Time flies, and time passes quickly.

The earth returned to peace, and it lasted for a long time.

A prosperous city, with a bustling flow of people, full of excitement.

Various shouts are endless, full of fireworks.

In the crowd, a little girl about 5 years old is looking around.

Her eyes are big, her face is round, and she is very cute.

Her eyes are shining with excitement, and she is full of curiosity about everything around her.


"It's so lively here!"

The little girl shouted excitedly.


"Xiao Rou, tell us what you want!" A clear voice came.

And the owner of this voice is Wu Fei!

The little girl is sitting on Wu Fei's shoulder.

"Xiao Rou, put on your hat!"

A blonde, blue-eyed, and beautiful woman looked at the little girl with a doting face and helped her put on a small flower hat.

This person is No. 18!

"Thank you, Mom!"

The little girl said with a smile.

It was Wu Fei and his family of three who appeared here!

After confessing to Wu Fei on the 18th, the two have been living together.

The two live on a small island and occasionally go to the big city for a stroll. Their life can be said to be quite comfortable and pleasant.

And this kind of life has been going on for 7 years.

At the same time, a member has been added to the family.

It is a lovely girl-Wu Xiaorou.

Today, Wu Fei brought his wife and daughter to the big city for a good stroll.

Xiaorou seemed very excited and full of curiosity about everything around.

Wu Fei also enjoyed this time very much.

Although nothing major has happened on the earth in these years, Wu Fei has always maintained his cultivation.

Taking time out to accompany his wife and daughter shopping is definitely the best way to relax.

The family of three walked through the bustling city with laughter and conversation.

"Today is the registration deadline for the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!"

"Hurry up if you want to register!"

"It is definitely a great choice to compete with masters from all walks of life!"

"The winner will receive generous rewards!"

"Opportunities are rare!"


The three of them were walking on the street when a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"The No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament?"

Wu Fei was slightly stunned, and then his face returned to normal.

The No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is definitely a good platform.

Sun Wukong became famous on the platform of the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

Sun Wukong was also a little sad. He lost in the finals in the first two competitions and was only a hair's breadth away from the championship.

However, in the third competition, Sun Wukong finally won the championship.

Since then, the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is still being held, but Sun Wukong and others have long stopped participating.

After all, it is too difficult to find an opponent.

And Wu Fei has no interest in the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

After all, he is now the ceiling of the Earth's combat power.

Participating in such a competition is a pure waste of time.

However, although Wu Fei has no interest in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, his daughter Xiaorou's eyes are particularly hot.

Now Xiaorou widened her eyes and stared straight into the distance.

The sight is the "World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament Registration Office"!


"Let's go there!" Xiaorou said.


Wu Fei agreed immediately without hesitation.

"Since my daughter wants to see it, it's okay to take it and see it!" Wu Fei thought.

Soon, the three of them came to the registration office.

"Dad, I want to sign up for the competition too!" Xiaorou said loudly.


Wu Fei was suddenly stunned.

He didn't know why Xiaorou wanted to participate in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

Xiaorou is his daughter, and she has a very high fighting talent.

Although she is young, her fighting power is amazing.

In this case, participating in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament and competing with those ordinary children is really meaningless.

"A few days ago, Trunks and Goten said they were going to participate in a martial arts tournament. This must be it!"

"I want to participate too. I want to beat Trunks and Goten up and make them piss and pee!"

Xiao Rou's eyes were filled with excitement.

She clenched her fists and looked serious.

She seemed to be imagining beating Trunks and Goten up.


"Are those two little brats participating too?"

"That's much more interesting!" Wu Fei responded.

Trunks and Goten both have good fighting talents and are definitely the best.

They can be said to be good opponents.

"Yeah!""I haven't beaten them up for a long time!"

"My fists are itchy now!"

Xiao Rou touched her fists.

"Okay, okay!"

"Since Xiao Rou has this idea, let's teach those two little devils a lesson!" Wu Fei said with a smile on his face.

Their family occasionally gets together with Sun Wukong, Bulma and others to have a meal together.

Xiao Rou is lively and active by nature. Trunks and Goten are about the same age as her, so the three of them can get along well.

However, the games they play are different from other children.

Perhaps influenced by the Saiyan genes, they also have warlike blood flowing in their bodies.

And the game they play is fighting!

Although Xiao Rou is young, only 5 years old, and she is still a girl.

But under Wu Fei's powerful genes, her fighting talent is different from that of ordinary people.

Trunks and Goten are already extremely talented children, and they can become Super Saiyans at a young age.

But in front of Xiaorou, it's nothing.

Usually Xiaorou fights two people alone, and still has the upper hand.

Every time Trunks and Goten are beaten black and blue by Xiaorou.

Losing to a girl younger than them is a great shame for Trunks and Goten.

So they are also working hard to practice, wanting to surpass Xiaorou as soon as possible.


"Uncle, I also want to sign up for the world's number one martial arts competition!"


A middle-aged man with a mustache responded, but then he was stunned.

After a long while, he realized that this sentence was only said by a little girl on a man's shoulder!

"Little girl, are you sure you want to participate?"

The middle-aged man said.

"Yes!" Xiaorou nodded heavily.

"This competition is very cruel. There are many children older than you participating."

"When we get to the competition, the brothers and sisters will not show mercy!"

"This is not a game. You have to think it through!"

The middle-aged man continued.

He really didn't want to see this cute little girl being bullied.

"How can such a cute little girl be bullied?" The middle-aged man thought.

"Uncle, I want to participate!"

Xiao Rou continued, but the middle-aged man was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, just sign her up!" Wu Fei said at this time.


Since his father had agreed, the middle-aged man did not persuade him anymore.

"This young man is really generous!"

The middle-aged man muttered while signing up Xiao Rou.


Author has something to say:

I was delayed today by something. The second chapter is being written and will be sent out before 12 o'clock.

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