The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for a long time.

"Passerby A, how have you been doing these days?" Sun Wukong asked!

Passerby A was startled by the sudden voice, and he turned around and found that it was Sun Wukong, and he was relieved!

"It turned out to be Brother Sun! You scared me to death when you suddenly spoke!" Passerby A patted his chest!

His heart was beating "boom! boom! boom!" After all, it is really scary to have someone suddenly speak in your ear in a quiet environment!

"Okay! My fault! Next time I won't speak first, just stand aside and wait for you to find me yourself!" Sun Wukong waved his hand indifferently!

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Aren't you more scary like this, Brother Sun?" Passerby A shook his head repeatedly!

"Okay, okay! I was just kidding you! I'll tell you in advance next time I come! This time I had something more important, so I forgot!" Sun Wukong smiled!

Passerby A breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, "What important thing?"

"I got a good thing and thought it was a good match for you, so I sent it to you! Just think of it as a benefit for you working for me for so many years!" Sun Wukong said, and reached out to take out the [Magic Conch]!

"Is this... a conch?" Passerby A asked in confusion!

"This is called the [Magic Conch], and its function is similar to yours! I came here this time to use your power to upgrade it!" Sun Wukong introduced it with a smile!

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he activated the [Question-Answer Law]!

"[Magic Conch], tell me, do you want to upgrade?" Sun Wukong asked, but did not pull the rope of the [Magic Conch]!

After waiting for two and a half seconds, the [Question-Answer Law] came into effect, and the [Magic Conch] began to vibrate rapidly!

"Think~~" Finally, the [Magic Conch] made a sound, but there were also more cracks on it!

But Sun Wukong didn't care, this is a necessary process for upgrading!

[Growth Mantra of All Things] said, blame it if you want to blame it!

"Quick! Passerby A! Stretch out your hand!" Sun Wukong said to Passerby A!

Passerby A did as he was told and stretched out his right hand in front of Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong tapped on the back of his hand!

The touched place quickly turned red, and then blood oozed out!

Sun Wukong hooked his finger, and the blood floated in front of him continuously!

Sun Wukong controlled Passerby A's blood to start carving runes on the cracked [Magic Conch]!

After two and a half minutes, the rune carving was completed!

The moment the carving stopped, the [Magic Conch] quickly flew towards Passerby A's stomach!

"Fuck!" Passerby A was shocked!

But the imagined impact did not come, and the [Magic Conch] flew directly into his body without any hindrance!

"OK! Done! In about half a year, the [Magic Conch] will be repaired and upgraded, and you can use it!" Sun Wukong said with a smile!

After that, Sun Wukong looked at some information compiled by Passerby A over the years, and then left!


"Hehe! I finally have my own attribute panel!" Sun Wukong looked at the light blue attribute panel in front of him and was very happy!

[Name: Sun Wukong]

[Age: 4]

[Level: 12]

[Basic Combat Power: 1500 billion]

[Basic Qi Compression: 10,000 times]

[Basic Body Strength: 150 million]

[Possessing Forms: Super Saiyan 1/2/3 (50 times Qi/100 times Qi/400 times Qi), Mysterious Mode (500 times Qi), King Fist (2 times Qi~10,000 times Qi)]

This is the black item [Data Panel] that I got before!

It basically has three functions!

The first function is the same infinite split as [Infinite Shield], which can split into countless sub-panels!

The second function is to display data. As for what data to display, it depends on your own wishes, and even the standard value of the data is set by yourself!

And the owner of the main panel can choose to fix the display data and data standard value of the sub-panel!

This is very good, you can have a unified data, so that the data will not be confused!

What does this mean?

Give you an example!

For example, one person takes the energy of the whole body as a standard value, calling it 1 calorie!

Then another person has 500 calories of standard energy!

And another person takes the 500 calories of standard energy as a standard value, calling it 1 column!

Then 1 column is equal to 500 cards!

But this is determined by the energy of both people, not uniform, so it is impossible to tell which one is bigger and which one is smaller!

It seems that 1 card and 1 column are both 1, but in fact, 1 column is equal to 500 cards!

After Sun Wukong determined the standard value to be 1 card, 1 column will not be born!

It is clear at a glance which one is bigger and which one is smaller between 1 card and 500 cards!

The third function is more interesting. It is also mentioned in the introduction of this [Data Panel] that it is highly compatible!

This means that new functions can be added by absorbing various other laws!

Sun Wukong has already added two now!

They are the ability to become stronger in battle by absorbing [God of Battle Godhead]!

And the ability to become stronger in killing enemies by absorbing [Blood Killing Ring]!

These absorbed abilities can also be added to the sub-panel at will!

The panel can also set the level, and the level standard is of course set by Sun Wukong!

It is determined according to combat power, decimal!

That is, 10 combat power is level 1, and 100 combat power is level 2!

Sun Wukong has 1500 billion combat power, which is level 12!

This level is useless at present, just take a look!

Sun Wukong went through the various functions of this panel again!

Display data + become stronger in combat + become stronger by killing enemies, isn't this a player?

"Hey! That's right!" Sun Wukong slapped his head, "Although this panel is not very useful to me, it is a very powerful cheat for earthlings who find it difficult to become stronger!"

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong decided to give it to a wave of internal test players first!

As for the quota of internal test players, of course, they are those who were given the teleportation ring by themselves during the world's first martial arts conference!

You can also add those who got the "Wo" token that can enter [Xumeru Cave Heaven] in Wolong Mountain!

It just so happens that they fight and kill enemies every day in [Xumeru Cave Heaven]. Isn't this panel just right for them!

As soon as he thought of it, Sun Wukong immediately locked everyone through the contacts he left on various means of transmission!

There are 27 people in total who have transmission rings and have entered [Sumeru Cave Heaven] at least three times from the passage of Wolong Mountain!

"OK! It's you!" [Data Panel] quickly split into 27 sub-panels, which were installed by Sun Wukong on these 27 people!


Wonderful end of the chapter:

Long time no see, everyone!

I think some people may have noticed that the protagonist seems to be too friendly to people all over the earth!

All kinds of means of becoming stronger are added!

This can increase the number of rotations on the one hand!

On the other hand, it is the author's hope!

If there is really a big boss on the earth, I hope he can lead the world into a new era, rather than transcending alone!

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