After Bello entered the black hole, he used a self-destruction attack similar to the one used by Vegeta against Majin Buu in the Dragon Ball world before the black hole completely swallowed him.

With a loud "boom", Bello and the black hole in the air disappeared together.

"Bello! No..." Kaisha broke free from the hold of He Xi and Liang Bing. She flew to the place where Bello disappeared, but could no longer find her lover. Then, her tears could not stop flowing.

"Hahaha, Kaisha, this is the end of your rebellion against me!" At this time, Hua Ye, who had been captured by the female angels, said to Kaisha with gloating.

When the battle was completely over, for some reason, Kaisha did not kill Hua Ye and others.

But she executed all the male angels who had some brains in the other camp, and the rest, such as Sumali and Kunpeng, were all exiled to remote planets. Hua Ye was treated specially by Kaisha, and he was exiled to a deserted planet.

For a long time in the following period, during the day, Kaisha always faced everyone with a strong appearance, but when it was late at night, she would hide alone in the room where she and Bello had spent countless wonderful nights together and cried!

With the joint efforts of the female angels, the Melo homeland, which was devastated by the war, was finally rebuilt. Everything on this planet was demolished and reset, but the only thing left was the room where Kaisha and Bello lived together.

And the new Melo homeland was renamed Melo Heaven by everyone's brainstorming.

"Today is the day when Melo Heaven is completed, and it is also the tenth year since Bello left us! Here, I decide to make him the Heavenly War King of our angel civilization!" Kaisha announced this to all the female angels at the completion ceremony of Melo Heaven. Her decision was not opposed by any female angel.

Soon after, in order to commemorate the achievements of the Heavenly War King, the female angels spontaneously erected a huge statue of Bello on the square of Melo Heaven, and the pair of golden wings behind the statue were carved to be particularly eye-catching.

"Bello, I will wait for you here, because I believe you must still be alive!" Kaisha looked at the statue of Bello and secretly made up her mind.

At this moment, Belo, who was missed by Kesha and countless female angels, was lying on a desolate planet. His body was covered with many deep wounds that could be seen to the bone, and these injuries were caused by his own self-explosion and the power after the black hole explosion.

I don’t know how long he lay on this desolate planet before Belo slowly opened his eyes from his coma.

"I'm not dead yet, Kesha, where are you?" As soon as Belo opened his eyes, he wanted to find Kesha's trace.

"What's going on? Why can't I contact Kesha through my dark communication?" After many attempts, Belo found that he seemed to be the only one in his dark communication channel.

"Could it be... I have traveled through time again?" After a long time, Belo said to himself.

When Belo realized that he might have traveled through time again, he felt at ease to slowly recover from his injuries on this planet.

In the absence of medicine and equipment, Bello stayed here for an unknown period of time before his injuries were more than half healed.

In order to figure out which world he was in, Bello could only identify a direction first, and then he spread his wings and flew in that direction.

After flying in the universe for an unknown period of time, Bello finally found a planet with life.

This is a green planet, because wherever you look, it is full of green.

Bello picked a strange-shaped fruit from a tree to fill his stomach, after all, he had not had a good meal in these days.

Although the shape of this fruit is very strange, it tastes pretty good. After Bello finished eating the first one, he quickly picked another one from the tree. In the end, he ate a total of eight such strange fruits.

"Bang... Bang!" Just as Bello was about to get up and leave the tree, he suddenly heard the sound of someone fighting nearby.He naturally flew in the direction of the sound.

(PS: In fact, it was the belligerent Saiyan gene in Belo's body that was at work!)

Although Belo was belligerent, he also knew his own limitations. He did not appear directly in the fighting field of those people, but chose to land at a farther place, and then walked slowly towards the destination.

(PS: This time it was the angel's steady gene that worked again!)

When Belo slowly approached the fighting field of those people, his eyes suddenly opened very wide, because the people who were fighting were all familiar faces, to be precise, they were scenes from an anime in his previous life.

"Am I back to the Dragon Ball world again?" Belo said to himself.

Because the fight scene that was being played out in front of him at this moment was the scene where Son Gohan and Krillin were fighting against Frieza's Ginyu Force on Namek, and Vegeta was standing not far away and watching.

"Maybe this is the previous Dragon Ball world, but it could also be a parallel Dragon Ball world!" As Belo continued to watch the battle, he found that many scenes in front of him did not match the plot in the anime.

"What are you going to do hiding here?" Just as Belo stood there, thinking whether this was the Dragon Ball world he had been in before, a loud island language suddenly appeared behind him.

He hadn't heard the island language for a long time, and Belo couldn't hear clearly what the person behind him was saying for a while, but he still turned around instinctively, and saw that Vegeta, who was watching the battle not far away just now, somehow appeared in front of him at this time.

"Vegeta!" Belo said in a very unfluent island language.

"I didn't expect you to know me! Wait, judging from this aura, you are also a Saiyan! Are you... Belo?" Vegeta determined Belo's identity through his aura and appearance, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little subtle!

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