In addition to Shunzhou, the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun also include Wuzhou, Yingzhou, Xinzhou, Guizhou, Ruzhou, Luzhou, Yingzhou, Shuozhou, Yunzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou, Zhuozhou, Weizhou, Huanzhou and Tanzhou.

After Bello used force to forcibly take control of Shunzhou, he set his sights on Yunzhou, which was the closest to Shunzhou.

Kesha, who had been the King of Angels for 30,000 years, had unparalleled achievements in training troops. Under her training, the 80,000 troops of Shunzhou became a powerful force capable of quickly attacking cities and strongholds in less than two months.

After all the preparations were ready, Bello personally led the 80,000 troops and headed towards Yunzhou.

Bello did not use any power outside this world. With his strength beyond the divine position, he jumped onto the city wall alone before the 80,000 troops arrived at the gate of Yunzhou City, and killed the soldiers guarding the gate of Yunzhou City.

When his 80,000 troops arrived at the city of Yunzhou, Bello had already opened the outer city gate of Yunzhou City by himself.

Bello gave the soldiers in Yunzhou City a chance to surrender, but the other side chose to resist to the end, so his 80,000 troops killed the 70,000 troops on the opposite side with lightning speed.

From the time Bello jumped onto the wall of Yunzhou City alone to the time he took the city, it took him less than two days.

After taking Yunzhou, Bello gathered the remnants of the city and added about 30,000 troops in total. The training task of these newcomers was handed over to Kaisha.

Bello and Kaisha each performed their duties, leaving Besha without her parents. As a result, the little ancestor quietly slipped away from the mansion when no one was watching.

When Bello and Kaisha finished a day's work and returned to the mansion, they found that Besha had disappeared.

Bello, who mastered the method of finding people by qi, locked Besha's position at the first time, but he chose to ignore it for the time being, because there was no one in the world who could hurt Xiaobei, even the bad commander plus the four corpse ancestors could not do it.

"Wait, you should take me to see Xiaobei first!" When Kaisha was about to "speed up" with Bello, she stopped the other party's behavior before stepping on the accelerator.

"Keisha, our daughter is a super strong person with the Emperor's Flame! Who do you think can be her opponent in this world?" Bello held Keisha's hand and decided to step on the accelerator first.

"It's better to be safe than sorry, after all, she is still too young!" Keisha gently pushed Bello forward.

"Forget it! I'll take you to find her!" Bello felt that he probably couldn't drive the car tonight.

Then, Keisha, who was dressed neatly again, took Bello's hand, and under the latter's instant movement, the two of them came to the yard of a deserted house with birds singing and flowers blooming, but also gloomy and terrifying.

Yes, this place is indeed full of birds singing and flowers blooming, because there are flowers and birds, but it is also gloomy and terrifying, because in the yard, there are all kinds of tombstones everywhere, and under the flowers, there are countless rats crawling.

"Interesting, someone actually lives in such a place!" Kaisha looked at the house in front of her and planted a big tree in the middle of it.

"No wonder I feel familiar with it, it turns out this is her home! I never thought that Xiaobei could play with her!" Through the picture he saw, Belo recognized the place in front of him, whose house it was.

"Little sister, there are guests coming, I'll go greet them first!" At this time, a red-haired woman said to Besha in the house.

"Sister, the people who came should be my dad...father and mother!" Besha has sensed the breath of Beikai and the others.

"It's your parents! Then we have to entertain them well!" As soon as the red-haired woman finished speaking, her figure disappeared from Besha's sight.

"I hope my father and mother will be gentle, otherwise my sister Jiangchen will be in trouble!" After the red-haired woman left, Besha said to herself facing the door of the house.

Yes, the house in front of us is the Xuanduwu in the current world, and the red-haired woman is the eldest corpse sister among the four corpse ancestors - Jiangchen.

Jiangchen teleported out from in front of Besha. She wanted to teleport behind Beikai and the others, but was blocked by someone in the middle of the teleportation.To avoid the intimacy between men and women, the person responsible for stopping her was naturally Kaisha.

"" At this time, Jiangchen, whose shoulders were pressed by Kaisha, had already widened his eyes in shock. After all, she had never met anyone who could interrupt her teleportation.

"Don't worry, I have no ill will towards you! After all, you can play with my daughter!" Kaisha let go of the hand that was pressing on Jiangchen's shoulder.

"Your Excellency is very skilled in martial arts, I admire you very much!" Although Jiangchen is the leader of the four corpse ancestors, she will never resist head-on when it is time to surrender.

"Living in such a place, you have a lot of personality! However, compared to the living environment, your whole body seems to be more interesting!" Without activating the Eye of Insight, Kaisha can feel several completely different auras from Jiangchen.

"It's just some trivial skills, not worth mentioning!" Jiangchen said with his head slightly lowered.

When Kaisha and Jiangchen were talking, Bello had already come into the house.

"Little Bei, have you had enough fun?" After Bello walked into the house, he picked up Besha who was standing in the house.

"Daddy is bad, and mommy is bad too! You two haven't played with me for several days! Humph!" Besha, who was held in Bello's arms, turned her head to the other side.

"Daddy and mommy have things to do. When all this is done, we will naturally play with you!" Bello held Besha with one hand and stroked her little face with the other hand.

"Isn't it just conquering a few broken places? I will burn them directly with fire, which is much more efficient than what you do!" Besha said so proudly.

"Xiao Bei! Different worlds have different rules. Don't always use your eyes to look at different worlds! Remember, in this world, you must not set fires at will! You have to learn..." Bello patiently explained many great principles to Betha.

"Okay! I can promise Daddy and Mommy that I will not set fires in this world at will, but you must also promise me that no matter what you do in the future, you must put me first!" Betha made a one with her fingers in front of Bello.

"No problem, let's make a pinky promise!" Bello stretched out a finger and made a pinky promise with Betha's finger.

"Daddy, Sister Jiangchen is very suitable for my eyes. Let's take her back!" When the father and daughter made a pinky promise, Betha said this in Bello's ear.

"Really? But I have to test her first!" Bello has made up his mind. As long as Jiangchen can withstand his test, he doesn't mind letting the other party become Betha's exclusive nanny and playmate.

That's right, as long as Betha has a dedicated nanny and playmate, Bello and Kesha can drive smoothly every night without any obstacles.

"Let's go! Come back with me. I can help you solve the hidden dangers in your body, but there is only one chance!" When Bello held Betha and walked out of the house, Kesha stood beside Jiangchen and said so.

In the end, when Beikai and the others took Betha to the gate of the courtyard, Jiangchen still followed them with a teleportation, and her decision would become a decision that she would never regret in this life, oh no, forever!

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