The two sides of the border are still in a state of panic.

"You guys take care of Luffy here. It should be safe during this period. The navy should not have time to look for you for the time being," Hancock said as he took the Straw Hat Pirates to the edge of their country's island.

Everyone nodded. Now they are as exhausted as Luffy and need to recuperate and rest. After all, after such a tragic battle, everyone paid a huge price.

At the same time, the navy was in a state of depression. This brutal battle led to the complete destruction of Marin Fento, and Zhan Guo had to deal with countless reporters' questions every day. What's worse, the leaders above were extremely dissatisfied with the defeat of this war, and many navy soldiers chose to leave the navy because Akainu attacked his companions without distinguishing between enemies and friends on the battlefield.

"Ah, it seems that I am getting old. When this storm is over, I will submit my resignation to the higher authorities and resign from my position as the Admiral of the Navy," Sengoku sat on the chair tiredly, rubbing his aching eyebrows and sighing. Just when he was in a heavy mood, he saw Garp eating Senbei heartlessly, and the anger in his heart instantly ignited. He walked quickly to Garp, grabbed the Senbei and poured it all into his mouth.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Seeing that his favorite was snatched by Sengoku, Garp immediately wanted to fight with Sengoku. Sengoku was not afraid, and he fought with Garp in the office until the two were exhausted, lying on the ground in dishevel and gasping for breath.

"Hey, I say, who do you think can take on the duties of the Admiral among the three admirals?" Sengoku asked while sitting on the ground.

Garp picked his nose and replied: "You old man, since you have the answer in your heart, why are you still asking me?"

Zhan Guo was silent. Although Akainu's fruit awakened and his strength became stronger, he still thought that Aokiji was more suitable for the position of Navy Admiral, because Akainu was too extreme in his actions. Zhan Guo was worried that Akainu's becoming a Navy Admiral would be detrimental to the development of the Navy.

"If..." Zhan Guo hesitated to speak. He thought of Akainu's radical character. If he was allowed to become a marshal, it might cause greater turmoil. Aokiji was relatively gentle and might be able to better balance the forces of all parties. But Zhan Guo also knew that there was an ideological contradiction between Aokiji and Akainu. Zhan Guo couldn't help but fall into contemplation, thinking about how to choose a suitable marshal to lead the navy. After all, the future of the navy is related to the peace and stability of the whole world.

If you are afraid that Akainu will not accept, then let him fight with Aokiji. Whoever wins in the end will be the admiral of the navy, right?" Garp came up with an idea at this time. Sengoku rolled his eyes at him. If only it were that simple. Akainu stood at the door of the office and heard the whole conversation.

"The position of admiral must be mine. I want to eliminate all the evils in this world," Akainu whispered. This battle not only made the navy lose face, but also made him lose face. Obviously, his fruit ability has been awakened, but he still failed in the end. When he thought of the last two people to appear, Akainu had a rolling murderous intent in his heart.

Two months later, Luffy finally woke up. Under the careful care of Sanji and Chopper, Luffy recovered his vitality. However, the internal organs that were previously frozen by Aokiji also recovered with the help of the system. What made Luffy happy was that they not only successfully rescued Ace, but also after this battle, their bounty increased a lot.

The failure of the navy in this war on the top made those ordinary people begin to lose confidence in the navy, and the straw hats in the center of the vortex The bounties of the pirate group members have undergone tremendous changes. Among them, Luffy is undoubtedly the one with the biggest bounty change. He first caused a big disturbance in Impel Down and released countless criminals; later he defeated an admiral. These actions alone are enough to make his bounty soar from 500 million Baileys to 1.5 billion Baileys! Now Luffy is probably the number one enemy in the eyes of the navy, and they will definitely try their best to get rid of him.

Next is Zoro and Kuina. Although in the battle with Hawkeye, because the opponent let go too much, the two of them only barely tied with him, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was Zoro and Kuina who suppressed Hawkeye. Therefore, Zoro's bounty was also increased from the original 300 million Baileys to 500 million, and Kuina's bounty increased from 90 million Baileys to 200 million. In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates suddenly had two more members with bounties exceeding 500 million, and their strength can be seen. However, these changes did not affect the morale of the Straw Hat Pirates, but made them more confident in facing future challenges. I believe that in the near future

In the future, they will surely create more miracles.

Next is Sanji, whose bounty has been raised from 150 million berries to 200 million berries. However, at this moment, he is arguing with Zoro. The reason is that Zoro has just teased him again with his experience in the Kingdom of Human Demons. Despite this, no one pays attention to their dispute at this time. Everyone stares at their bounty orders intently and immerses themselves in it.

Chopper squatted in a corner in frustration, feeling low. Although his bounty has increased significantly, he is still dissatisfied. His bounty has increased by a full 10,000 berries, which can buy a lot of delicious marshmallows. "Damn it! I obviously fought bravely like a man this time, but why does the navy still despise me like this?" Chopper licked the marshmallow and wanted to cry without tears. He expected to get a higher bounty this time, at least at the level of 10 million.

At the same time, Usopp was also in a heavy mood, with tears in his eyes. In this fierce battle, he showed excellent sniping skills, causing great trouble to the navy and successfully defeated many non-commissioned officers. Therefore, his bounty increased from 80 million berries to 100 million berries. This is undoubtedly a recognition of his strength, but at this time Usopp prayed that it would not increase any more, because he did not want to be hunted by bounty hunters.

"I really didn't expect that Nami's bounty would be higher than Usopp's!" Luffy said in surprise.

"Hahahaha, worthy of Miss Nami!" Sanji twisted his body and said.

"Not only that, even Enelu has a bounty of 150 million!" Zoro exclaimed.

However, Enelu looked unhappy at this moment: "Damn! These navy actually took me as a new member of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

At the same time, Weiwei's bounty soared directly to 200 million. This surprised Weiwei very much, after all, she was just an ordinary princess. But due to the special nature of her fruit, the World Government listed her as one of the people who must be killed.

Next, it was the turn of Robin, the son of darkness. She didn't seem to care about her bounty, after all, she had experienced too many storms. A bounty of 200 million was just a number to her.

Franky on the side seemed very excited. Although he also had a bounty of 200 million, he was more concerned about how to make a stronger armor. The last battle made him realize that the existing armor was not strong enough to resist the enemy's attack. So he decided to immerse himself in the study of new armor technology and vowed to make a more powerful armor.

As for Liz and Elsa, they looked at the bounty order in their hands and fell into deep thought. The numbers of 50 million and 60 million on the bounty order were particularly eye-catching, which made them a little overwhelmed.

Finally, Brooke held the bounty order and danced with joy and said, "Yo ho ho ho, Lab, did you see it? I also have a bounty of 80 million!"

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