The old man was very happy.

"So, my dad is not here now?" In the temporary base of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo and Luffy sat opposite each other, eating meat and chatting about family matters. When Luffy learned that Long was not here, he felt a little disappointed. After all, the father and son seemed to have never really met.

Sabo comforted: "Luffy, don't be angry with Mr. Long. After all, what he is doing now is a big thing to liberate the whole world! I believe that his love for you is deep." Luffy nodded. Although he still felt a little uncomfortable, he also understood that Sabo made sense.

Luffy then asked, "What are you going to do next?" Sabo smiled and replied, "We will continue to challenge the rule of the Celestial Dragons and return freedom to the people. This is our mission." After hearing this, Luffy's eyes flashed with excitement, and he smiled and said, "It sounds great!"

Sabo looked at Luffy and said with emotion, "Luffy, you really surprised me! I didn't expect you to become one of the Four Emperors so quickly. It seems that you are getting closer and closer to realizing your dream." Luffy smiled and waved his hands, "No, no, it's too early to say this now. There are so many strong people in the New World, and it's not easy to become the Pirate King. Moreover, I am not so obsessed with the title of Pirate King. In comparison, I prefer to adventure with my partners and enjoy a free life."

Just at this time, a girl wearing a red hat and two braids walked in. Her steps were firm and powerful, as if she was carrying an unstoppable momentum. She walked straight to Sabo, grabbed Sabo's ears without hesitation, and began to teach him a lesson with a fierce expression on her face: "Sabo, why are you like this again? You always ignore the battle plan and fight alone! Even if you have eaten the Dark Dark Fruit now, you can't take it lightly! What if you get hurt by accident?" Although her tone was harsh, Luffy could still hear that her words were full of care and worry for Sabo.

Sabo quickly raised his hands to surrender, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, Kerla, I know I was wrong. Look, I'm fine, I'm not injured. Let go quickly, there are outsiders here." As he spoke, he cast a look of help to Luffy next to him.

The girl called Kerla heard Sabo's words and realized that there was a strange face in the tent. She turned her head, looked at Luffy in surprise, and immediately let go of Sabo's ears. She sorted out her clothes a little embarrassedly, then smiled and introduced herself to Luffy: "Hello, first meeting, I am Sabo's friend Klar, nice to meet you, Luffy."

"Klar is a very powerful girl, she is not only good at carrying out espionage missions, but also the acting master of the revolutionary army's fish-man karate!" Robin, who was nestled in Luffy's arms, added at this time.

Robin is now much whiter than before, and Klar touched her head embarrassedly when she heard the praise. Seeing Luffy and Robin's loving appearance, Klar glared at Sabo and left the tent. Sabo scratched the back of his head for no reason, looked in the direction of Klar's departure with some confusion, and then turned to ask Luffy: "By the way, Luffy, what are you going to do next?"

Luffy told a few people about his plan, and Sabo also agreed with Luffy's approach. The revolutionary soldiers who were already dissatisfied with Luffy wanted to press Luffy to the ground and rub him after hearing that Luffy had several girlfriends. Originally, they still had some fantasies about Robin, but Luffy broke their fantasies as soon as he came. Now Luffy said such words again, which made them even more jealous.

"Damn, if I can't beat this kid, I would have gone up to let him know why the flowers are so red!" One of the Revolutionary Army gritted his teeth and glared at Luffy fiercely. The other sturdy man kept staring at Luffy, muttering to himself: "I think this straw hat boy is also handsome..."

Hearing this, the other warriors showed horrified expressions and shouted in unison: "Damn, you are really hungry!"

Sabo smiled, then turned to look at Robin and asked: "How about this, Robin, how about I give you two months off and accompany Luffy well?"

Robin shook her head gently to refuse. She thought that time was tight and there could be no time to relax in training. Luffy

Luffy was able to come to visit her, which made her very happy.

Luffy quickly said that he could also follow the Revolutionary Army. This way, he could not only continue to practice, but also fight side by side with everyone.

Sabo thought for a moment and felt that this was also a good idea. So he nodded and agreed, and told Luffy to be safe.

Luffy nodded excitedly, saying that he would obey the command and would not take risks easily. Then, he watched this group of revolutionaries begin to discuss the next action plan, and Long, who was far away in the New World, learned from the intelligence department that Luffy came to the Revolutionary Army to find his girlfriend. He picked up Luffy's bounty order, his mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Good boy! He is even more brave than your father back then. It's really a young man! But this is also good. With Luffy's joining, the next two months of fighting should be much easier."

As expected by Long, since Luffy temporarily followed the Revolutionary Army, their battles have become unusually smooth. When facing the hail of bullets and unable to move forward, Luffy's shield is worth having. Even at the critical moment, Luffy directly released a powerful domineering aura, instantly intimidating the enemy and ending the battle.

This made the warriors who were originally dissatisfied with Luffy gradually convinced. However, every night, the warriors could always hear the beautiful singing coming from the house where Luffy and Robin were when they were patrolling. So everyone would gather together, look up at the sky, and think about the philosophy of life

"Are you leaving, Luffy?" That day, when another country was liberated, Robin walked to Luffy and asked. Two months passed quickly, and because of the frequent actions during this period, the navy began to focus on the revolutionary army again. So after liberating the country, Robin heard Sabo say that he would lead the revolutionary army back to their base camp to recuperate for a while.

"Well, in the last two months, I want to go to the Kingdom of Eles again and practice there for a while." Luffy hugged Robin and said. Robin nodded to show his understanding. Yes, there are only two months left, and soon the Straw Hat Pirates will reappear in the eyes of the world. I believe that by then, the world will be boiling with excitement.

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