After wearing the cassock, Sun Er also found the plane flying in the distance! After releasing his mental power and sensing it a little, he found that there was a familiar breath on the plane! Sun Er turned around curiously, blinked his eyes, and a faint golden light came out, and then he looked at the plane! His eyes passed through the clouds and crossed the distance! The perspective kept getting closer! Soon, a small figure with gauze wrapped around his head was clearly reflected in Sun Er's eyes! "It turned out to be you! The kid brother who was injured by the wooden stick who had been with you for three years! We are really destined to meet! I have run so far, and I can meet again!" Muttering to himself, Sun Er wanted to raise his hand and wave to say hello! Just halfway up, he suddenly remembered his current look!

So he turned his half-raised hand very smoothly and stood it upright in front of him, forming a single-handed palm!

Then he nodded slightly towards the plane, with a smile that was three parts spirited, three parts approachable, and four parts mysterious!

Finally, his body turned into stars and floated in the sky!

Some people on the plane had already taken photos or recorded videos and posted them online!

[He came with the moonlight! And turned into stars and left! Attached picture (click to view)]

[Beautiful boy warrior! Represent the moon to eliminate the evil in the world! Attached picture (click to view)]

[A man found out that his wife had cheated on him, took the child to do a paternity test, and found out that there was a blood relationship, but he unexpectedly found his second grandfather's long-lost illegitimate son who didn't know when he had his own son. He did a paternity test with his wife and found out that his wife was... Expand! Attached picture (click to view) Attached video (click to view)]

[Two white buttocks under the moonlight! Please dispel my misfortune! Attached picture (click to view)]

[I really learned a lot today! Family members! I met one on the plane: Attached picture (click to view)]

[…………! ]

Regardless of the people on the plane, Sun Er continued his unfinished work!

As for the disappearance of turning into starlight just now, it was just a special effect created by Qi!

Recalling the shape of Fahai that impressed him the most, Sun Er suddenly discovered something!

Why did the Fahai he was most familiar with hold a whisk in his hand?

It was the most classic part where he shouted all the spells of the Great Power Dragon. If I remember correctly, Fahai did hold a whisk in his hand at that time!

Isn’t the whisk a Taoist thing?

Does Buddhism also have it?

However, Sun Wukong’s previous knowledge of these Buddhist and Taoist things was only superficial through reading novels!

As for truly understanding, that is indeed not the case!

So Sun Er doesn't know whether Fahai holding the whisk is a bug or not!

[Baidu doesn't have a clear answer either! Some say that the whisk is indeed from Taoism, but Fahai holds the whisk because it makes him look more charming! Some say that Buddhism also has whisks! Anyway, there is no unified explanation! Are there any knowledgeable readers who can give the author some popular science? ]

[The author has popularized English, idioms, classical Chinese, and Tianjin dialect for you before! Now it's your turn to popularize the author! ]

[I discovered a magical phenomenon. I don't know why, but I suddenly don't know the word "popular science"! ]

But this doesn't prevent Sun Er from thinking that swinging the whisk around looks very cool!

Sun Er's bald head began to grow hair!

It's still white!

It grew about 1 meter, and all the hair fell off instantly!

Sun Er stretched out his hand and sent out a few breaths, using the method of [Shen Ji Bai Lian] to start refining 3,000 white hairs floating in the air!

After a while, a whisk with a handle half a meter long and 3,000 white silk threads at the front half a meter long appeared in Sun Er's hand!

Both the front white silk and the handle can be changed in length!

The white silk can become tough to trap the enemy, or it can become sharp to kill the enemy!

The handle is even more useful. It can be hardened to increase the pleasure and stimulation, or it can be soft to increase comfort and durability! It can also change its shape at will, and it can fit perfectly no matter what acupuncture point! Ahem, everyone just pretend that you didn't see this paragraph!

In short, this whisk has been completed and has outstanding abilities!

Peerless magic weapon!

Cut iron like mud!

The way is simple!

Friend of women!

Famous instrument nemesis!


This is the end of the introduction of the whisk. If I continue, this chapter will have to be rewritten!

Because it doesn't take much to refine the whisk

There was not enough time, and he could not favor one over the other, so Sun Er decided to refine the cassock on his body!

After a while, the cassock was also refined!

This cassock is not ordinary!

It cannot be washed or dried!

It cannot be spread or covered!

It cannot be pulled or dragged!

It cannot be kicked or kicked!

[Jin (first tone)]

Of course, the essential function is to stretch and lengthen it at will!

Just like feeding the cassock with the unawakened version of the Nika fruit, you can have fun with bondage play anytime and anywhere!

It also has a cleaning function that can be activated by inputting air. No matter what dirt or unspeakable liquid is stained, it can be quickly cleaned without leaving any trace of the crime!

[An (ai fourth tone)]

[It seems that there is something wrong? ]

[It seems that there is nothing wrong! ]

After the two pieces of equipment were made, Sun Er looked at his own outfit with great satisfaction!

The moonlight behind his head was bright and clean, and the top of his head was also emitting a faint light!

The smile on his face was mysterious, but not without affinity!

The golden red cassock on his body moved without wind, and flashed special effects from time to time!

The whisk in his hand also moved without wind, and the white silk seemed messy but danced regularly!

One word, handsome!

Two words, very handsome!

Three words, very handsome!

Take out your phone to record it!

"Hey! There are so many posts about me!" After Sun Er took out his phone and took a selfie, he subconsciously clicked on a photo attached to the discussion forum that was pushed over, but found that it was exactly the photo of himself with one hand clasped together and a smile on his face!

This successfully aroused Sun Er's interest, so he started to look through it!

Normally, you may feel that time passes very slowly!

But when you start to browse your phone, time flies by!

[Ah! It seems that it is the same type of stand as my [Waste Time]! ]

"It's finally 20 minutes! Tao Baibai started looking!"

"As expected of the world's number one killer! Even if he didn't look carefully, he found it in 5 minutes!"

"OK! Now it's my turn!"

(The flashback in the flashback moment ends)


Wonderful end of the chapter:

I remember a reader said that he wanted to slap Krillin a few times, and I'll arrange it in the next chapter!

Found it, the reader is [Qing Yishuier Xiaotie]!

Are you still reading?

The author did what he said!

(The reader shows his talent)

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