The more you go, the more you will be able to see.

Sun Wukong closed his eyes and looked inside himself!

In the dark chaos, there were 365 faint stars lurking!

"First, the third-rate to first-rate warriors will open a total of 108 acupoints in their limbs!" Sun Wukong locked the position instantly!

The 1 million combat power of the qi in his body rushed to the first acupoint!

In less than 1 second, the acupoint was opened up with almost no resistance!

The qi did not stop and rushed to the next acupoint!

In just one second, the qi opened up three acupoints!

After 36 seconds, all 108 acupoints were opened!

"Not bad! Because my earthling blood has been enhanced, each acupoint can bring me a 50% increase! 108 acupoints means a 54-fold increase!" Sun Wukong felt his own situation and nodded with satisfaction!

"108 acupoints are the limit for a normal first-class warrior! The abnormal ones need to open 20 more acupoints on this basis, one at the tips of 10 fingers and one at the tips of 10 toes!" The shoes on Sun Wukong's feet instantly broke into 10 holes, which were broken by the gas explosion caused by the opening of the acupoints!

"128 acupoints are perfect, which means you have surpassed the limit of first-class masters. If you want to enter the acquired realm, you need to start from the spine!"

"There are 32 vertebrae in total, from bottom to top, 3 coccyx, 5 sacral vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 7 cervical vertebrae! At least 2 acupoints need to be opened on each vertebra!"

"2 acupoints are opened on each vertebra, and a total of 64 acupoints is the limit of normal acquired warriors!"

"If you want to open 3 acupoints on each vertebra, you need great opportunity and perseverance while meeting the qualifications and talents!"

"Open three acupoints on each vertebra! A total of 96 acupoints! When all 96 acupoints are opened, you have surpassed the limit of acquired warriors!"

While speaking, Sun Wukong's spine made a muffled "puff puff" sound, and all 96 acupoints have been successfully opened!

"But the acquired realm is not over yet. If you want to have a chance to go further in the future, you need to continue to open your orifices!"

"Open an acupoint at the connection between every two vertebrae! 32 vertebrae, 31 connection points, which means you need to open 31 more acupoints!"

The spine made another muffled sound, and 31 acupoints were successfully opened!

"96 plus 31 is beyond the limit of the acquired limit, a total of 127 acupoints!"

"To move from the acquired to the innate, you need to open the acupoints of the five internal organs and six bowels! Each internal organ has nine acupoints, and the five internal organs have a total of 99 acupoints!"

"When you reach the innate realm, the mystery of martial arts has begun to show its edge! Every time you open an acupoint, your own qualifications will be improved a little!"

"Does Bigan know? It doesn't matter if you don't know, he has a nine-orifice exquisite heart that was born with nine orifices opened! So he is very awesome!"

"The five internal organs are responsible for killing! The six bowels are responsible for vitality !”

“Those who have opened up the 45 acupoints of the five internal organs can nourish the five qi of heart fire, liver wood, spleen earth, lung gold, and kidney water. The five qi converge to the origin, and can burst out a hundred times the combat power!”

“Those who have opened up the 54 acupoints of the six internal organs can eat wind and drink dew to maintain their vitality, and can also swallow and digest gold, stone, and iron! The recovery ability is greatly enhanced. Minor injuries can be healed in one day, and major injuries cannot be bathed for three days. It is no longer a worry to regenerate a broken arm in half a year!”

“These are the 99 acupoints of a normal innate warrior. The abnormal ones also need to open the 8 life and death gates of the body!”

“The life and death gate, after opening, leads directly to the road to heaven , if you can't open it, you will have no control over your life and death!"

"These 8 gates of life and death are called the Eight Gates, namely Xiumen, Dumen, Jingmen, Shangmen, Kaimen, Jingmen, Shengmen, and Simen!"

"So far, the first-class warriors have surpassed the 128 acupoints of the limit, the acquired warriors have surpassed the 127 acupoints of the limit, and the innate warriors have surpassed the 107 acupoints of life and death!"

"A total of 362 acupoints! The road to heaven is only one step away! The three acupoints on the top of the sky! It can also be called the three flowers on the top!"

"The three flowers on the top are completed! The road to heaven is also completed!"

"Innate warriors The person will completely transform and become a martial god!"

"But the difficulty of opening each of the last three acupoints is greater than that of all the previous acupoints combined!"

"First of all, the human acupoint needs to be impacted by compressed and condensed qi 100 times, and the amount of this qi must be at least 100,000!"

"100,000 compressed qi 100 times, which means that the basic condition for opening the human acupoint is to have 10 million qi under normal circumstances!"

"There needs to be a way to exert pressure on 10 million qi!"

"It is recommended to use a strong body to compress it here.

, which will be good for the future!"

"Opening the human orifice, successfully entering the realm of martial arts, is called the first level of martial arts!"

"The human orifice and the 362 acupoints in the body take care of each other, and you can comprehend the martial arts supernatural power: Yuan Qi Jin!"

"Yuan Qi Jin! The air moves at will, and the air can be compressed in any acupoint, and then released to create a powerful force! The degree of compression is related to the strength of the body and the acupoints!"

"Then, the earth orifice requires a strong physical fitness!"

"At least the body can withstand the attack of 100,000 air power without getting hurt!"

"If opening the human orifice is to compress the air with the body, then opening the earth orifice is a big advantage!"

"Opening the earth orifice is called the second level of martial arts!"

"The earth orifice and the 362 acupoints in the body except the human orifice take care of each other, and you can comprehend the martial arts supernatural power: Explosive Yuan Body!"

"Explosive Yuan Body! You can temporarily increase your physical fitness by burning gas in the acupoints! You can explode the acupoints when necessary, and detonate the acupoints to greatly enhance your physical fitness! "

"Finally, the Heavenly Acupoint requires a strong soul and mental power!"

"This is the last acupoint in the body, and it is also the most difficult. It requires a strong soul power to open it, but the stronger the soul power, the harder it is to open it!"

"If you want to open it, you can only use your soul to grind it open bit by bit!"

"Of course, there is a shortcut, that is to understand your body and enter a mysterious state!"

"Just enter the mysterious state for a moment, and the Heavenly Acupoint will open by itself!"

"Opening the Heavenly Acupoint is called the Three Heavens of the God of War!"

"The Heavenly Acupoint and the 362 acupoints in the body except the Human Acupoint and the Earth Acupoint take care of each other, and you can comprehend the martial arts supernatural power: the true martial arts intention!"

"The true martial arts intention! Enter the Tao with martial arts and condense the true meaning! The true meaning of martial arts and one's own martial arts bless each other, the combat power is greatly improved, and the martial arts intention can penetrate the whole body! The weak overcomes the strong!"

"At this time, the three acupoints of heaven, earth and man are opened at the same time, and they are in harmony with the 362 acupoints in the body, and the 365 acupoints are completely perfect!"

"The highest magical power of martial arts: Zhenwu Immortal Body! Success!"

"As long as the body can withstand it, the acupoints will explode at will, and the combat power will increase infinitely!"

"As long as the will is not destroyed, the battle is endless, and the martial arts will never end!"

"The Three Heavens of the God of War! One level and one ascension to heaven!"

"Open up 365 acupoints! The pinnacle of the God of War!"

"Open up 129,600 meridians! Wu and himself are combined to become a martial immortal!"

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