The two of them were so excited that they had to face each other.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the island where Luffy is, Rayleigh is having a competition with Luffy.

It has been half a year since Luffy started training, and even Rayleigh can't help but marvel at Luffy's progress. In the past six months, Luffy has not only successfully mastered the flow of Armament Haki and the Observation Haki that can foresee the short future, but now he has even begun to get a glimpse of the Domination Haki entanglement.

When Luffy was knocked away by Rayleigh again, Rayleigh smiled and put his saber back into the sheath. He looked at Luffy lying on the ground not far away and said with a smile: "Luffy, your progress is beyond my imagination. Originally, my plan was to let you master the advanced armed color and advanced observation color in one and a half years, and let you understand the domineering color entanglement by yourself in the remaining half a year, but now it seems that it is not necessary. The rest can only be understood by yourself."

Luffy jumped up from the ground with a carp jump. He looked at Rayleigh and said excitedly: "Uncle Rayleigh, do you mean that I have graduated?"

Seeing Rayleigh nod, Luffy's face bloomed with a bright smile. He was as happy as a child who got his favorite toy. It was not easy along the way! I still remember that when I first started practicing, I was always easily suppressed by Rayleigh on the ground, and I had no power to fight back. But now, he can finally fight a few moves in front of Rayleigh. This growth makes him feel extremely excited and satisfied.

As for what to do next? Luffy already has a plan in his mind. He decided to continue training for half a year, and then make the next plan after he could use the Conqueror's Haki freely. After all, only by constantly improving his strength can he cope with the challenges that may arise in the future.

In the middle of the night, the master and the apprentice sat around the campfire and chatted leisurely. Luffy enthusiastically told Rayleigh about his adventure stories, and those thrilling and legendary experiences made Rayleigh fascinated. Rayleigh seemed to have returned to the passionate era of his youth, when he and Roger were so fearless and brave. However, time flies, and Rayleigh can't help but sigh: "Time is really unforgiving!"

"Luffy, although you are very powerful now, you still have to be careful. Whether you make trouble in Marin Fento or destroy Judicial Island, it is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the World Government, especially your girlfriend. The power she used during the war at the top is likely to be targeted by various forces in the world. So even if I leave you, you can't slack off in training, otherwise you won't be able to protect your partners in the new world." Rayleigh said when he left the next day.

Luffy nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, Uncle Rayleigh, I know what to do!" He looked into the distance with a firm look in his eyes, his heart full of determination and courage for the future.

Rayleigh smiled with satisfaction and patted Luffy on the shoulder: "Good boy, I believe you can realize your dream!" After that, he turned and left, leaving Luffy standing alone, watching him go away.

When Rayleigh's figure completely disappeared, Luffy slowly turned around and prepared to return to the camp. However, at this moment, a familiar fragrance came to his nose, making him smile in surprise.

"Ahahaha..." accompanied by a crisp laugh, a beautiful figure fluttered towards Luffy like a butterfly and hugged his broad back tightly.

Luffy felt the soft body and warm embrace, and his face was filled with a happy smile. He turned his head and saw Hancock's charming smile, with love and tenderness in his eyes.

"Really, the old guy Rayleigh is finally gone, and there is finally no light bulb to disturb Luffy and me," Hancock lay on Luffy's broad back, holding his neck tightly with both hands, hanging like a sloth, and whispered in Luffy's ear. The two sisters in the distance looked at Hancock's coquettish look, and their faces showed expressions that they couldn't bear to look directly. If the other people in the Kingdom of Women saw the appearance of the empress in their minds as a little woman now, they would probably be shocked.

Luffy smiled helplessly. He was used to Hancock's intimate behavior. A few months ago, Hancock had already confirmed his relationship with him and became his girlfriend. Although Hancock usually looks shy, in fact, except for the last step, they have done everything that a couple should do.

Luffy gently patted Hancock's round and perky buttocks, signaling her to get down quickly, and then the two

They returned to the camp together. Along the way, Hancock kept flirting with Luffy, and Luffy responded to her lovingly, with a sweet atmosphere between the two.

"Luffy, Rayleigh has left, what are you going to do next?" After a crazy kiss, Hancock asked breathlessly. Luffy told Hancock about his next plan. Although Hancock wanted to accompany Luffy to practice here for half a year, she couldn't leave for too long as the ruler of a country. At this time, Hancock suddenly regretted being the queen.

"Okay, okay, it's not far from Nine Snake Island anyway, so it's not impossible for you to come to see me every night," Luffy said with a smile to comfort her. After such comfort, Hancock also turned from gloomy to sunny. After continuing to be with Luffy for a while, Hancock left reluctantly after leaving a lot of food.

After Hancock left, Luffy found Enelu who had been locked in the practice space for a long time before practicing. Seeing Luffy reappearing in front of him, Enelu immediately released a lightning bolt at Luffy in anger. The good guy had said that he would let himself go after accompanying him to participate in the war at the top, but who would have thought that the first thing this guy did when he woke up was Locked himself up again. The candle man who had been locked up here all left with the sand player, but he returned to the familiar small dark room.

Luffy smiled awkwardly after avoiding the lightning strike. After releasing Enelu from the training space, he released the control of the obedient talisman. After feeling that the thing that could control him in his mind was gone, Enelu snorted coldly and turned into a flash of lightning without saying hello and disappeared into the sky. Now that he has regained his freedom, he will realize his dream.

"Let's go, let's go. Anyway, we will meet again in the future." Luffy smiled meanly and released Taotu and Chatun again. When the two were seriously injured by Akainu's attack, Luffy took them back to the training space in time, so that they did not die in Akainu's hands. However, the two are now wanted criminals.

"Master, what do you need us to do next?" The two knelt on one knee and looked at Luffy with fanatical eyes. After thinking for a while, Luffy decided to let the two follow him to practice first, and then make plans.

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