After Sun Wukong left Dr. Brief's house, Bulma and Taisi began to look for the gift Sun Wukong left for them! Because Sun Wukong said in the letter that he put the gift where they stayed last night, Bulma and Taisi started looking for it in the room where they slept last night after breakfast! They didn't find it until they were sweating all over! "Sun Wukong, that stinky bastard! Didn't he say that the gift was in this room? Where is it?" Bulma said to herself while lying on the bed, panting! "Yeah! We slept in this room last night! If not here, where else could it be?" Taisi's physical strength was better than Bulma's, and she was still searching for a small box! After another two and a half hours of searching, they still couldn't find it!

At this time, Brigitte came in and asked Bulma and Tais to go to dinner!

After the two of them had dinner, they simply cleaned up the messy house, and fell asleep on the bed because of excessive physical exertion!

In Bulma's dream!

Bulma was soaked in hot water!

Bulma looked around, and her smart mind quickly reacted. She slapped her forehead, "How could I forget! Yesterday, my sister and I were played with illusions by the bastard Goku in our dreams all night!"

At this time, the scene in the bathroom twisted!

Two and a half seconds later, Bulma's eyes lit up instantly, and when she looked around again, she was already in a white space!

And right in front of Bulma, a golden book was slowly floating up and down in the air!

Bulma's eyes were immediately attracted by the book!

There were four big words on the cover of the book!

Bulma didn't recognize this font, but the first time she saw these words, she knew how to read these words and their meanings!

"Shen Ji Bai Lian!" Bulma read out the name of the book word by word!

After Bulma said the name, the book turned into golden light spots from bottom to top, and those light spots rushed into Bulma's eyebrows!

Bulma closed her eyes slightly, and some information slowly appeared in her mind!

About half an hour later, Bulma opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of surprise and joy!

"Does this stinky Wukong think that I can forgive him by giving him a gift? Really... Humph!" Although she was still complaining about Sun Wukong, Bulma couldn't hide the happy smile on her face!

On the other side, Taiyi's situation was similar!

The one given to Bulma was the golden quality [Shen Ji Bai Lian]!

And the one given to Taiyi was not golden but not bad. It was two purple quality knowledge and skills, namely [Flying Thunder God Technique] and [Introduction to Kamar-Taj Spells]!

These gifts were carefully selected by Sun Wukong!

Bulma's intelligence and technological capabilities are beyond words. In the future, even a time machine can be built. It is natural to give her the [Divine Machine Hundred Refinements]!

As for Taisi, since she wants to adventure around the world, the ability of space is more important!

[Flying Thunder God Technique] saves a lot of time, and [Introduction to Kamar-Taj Spells] records some practical spells including the welding special effect space gate!

With the complementation of each other, if Taisi has a little more combat experience, she can go to the Red Ribbon Army dungeon alone!

Of course, this knowledge is only part of Sun Wukong's gift, and the other part is the [Infinite Shield] on the two of them!

Bulma and Taisi can freely call on the energy in the [Infinite Shield]!

And the black quality of the [Infinite Shield] is not exaggerated. Being able to infinitely transmit energy into it is only the most basic function!

The real user of the [Infinite Shield] is Sun Wukong. No matter where he is, he can transmit energy to any [Infinite Shield] regardless of the distance!

Coupled with Sun Wukong's own [Infinite Stamina], this means that Bulma and Taisi are carrying a power bank with unlimited energy and protective functions!

Bulma and Taisi were extremely happy to learn this information, and the little resentment they had towards Sun Wukong disappeared instantly!

After the two woke up, they discussed using the power that Sun Wukong gave them to create an item with all their strength!

When Sun Wukong comes next time, they will give him these items as a return gift!


In a corner of the universe!

There is an inconspicuous planet!

The name of this planet is Wampa


At this time, a child who was only half a meter tall was fighting a 20-meter-tall, 18-legged giant bug!

The child's mouth kept making "Oh oh~~Oh oh~~" sounds!

As these sounds were made, golden light and golden lightning kept coming out of her body!

Two and a half minutes later!

The battle was over!

The giant bug was broken into dozens of pieces and lost most of its mobility, but several legs with fluff and barbs were still waving around!

And the child also had some more injuries on his body, the most obvious of which was that his left arm was bent backwards at 90 degrees, which was obviously broken!

"Oh oh oh oh~~Oh oh oh oh~~" As the continuous roar came out, a strong golden lightning suddenly came out of the child's left arm!

Two and a half seconds later, there were only two "clicks! Clicks!" The broken arm quickly returned to its original appearance, and the large and small wounds on the body that were originally bleeding had already healed!

Feeling the warmth covering her whole body and the delicious food that penetrated her soul in her memory, she smiled knowingly!

On this desolate planet, only these two things and the crab-headed figure in her memory can bring her some warmth!

Yes, this person is Broli who wandered in the universe and finally settled on the planet Vampa!

Broli picked up several broken giant insect legs on the ground and flew back to her residence!

"Father! I'm back! And there's dinner for today!" Broli put the insect legs on the ground and shouted thinking about the figure who was busy in the spaceship!

Paragas turned his head, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and he squeezed out an ugly smile, "Good job, Broli! You eat first, Dad is busy!"

"Okay, father!" Broli nodded, broke open the purple shell of the insect legs, and the smell of decay and green blood instantly overflowed!

Broli resisted the nausea, thinking about the delicious food in her memory, and ate these hard-to-swallow things!

Paragas looked at Broli's figure, which was small but stronger than his own, and his face gradually twisted!

Why? Why?

Why is this child the legendary Super Saiyan, but I am not!

Why is this?

Why can't I learn that magical Qigong?

Damn it!


But it doesn't matter!

This powerful force will be mine sooner or later!

After my control helmet is completed, you can be my tool for revenge with peace of mind!

Thinking to this point, Paragas lowered his head and continued to assemble the control helmet specially made for Broli!

Broli, who was eating, felt very uncomfortable all over!

But she didn't know that this was because of the beastly thoughts her biological father had about him!

She just thought that this feeling was a side effect of the bad environment and disgusting food!

Silently practicing [Ripple Breathing Method], Broli, who felt warm all over, remembered the figure of the crab head in her memory!

Carefully recalling what the nursery staff had called that figure, Broly's mouth opened and closed slightly before she whispered a name: "Kakarot!"

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