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“Although my son has good talent, his character is too bad! He clearly agreed to follow the main group, but he drove away with his friends in a sports car! And he has too little experience in the outside world! So many Oh my god, he didn't even make a phone call to report his itinerary!"

"Master! Don't worry! With the young master's strength, the chance of him encountering danger outside is still very small! And I have sent people out to look for him! I believe I will be able to bring back news soon!"



"What happened?"

"The eldest master... is missing!"

"Missing! What did you say?!"

"Yes! We only found the eldest master. The car was found, but the young master seemed to have disappeared!"

"Search carefully for me!"


"Owner, the young master's car is parked outside a restaurant. Do you want to check the restaurant?" "Do you still need to ask me about this? Check! Don't let go of any clues about He!"


"Master, a man came to the door of the martial arts hall and said he was the one who killed the young master!"

"What!!! Push him in!"


" Master, that person broke in!"


"Master, that person broke into the inner courtyard!"


"Master, that person..."

"Shut up! I'm not deaf or blind! Let me Go meet him in person! I'll give you a task. If I can't beat him, you leave immediately and kill all of that person's relatives for me!"

"Master! This..."

"What is this! Hurry up and do it for me!"


"Hahaha! Even if you kill me, so what? All your relatives will come down to be buried with me! I will make you live in pain forever! This world is not about fighting and killing Kill! It’s a favor…”

“Snap!” With a snap of fingers, the owner of the museum, who had a ferocious look on his face, stood still!

The expression on his face did not change at all, and it was frozen in that ferocious look of resentment!

Sun Er looked at the world around him that had entered a state of stillness, and shook his head helplessly, "I am really impressed! There is not a single good person in this shabby martial arts hall. ! Cheating, stealing, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, smoking! This martial arts school has all of them! And this two-armed master, I remember the plots of the ten simulations were different! Why is the last line just this one? You You can't think of any other tricks, right? I'm really impressed! "

After venting his complaints, Sun Er lifted the [Illusion. Let's find faults], and then wiped out most of the spirituality of these souls, and finally sent them to The underworld!

Anyone who has carefully watched Sun Er's speech should know that he has conducted five simulations!

The ten simulations are almost the same, each time setting a different method or a different time to let the other party know that he is stupid. The son was killed!

Then Sun Er appeared in a different way and said that he was the murderer who killed his son!

The result was pretty much the same!

First of all, the threatening line is said every time in the simulation!

Then the owner of this martial arts gym is really stupid!

Sun Er talks to him about reason, but he doesn't listen!

Sun Er turns around and leaves. If you don't kill him, he will go crazy He was asking for death, so he sent people to look for information about Sun Er and the people around him!

Sun Er never showed up, and he hid all the information, so he started to madly slaughter some of the simulated dummies that Sun Er made!

In short, This is a typical brain-dead family villain!

It is very easy to find a brain-dead family villain among many villains!

They generally have the following characteristics!

First, if the son is wronged or dies, he will take revenge crazily. The murderer, the kind of revenge that doesn’t ask what happened, right or wrong!

Second, when you are afraid of the murderer’s strength, there will always be someone who pops up and says, “That’s your son! Are you just letting the murderer go?” ?" Then there is a 100% chance that they will be persuaded and continue to retaliate against the murderer!

Third, when the murderer becomes powerful enough, if they are still alive and cannot avenge the murderer, they will become mentally ill and do things that normal people cannot do!

If there is anything missing , welcome to add more!


"Where should we go next?" Sun Er thought about where he should go next. After thinking for a while, he decided, "Let's believe in fate!"

"Little friend! This is awesome! Here's the candy! Can you do me a favor? "Sun Er found a seven or eight-year-old kid hitting leaves on a tree with a stick on the roadside.

A lollipop was handed over!

The child immediately took the lollipop, unwrapped the candy wrapper and stuffed it into his mouth, "Mom said! Outside, you can't help strangers!"

"Didn't your mother say that you can't eat candies given by strangers?" Sun Er's face was covered with black lines. This child has a future!

I want benefits, but I can't help. Who did you learn this from?

"What candies given by strangers? Didn't you pick up my candies and return them to me?" The child looked confused!

"Okay, okay!" Sun Er clapped his hands and took out another lollipop, "Then I picked up another lollipop from you. If you do me a favor, I will give it back to you!"

"My mother said that I should be a good child who returns lost property! So, your spirit of returning lost property has touched me! What kind of help? Tell me!" The child patted his chest!

"Throw the wooden stick in your hand into the sky!" Sun Er pointed at the wooden stick in the child's hand!

"What! You actually want me to throw the stick!" The child's face changed drastically, and he quickly hugged the stick tightly in his arms, "I picked up this stick when I was five years old, and I played with it for three years! He is my beloved relative, brother!"

"No! This familiar line! Did you learn this from "Master Roshi"? "As Sun Er asked this, he was actually very sure in his heart!

"Don't talk nonsense! My mother doesn't let me watch "Master Roshi"! Do you believe me if I sue you for defamation?" The child's face changed again, pretending to be fierce, and at the same time said a classic line from "Master Roshi"!

"Oh!" Sun Er said "Oh" for a long time, "It's your mother who doesn't let you watch it! It's not that you haven't watched it! My little friend! You don't want your mother to know that you secretly watched "Master Roshi"!"

"You! You threaten me! You actually threaten me! Do you know who I am!" The child's face changed drastically for the third time, and he said fiercely!

"Do you think I haven't read "Master Roshi"? Should I say I don't know who you are, and then you turn around and run away by taking advantage of my ignorance?" Sun Er showed a confident smile on his face!

"You! You've read it too!" The child's face changed drastically for the fourth time, and he seemed a little discouraged, "Okay! I promise you!"

"I'm sorry, little stick! Don't blame me!" The child's face changed drastically for the fifth time, and he threw the stick in his hand into the sky with grief and anger!

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