The thief was killed, and the thief was killed.

"If that data wave dares to come again, it will be transported to this place and locked up! The screen of this TV-like thing will start to glow to remind us that we have caught the target!"

"Is that what you mean?" Sun Wukong pointed to the glowing TV screen!

Bulma looked back and said, "It's true!"

"Dad! Come here! Don't test that robot yet! The data wave has been caught!"

"Here it comes!" Dr. Brief quickly tapped on the computer a few times, and then said to Chuang Tianya, "You test here first! I'll finish the things over there and come back soon!"

"Dr. Brief! Please focus on your business! I'm not in a hurry! The master has given me eternal life, and the thing I lack the least is time!" Chuang Tianya said!

"Oh, OK!" Dr. Brief answered and walked quickly to the TV!

Dr. Brief came to the TV, took out a keyboard and plugged it into the TV, and started typing!

"Thunder! This purple gold hammer with heaven-shattering cultivation!"

"Purple Lightning! Xuanzhen Flame Nine Heavens Mysterious Sword Shocking Change!"


First, a dynamic little song came out!

Obviously, Dr. Brief is not a person who forgets his roots. He also installed speakers on this trap TV!

When the music sounded, Dr. Brief wiped the sweat from his head and felt that all the fatigue of the day was swept away!

Then he casually clicked the space bar!

The trap TV changed from emitting white light to black and white bars!

Then it began to flash!

Finally, a picture appeared!

It was an old face!

A very, very old face!

And Sun Wukong knew this face!

"Hey! Isn't this Dr. Gero's old face? Father-in-law, why did you make this?" Sun Wukong looked at the face and asked curiously!

Dr. Brief scratched his head, "I didn't make this! This data wave looks like this!"

"Damn Brief! I didn't expect that I was so careful to put my consciousness into the network, but you still found it!" Dr. Gero's head moved his mouth, and the sound music of the trap TV stopped immediately, and it became Dr. Gero's voice!

"This is meeting the real person! Oh my gosh!" Sun Wukong blinked, "I shouldn't have bothered to destroy the Red Ribbon Army! I should have searched your soul at that time!"

"Quick! Father-in-law! He's here for you now! Read his memory quickly! He must have done something bad on the Internet for so many years!" Sun Wukong turned his head to look at Dr. Brief, and at the same time stretched out his hand to point at Dr. Gero on the TV screen!

"Sun Wukong! Don't be complacent! I had expected this situation to happen! So every time I sent out to collect information, it was only a part of my entire consciousness, with only a small amount of my memory! You don't know how terrible things I am researching! Wait, Sun Wukong! Sooner or later, I will come back to avenge you! You can only wait to die in despair!" Dr. Gero's face was hideous, and he roared wildly on the TV screen!

"Gero!" Dr. Brief spoke at this time, "You said that this part of you has no memory of making that terrible thing! Then how do you know that thing is very terrible? Maybe your entire consciousness is making a sound that can resound throughout the universe!"

Dr. Gero was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned red, as if he was about to spit fire, and the sound from the sound system also increased several volumes, "B!! Li!! Fu!! I can't!!! Make a sound system in my life!!!"

Sun Wukong covered Bulma's ears before Dr. Gero showed signs of red temperature, so as not to be disturbed!

Now that Dr. Gro has finished shouting, it's time for him to listen to his own lullaby!

"Father-in-law, look at him! He doesn't understand the importance of sound at all! There's nothing to say to such a person! Quickly strip him of his memory! Then find his lair! No matter what crappy plans he has, destroy them all!"

"That's right!" Dr. Brief nodded and started to operate!

He took a few instruments nearby and disassembled them into parts!

He quickly assembled a new instrument with some of the parts!

I can only say that he is worthy of being the current number one scientist on Earth, and his efficiency is awesome!

After assembling the instrument, it only took 2 and a half minutes to complete the task successfully!


The various memories of the doctor also turned into folders!

"Wow! It's really a lot! This amount is more than my study materials!" Sun Wukong exclaimed!

"It's really a lot! It may be troublesome to find useful information in this way! It will take about two and a half hours!" Dr. Brief said with some annoyance!

"Master! Dr. Brief! Please give this task to me!" Chuang Tianya came to the side of several people at some point!

Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at him!

Although there were only two spots of light, Sun Wukong could still see the firmness in them!

"Then I'll leave it to you! Chuang Tianya!" Sun Wukong nodded in agreement!

"I will definitely not let the master down!" Chuang Tianya nodded, and then started his own action!

He first walked to the computer where Dr. Gero's memory folder was stored, then stretched out a finger, and a long thin needle stretched out from his finger!

He found a hole at random and inserted the needle into the computer!

After a few sparks of electricity, Chuang Tianya's eyes began to flash rapidly!

Two and a half minutes later!

"Master! All the important information has been sorted out! But there is no information about the keywords you mentioned!" Chuang Tianya said!

"Hey! It seems that I have to take action!" Sun Wukong was just about to reach out and take out some things!

"Please wait, Master!" Chuang Tianya spoke quickly, "Although I didn't find the information you need! But I found the same life as this half-baked data life based on the divergence of the same frequency signal source!"

"You mean, you found the location of Dr. Gro's body uploaded to the network, right?" Sun Wukong's eyes lit up and asked quickly!

"That's right, Master! His hiding method is like a baby destroyer covering a cactus to me, full of loopholes and fragile!" Chuang Tianya confirmed Sun Wukong's idea!

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up again, "I like your metaphor very much! Not bad! Chuang Tianya, you have a bright future! Follow me in the future, I will replace your body with the most awesome metal in the universe!"

"Thank you, Master!" Chuang Tianya thanked him immediately, and he could hear from his voice that he was very happy!

"There is no time to lose! Father-in-law, Bulma, I have to go and fix my previous negligence! Here are these things for you, I'm leaving first!" Sun Wukong took out a bunch of various drawings that he had won in the lottery and put them on the table, then he took Chuang Tianya and disappeared on the spot!

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