"Thank you, Great Elder!"

Wu Fei had great respect for the Great Elder.

"Help the Great Elder take it!"

Wu Fei flashed in front of Nei Lu, and now there was an extra bean in his palm.

"What is this?"

"What are you planning?"

Looking at the green bean, Nei Lu was full of doubts.

At the same time, he was also full of vigilance and did not intend to do what Wu Fei said.

After all, he did not trust Wu Fei very much now.

"Why are you so hesitant? Will I harm the Great Elder?"

"If I want to harm you, I will just do it directly, and you have no ability to resist."

"Why should I go to so much trouble to think about this bean?"

"Besides, although I am not a great man, I am definitely not a person who repays kindness with enmity!"

Wu Fei's words left Nei Lu speechless.

Indeed, Nei Lu knew how big the gap between his strength and Wu Fei was.

If Wu Fei really wanted to harm himself and the elder, even if he attacked directly, Nei Lu would be helpless.

"Nei Lu, he has no ill intentions, bring the bean!" The elder said slowly.

"Yes, that is the magic bean, which has magical healing effects and is not harmful to the human body!"

"This is a good thing!"


Sun Wukong, Krillin and others also explained, which completely dispelled Nei Lu's doubts.

Then Nei Lu helped the elder swallow the magic bean.


A smile slowly appeared on the elder's face.

He could feel that his exhausted strength was instantly restored, and his breath became stable, and his complexion was obviously improved.

Now Nei Lu also noticed the changes in the elder, and at the same time he became ashamed, he actually blamed Wu Fei wrongly just now!

"Thank you!"

Nei Lu dispelled his prejudice against Wu Fei and said sincerely.

"It's okay!"

"I'm just thanking the elder for triggering my potential!"

"This is compensation for him!"

After taking the magic beans, the elder's condition has improved a lot.

"Mr. Wu Fei! Your potential is beyond my imagination!"

"Ah! It's a pity that my ability is limited and I can only trigger a small part!"

The elder was quite emotional, and a look of regret appeared on his face.

Even if he exhausted his energy, he could not detect Wu Fei's true power!

"Don't mind, Great Elder. I am already very grateful that you can help me increase my strength. I don't care how much."

Wu Fei paused and continued, "Great Elder, you helped us draw out the power, and we should do something to help you."

"We also know that Namek is facing a big crisis now. A group of aliens robbed the Dragon Balls and brutally killed the Namekians!"

"Then we will help you eliminate the crisis and let Namek return to peace!"

The Great Elder smiled slightly: "Thank you, everyone!"

"You're welcome, after all, it's mutual benefit and mutual assistance!"

"Great Elder, then we'll go first!"

After saying hello to the Great Elder, Wu Fei and his group walked out of the stone house.

Wu Fei calmed down and carefully felt the fluctuations of Namek's aura.

"Found it!"

Wu Fei raised the corner of his mouth and looked at a place.

"Everyone! Our strength has just been improved, now let's go for a real fight!"


Wu Fei immediately used the flying technique and flew forward.

Sun Wukong, Piccolo and his group followed immediately.

"I'm so excited! My fists can't be restrained any longer!" Sun Wukong's eyes were now fiery and full of fighting spirit.

"Hmph! Sun Wukong, I'll go first in a moment!" Piccolo said coldly.

"No! How about we decide by rock-paper-scissors, who wins first!" Wukong naturally refused to give in easily.

"Okay! Let's play rock-paper-scissors, who's afraid of who?"

"Then come on!"

"1, 2, 3, start..."


Inside the stone house, Nei Lu could feel that Wu Fei and his group were getting farther and farther away.

"Grand Elder, can they really help us resolve the crisis?"

Facing Nei Lu's doubts, the Grand Elder's tone was still very gentle: "Don't worry! They can do it!"

The Grand Elder's eyes seemed to see through everything.

Hearing the elder's affirmative answer, Neru was relieved.


A figure rushed straight from the air to the ground.


An explosion sounded, and the ground was suddenly filled with smoke.

"Hahaha! It's just a wild monkey, what can it be capable of?"

"I just didn't expect that in order to defeat you, I would become so ugly!"

Sabo in the air madly mocked Vegeta who was shot down by him.

Originally, Sabo's appearanceHe used to look decent, but now he looks completely different.

His face is full of pockmarks and his mouth is protruding, like a smelly toad.

He also has long green hair with a middle part, earrings hanging from his ears, and a necklace on his forehead.

This look is indeed very ugly.

Now he is laughing arrogantly, and his face looks extremely hideous.

"Damn it!"

The smoke slowly dissipated, and a figure gradually became clear.

Vegeta is now covered with scars and is in a very embarrassed state.

He is also very unwilling now.

At the beginning of the battle, he and Sabo fought back and forth, and he was even able to slowly gain the upper hand.

Just when Vegeta thought he had a sure win, Sabo actually transformed!

While Sabo became extremely ugly, his strength also increased wildly!

His combat power soared from 23,000 to 35,000!

This caught Vegeta off guard!

The situation was reversed in an instant. Vegeta simply couldn't beat Sabo after his transformation!

He was also constantly beaten by Sabo.

However, the Saiyan Prince Vegeta was also strong and had already maxed out his "resistance" attribute.

Even though he was abused by Sabo, he still persisted.


"I didn't expect that you, a wild monkey, were so tenacious!"

"I've had enough fun now. Next, I'll send you off!"

"After all, there is only one consequence for people who have seen my face, and that is death!"


Sabo flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Vegeta.

Vegeta wanted to dodge immediately, but now he was weak and unable to dodge at all!

Sabo smiled grimly and punched Vegeta in the lower abdomen.


Vegeta howled in pain.

Under a violent impact, Vegeta continued to fly backwards into the air.

"Stinky monkey, goodbye!"


Sabo laughed arrogantly, his left hand kept gathering energy, and then his left hand was placed on his right arm.


Sabo shouted, all the energy gathered in his right palm, and then a burst of shock waves spurted out from his right palm.

Watching the fierce shock wave coming towards him, Vegeta's pupils opened wide, and his heart was filled with fear.

Now Vegeta couldn't dodge at all, and he was in a very bad physical condition and couldn't resist this powerful shock wave at all.

As long as this shock wave hit him, he would be greeted by death!

"Is this prince going to die like this?"

Vegeta fell into deep despair!

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