When the Bad People occupied the entire Luoyi, a small number of the officials of the Later Liang Dynasty who received the news chose to join Yuan Tiangang, while most of them left Luoyi with their families. They were going to Kaifeng to support Zhu Wen's third son, Zhu Youzhen, as the emperor.

On the other hand, Li Xingyun took Ji Ruxue to meet up with Fan Xuan and the others, and then the four of them came to Jiaozhou City next to Luoyi and settled down.

In Jiaozhou City, Li Xingyun used his medical skills to open a clinic specializing in beauty business in a prosperous area, and he also called himself "Sansheng Nirvana".

After the Bad People occupied Luoyi for more than half a year, Li Xingyun actually returned here alone, and he also found Yuan Tiangang alone, claiming that he wanted to revive the Tang Dynasty.

Yuan Tiangang, who was very puzzled, immediately ordered people to go to Jiaozhou City to investigate Li Xingyun's whereabouts. The information fed back was that Li Xingyun was no longer in the clinic, and Ji Ruxue and the other three were desperately looking for his whereabouts.

After repeated confirmation, Yuan Tiangang finally believed that Li Xingyun really intended to ascend the throne and become emperor, so he quickly ordered people to prepare for the revival of the Tang Dynasty.

"It's getting more and more exciting! Princess, we can go back!" When Li Xingyun ascended the throne of the emperor in the Jinluan Palace in the palace of Houliang under the support of the bad people, Jiangchen said to Besha beside him.

"Sister Jiangchen, where did you take that bad guy?" Besha, who was sitting on the roof of Jiaolan Palace, asked Jiangchen with a smile on her face.

"I asked him to go to visit his ancestors' graves!" Jiangchen responded meaningfully.

"This bad guy should suffer a little more! Sister Jiangchen, let's go!" Betha stood up from the roof.

Jiangchen did not respond. She took Betha's hand directly, and then the two of them disappeared from the roof of Jiaolan Palace.

That's right, this Li Xingyun who has ascended the throne is naturally fake. As for his true identity, he is actually the son of Tang Zhaozong Li Ye, but his biological mother is just a palace maid.

Twenty years ago, a palace maid in the Tang Dynasty palace used some unconventional means to get the favor of Tang Zhaozong Li Ye, and then she gave birth to a baby boy ten months later.

After learning the news, Li Xingyun's biological mother, Li Ye's queen, sent Yuan Tiangang to deal with the mother and son.

Yuan Tiangang followed the Queen's instructions and had the maid and the midwife hang themselves in the palace, but he quietly took the baby boy away.

This illegitimate son of Li Ye was originally left behind by Yuan Tiangang to be used as a tool to stimulate Li Xingyun in the future, but he was found by Jiang Chen and his appearance was changed to be exactly the same as Li Xingyun using ghost medical skills.

Afterwards, under Jiang Chen's eloquent speech, this illegitimate son of Li Ye agreed to her request and went to pretend to be Li Xingyun to ascend the throne and become emperor.

Today, Jiang Chen's ghost medical skills have reached the pinnacle. Even if the fake Li Xingyun communicates with Yuan Tiangang face to face, the latter will not find any flaws.

As for where the real Li Xingyun is? He was now trapped in the Zhaoling Mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, and the kindhearted surrendered minister had left him enough food in the underground palace of Zhaoling Mausoleum, so it was no problem for him to stay here for three to five years.

The reason why the surrendered minister took Besa back to Yan State at this time was naturally because she received an order from Belo.

"Leave it to you!" When everyone in the bedroom of the concubine of the King of Yan, including Li Yunji, fell into the same illusion, Belo gave a particularly important task to the surrendered minister to complete.

"Yes, Lord!" The surrendered minister was very happy to complete this task.

When the surrendered minister walked into Li Yunji's bedroom, Belo left the bedroom without looking back.

Time went back to three days ago, and the spy who had been hiding in the Chai Mansion reported: Chai Shouli's wife was pregnant with her second child.

For this reason, Kaisha went to Chai Mansion again and used the Eye of Insight to take a look at Mrs. Chai's belly. As a result, she found that the other party's baby was a boy.

And when she left Chai Mansion, she "accidentally" heard Chai Shouli say to his wife: Madam, if it is a boy this time, let's name him Chai Rong!After learning the news, Belo went to Li Yunji to act. He acted as if he was sincere and could break the stone, and the two agreed to make up for the wedding night they had never had tonight.

Before tonight, Kaisha used the illusion that she had learned from Da Hefeng and Yaoyan's brother in Mobei to create an illusion of Belo coming to favor the imperial concubine for Li Yunji and everyone in her bedroom.

That kind of thing can be done with illusion, but there is one thing that must be done by the surrendered minister, that is, to make Li Yunji's perfect body look like it has been broken.

The surrendered minister, who had some personal grudges with Li Yunji, added a little bit of his own private goods in the process when he created the illusion.

Because of this little private goods, Li Yunji could not leave her bedroom during the whole day of the next day.

The original plan of Beikai and the others was to create the illusion that Li Yunji was successful in one try, but in order to make the whole process more realistic, Kaisha cast another illusion on Li Yunji seventeen times in the next month.

When the seventeen illusions ended, Belo asked the surrendered minister to create the illusion that Li Yunji was pregnant.

The news that Li Yunji was pregnant with a "child" quickly spread throughout the Yan State. For this reason, all the married saints came to the palace together to express their most sincere blessings to their empress.

When Li Yunji was five months pregnant, Ji Ruxue finally returned to the palace from outside. As soon as she came back, she couldn't help crying and threw herself into the arms of Miao Chengtian, who was responsible for taking care of the empress.

Yes, Jiang Chen's ghost medical skills not only deceived Yuan Tiangang's eyes, but also Ji Ruxue's eyes. Even she couldn't find that the current Li Xingyun was fake.

Because the fake Li Xingyun remembered Jiang Chen's instructions, he didn't dare to tell Ji Ruxue the truth or touch her body. In the end, he could only say some hurtful words to drive her away from him.

The fake Li Xingyun not only drove Ji Ruxue away, but also drove Zhang Zifan and Lu Linxuan away. The image he showed to everyone now was that of a heartless person who forgot his duty after becoming an emperor.

After driving Ji Ruxue away and driving Fan Xuan away, the fake Li Xingyun followed Jiang Chen's instructions, which were actually Belo's instructions, and began to make large-scale reforms to the territory in his hands.

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