The two of them were very happy.

"Hey, this guy wearing a straw hat, are you willing to be my apprentice? I am the most powerful dark element magician. If you are willing to be my apprentice, I, Alice, am willing to teach you all the dark element magic I know!" After going crazy, Alice came to Luffy and invited him expectantly.

Luffy looked at Alice, who was wearing tattered clothes and looked crazy, with doubts and confusion. At this time, Weiwei also explained on the side: "Don't look at the teacher like this, she is actually very strong!"

"Very strong?" Luffy looked at Alice with some doubts, muttering to himself. Although he planned to go to the Kingdom of Eles again after visiting Vivi and Robin, he was ready to learn about magic there. Although Luffy does not intend to learn magic, he also wants to improve his control over the elemental power in this way.

Alice seemed to see Luffy's doubts, and she suddenly raised her mouth and showed a sly smile. She put her hands together and chanted a spell. In an instant, a powerful dark force emerged from her body. Luffy widened his eyes and looked at the scene in surprise. A black energy ball appeared in Alice's hand, emitting a palpitating breath.

"Is this the dark element magic?" Luffy murmured to himself: "I can feel that the power released by this person is much stronger than the power released by me. If worshipping her as a teacher can improve the power of the dark element..."

"How about it, boy, are you willing to worship me as a teacher this time?" Alice said proudly.

Luffy thought for a while and responded: "I can take you as my teacher, but I have to tell you in advance that I can only stay here for two months. After that, I have other things to do and will not stay here for too long."

When she heard that Luffy could only stay with her for two months, Vivi's eyes flashed with disappointment. Although she wanted Luffy to stay with her all the time, she still had several sisters. Alice was also disappointed to hear that Luffy could only stay for two months, but she also promised that she would do her best to teach Luffy in the next two months.

Alice is worthy of being the self-proclaimed strongest dark element magician. In just one month, Luffy's control of dark elements was far better than before. Luffy also found his problem. In the past, when he controlled dark elements, he always focused on the power, but did not carefully control the flow of dark elements, which also led to a great reduction in the power when releasing skills. Under Alice's teaching, he learned how to better control the flow of dark elements, thereby improving the power and accuracy of skills.

Luffy kept trying new techniques and methods in practice, and gradually mastered more delicate control. Luffy looked at Alice with some curiosity, and he asked Alice about the methods of controlling other elements. After hearing this question, Alice couldn't help but be surprised and puzzled. She didn't expect Luffy to be interested in these elements and ask her for advice. Alice looked at Luffy, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She realized that Luffy might have mastered the ability to control one or more elements. Luffy smiled, indicating that he had successfully mastered the ability to control seven elements of fire, ice, earth, thunder, wind, wood, and light, and now wanted to learn more about other elements.

However, Alice shook her head and said that she didn't know how to control other elements. She explained that each element has unique characteristics and requires in-depth research to understand their essence. Although she knew some basic theories, she knew nothing about the specific operation methods. Luffy frowned, and he understood what Alice said. Alice told him that if he wanted to learn to control other elements, he could try to find the Kingdom of Eles. That country is known as the legendary magical country, and perhaps it can provide him with help.

When Alice mentioned the Kingdom of Eles, her eyes softened, revealing a deep longing. Luffy keenly caught this, and he asked curiously: "Teacher Alice, are you also from Eles?" Alice nodded, confirming Luffy's guess. She told Luffy that she had left Eles, but always missed the country full of magical power. Luffy's heart moved, and he remembered his experience of going to the Kingdom of Eles. He helped King Lilster defeat the Demon King and restore peace and prosperity to the country. He decided to tell Alice about this experience, perhaps this would allow them to establish a closer connection.

"I have been to Eles before, and I helped King Lilster defeat the Demon King.

"Where is the Demon King!" Luffy said proudly. After hearing this, Alice was stunned. She looked at Luffy in disbelief, with an expression of disbelief on her face. She murmured to herself: "How is it possible... How is it possible..." Then she sighed deeply, as if she had put down the burden of many years in her heart. Then, she began to tell her story. It turned out that Alice was Lilster's mother. She once left Eles and searched for someone who could control both light and dark elements at the same time. However, the king at that time did not understand her pursuit and even thought she was crazy. Therefore, Alice Liz chose to run away from home and continue to pursue her goal.

"Although Lil's mother was born not long ago when I left, Lil's mother must hate me for leaving without saying goodbye," Alice said with a sigh. Although she missed her son very much, she was now trapped on this island and couldn't get out.

Hearing this, Luffy and Weiwei couldn't help laughing. Luffy took out the teleportation stone, handed it to Alice, and said, "Master Alice, this is the teleportation stone. If you crush it, it will take you back to your dream home!"

"Really, is this true?" Alice took the teleportation stone tremblingly, looking at it repeatedly, with excitement flashing in her eyes. Luffy smiled and nodded, and answered affirmatively: "Yes, this is true. Otherwise, why did I suddenly appear on this island a month ago? "

Hearing this, Alice was filled with joy and anticipation. She carefully put away the teleportation stone, as if she was holding the most precious treasure in her hand.

She asked with some surprise: "Teacher, don't you want to go back now?"

Alice shook her head gently, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said softly: "Don't worry, I want to prepare well before going back. After all, I have been away from home for so many years, I have to bring some gifts to my family and friends! Moreover, I have promised Luffy before that I will teach him all my life's learning in these two months, so I must fulfill this promise. Anyway, I have been away from home for so many years, and this month is not a big deal~" Her tone was firm and gentle, as if she was full of expectations and hope for the future.

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