The old man was very happy.

"This Stand Arrow is for you! Go and become a Stand user!" That day, Sun Wukong solemnly handed a golden arrow to Lan Qi, as if asking Xiaozhi to become Professor Oak, the master of Pokémon!

"You woke me up just to say this? I just fell asleep! What is this thing for?" Blonde Lan Qi was pulled up from the bed with a confused face. She reluctantly reached out to take the golden arrow, pinched it in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully, and finally confirmed that it was a golden arrow!

"Don't be fooled by the surface of things! This looks like a golden arrowhead! But in fact... it's a golden scissors! But it's not an ordinary golden scissors! Use it to prick yourself! The kind that bleeds!" Sun Wukong explained while shaking his head!

"Are you kidding? This arrowhead is as blunt as a pedicure knife that hasn't been sharpened for 20 years! And it bleeds?" Lan Qi looked at the round head of the golden arrowhead that was not sharp at all, and complained speechlessly!

"Believe me! When has Brother Sun ever lied to you?" Sun Wukong patted his chest!

Lan Qi was no longer sleepy when he talked about this, and began to count one finger at a time, "Once yesterday, once three days ago, once in the morning and once in the afternoon seven days ago, and..."

Sun Wukong quickly took the golden arrowhead and stabbed it into Lan Qi's smooth and white thigh!

As soon as the golden arrowhead touched the thigh, a cut was instantly torn in the thigh, and blood flowed out!

The golden arrowhead turned into a golden light and drilled into Lan Qi's body from the wound!

"You..." Lan Qi is really young, and fell asleep before finishing the topic!

"I told you to stab, so you stab, why are you so disobedient!" Sun Wukong spread his hands helplessly, and then a ball of green light flew out of his hand to heal the wound on Lan Qi's leg!

This golden arrowhead can indeed make people awaken a substitute, but Sun Wukong did not pull out another one from the Qi Motion Disk, but made it himself!

And it is also a substitute arrow specially made by him. Disposable. Lan Qi's special version!

Sun Wukong spent half a month studying [Wonderful Reappearance], half a month to observe and record Lan Qi's various data changes, half a month to design and plan, half a month to experiment and make mistakes, and finally half a month to make the finished product!

It took two and a half months, and Sun Wukong finally made this substitute arrow that he was very satisfied with. Disposable. Lan Qi's special version!

This substitute arrow does not allow Lan Qi to awaken a new substitute, but when one soul uses the body, it allows another soul to become a substitute!

For example, when blonde Ranch is using her body, blue-haired Ranch will become a substitute and float beside her!

The same is true in reverse. When blue-haired Ranch is using her body, blonde Ranch will become a substitute!

This form of mutual substitute and main body is simply unprecedented!

If it weren't for Sun Wukong's extraordinary understanding and knowledge, it would be a bit difficult to make it!

However, the two Ranch substitutes formed in this way will not awaken the substitute ability!

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Sun Wukong deliberately used two devil fruits!

[Superman Weapon Fruit (Purple)] and [Superman Determination Fruit (Purple)]!

Although the devil fruit has a weakness of being afraid of water, Sun Wukong has a way!

That is [Growth Mantra of All Things (Black)]!

After using [Growth Mantra of All Things] on an item, it will not directly make the item grow, but it can give the item a potential for growth. If you want it to really grow, you need to let the item replenish the nutrients needed for growth!

However, the [Growth Mantra of All Things] is very magical. The growth method is not generated out of thin air, but emerges from your own mind!

And while generating, it will try to search for things you know or have in your mind to grow the items. There will be no situation where you don’t know something. At most, it is something you know but don’t have!

Although it requires a lot of materials to upgrade a purple-quality devil fruit to a gold-quality one, Sun Wukong’s Qi Run Disk has not been turned in vain over the years. If you want to collect them, just four words, easy!

[Superman Weapon Fruit (Purple)] + a drop of Sun Wukong’s blood + [Ten pounds of seastone (green)] + [Hundred Weapons Diagram (Green)] + [Title: Weapon Master (Blue)] + [Secret Art: Ten Thousand Treasures Condensation Yuan Jue (Purple)] + [Magic Weapon: Hundred Weapons Battle Disk (Blue)] + [Five pounds of Transformation Divine Mud (Blue)] + [Five pounds of Transformation Gold (Purple)] + [

[1/2 catty of Yuan magnetic crystal (purple)] + [superpower: weapon control (blue)] = [superhuman weapon fruit (gold)]

[superhuman fixed fruit (purple)] + a drop of Sun Wukong's blood + [10 catties of seastone (green)] + [sealing technique (green)] + [forbidden technique: diamond blockade (blue)] + [magic weapon: heavenly star chain (blue)] + [sky forbidden black tortoise shell (purple)] + [ten sealed magic spider silk (purple)] + [sunflower acupuncture hand (green)] + [fixed body technique (blue)] + [spiritual treasure: heavenly cover (purple)] + [superpower: lock (blue)] = [superhuman fixed fruit (gold)]

If you want to say the most precious material, it must be a drop of Sun Wukong's blood. The other materials are used to enhance the ability of the fruit itself. If you want to remove the negative effects, it all depends on Sun Wukong's drop of blood!

Because Sun Wukong can be exempted from all negative states, as long as he wants, his blood can also bear this characteristic!

The two devil fruits are upgraded, and then they are integrated into the substitute arrow. Disposable. Lan Qi's special version!

Lan Qi's two souls can awaken one of their abilities respectively!

If nothing goes wrong, the blonde Lan Qi is the weapon fruit, and the blue-haired Lan Qi is the fixed fruit!

After upgrading to gold quality, the abilities of both fruits have been greatly enhanced!

The weapon fruit can not only turn the body into a weapon, but also turn anything it touches into the weapon you want, and it is no longer that kind of ordinary weapon. The more energy consumed, the stronger the function of the weapon!

And the weapon has no fixed form. As long as you want, it looks like an ordinary stone on the surface, but it is actually a large-yield nuclear bomb!

The transformed weapon can be remotely controlled. The stronger the mental power, the farther the control distance!

However, the farther the control distance, the lower the control accuracy!

Of course, it doesn't matter if the accuracy of the one-time blasting weapon is low!

The Dingding Fruit, which did not appear in the original book, originally had the ability to freeze the target it touched, and after awakening, it can freeze the target it sees!

Of course, there is an upper limit, and it cannot freeze if it exceeds three times its own strength!

The most basic ability of the Dingding Fruit upgraded to gold quality is to freeze the target it sees, and after upgrading, it can freeze the target as long as it thinks of a target!

And the upper limit has also been increased, becoming more than ten times its own strength!

These are just the most basic abilities, and if you want to play with it, it still depends on the user's imagination!

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