs need to practice continuously!

The culinary delicacies made in this way are not as simple as ordinary delicacies!

It also has special effects!

Various special effects!

I will only talk about three here!



It is also aphrodisiac!

For example, the dish of oysters that Sun Wukong is making now!

"Simple, eat oysters!"

"Prepare the ingredients first!"

"Goji berries! Put them in!"


Yin-Yang Fire! Get it in there!"

"Cynomorium songaricum! Get it in there!"

"Get it all in there!"

"Pour in the soul toppings from Aikong Company!"

"Pour in the hot rapeseed oil!"


"More chua!"

"Soul juice!"


Sun Wukong took one oyster at a time and felt warm all over, feeling very comfortable!

"It's really a magical wish-power delicacy! The amount of wish-power used to strengthen the body would not have any reaction at all, but after being made into a delicacy, it actually has such an obvious effect! "Sun Wukong sighed at the magic of cooking while quickly spinning a plate of oysters!

Then the basin in his hand turned into food again and disappeared!

Some people may ask, didn't Sun Wukong just become a low-level chef, why can he use the skills of a senior chef?

Then can Sun Wukong be a normal chef?

[Chef] + Amazing Wisdom + A huge amount of mental power that can wrap up several suns!

In this case, as long as there is enough cooking power, the speed of the chef's level increase is like Namikaze Minato delivering takeaways-very fast!

For example, now, Sun Wukong has successfully become a special chef!

The two skills of the senior chef, food as a tool and power as a material, work together to make food with special effects!

This is very important at the senior chef stage!

Because if you want to go further and be promoted to a special chef, you must make a cooking food!

Without the help of any non-food kitchen utensils, use the power of will ingredients to make a dish!

Even the pots and pans that are only used simply can be used. All kinds of seasonings must be made with food intention and willpower!

Any dish made in this way is called kitchen food!

The whole process uses food intention kitchenware, but ingredients or seasonings that are not made by willpower are added in the middle. The dishes made in this way are called food intention food!

The whole process uses willpower ingredients and willpower seasonings, but any kitchenware that is not made by food intention is used in the middle. The dishes made in this way are called willpower food!

This is also the reason why Sun Wukong made the semen for oysters just now!

After making semen for oysters, Sun Wukong was directly promoted from a senior chef to a special chef!

At the special chef stage, you can skip the production steps directly, and only use the kitchen willpower to make a kitchen food with color, fragrance and taste!

And the effect is not reduced at all!

Of course, you can't make any food just by thinking about it in your mind!

If you want to make this kind of kitchen food, you must make it in reality!

And you can only make kitchen food, not food intention food and willpower food!

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