When Chi Li led the army of the God of War back to the territory of Raojiang, the whole world ushered in a short period of peace.

In addition to his frequent romantic affairs with Kaisha, Bello also occasionally pretended to be with Li Yunji. The rest of the time was spent on handling the daily affairs of Yan State and cultivating Bei Rong's imperial ability.

Until one day, a guard came to the imperial study to report that someone had come to break into the palace of Yan State, and the other party's destination was directly pointed to Li Yunji's bedroom.

Bello, who was calm in the face of danger, did not make a particularly surprised expression for this matter. He just arranged in an orderly manner, and the members of Tianren Pavilion went to cooperate with the guards in the palace.

After about three quarters of an hour, a maid in Li Yunji's palace came to the imperial study to report to Bello that the person who had broken into the palace before was the brother of the imperial concubine, that is, the real King of Qi-Li Maozhen.

Knowing that the visitor was actually the real Li Maozhen, Belo immediately stopped his work, and then he asked the maid to lead the way in front, and he was going to meet his "brother-in-law".

When Belo arrived at the imperial concubine's bedroom, Li Maozhen had already talked with Li Yunji for a while, but judging from the injuries on his body, he should have had some unpleasant friction with the members of Tianren Pavilion and the guards of the palace.

"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you!" Li Yunji walked from the opposite side of Li Maozhen to Belo and saluted.

"My beloved concubine, please don't be polite! I heard that your brother is here, so I came to see him!" Belo motioned Li Yunji to stand up, and at the same time he slowly moved towards Li Maozhen's position.

Li Maozhen sat there quietly, without standing up to salute Belo. Perhaps in his eyes, he didn't take the King of Yan seriously at all.

"You are the real King of Qi!" Belo came to the front of Li Maozhen.

"Are you my brother-in-law? You look very handsome. I wonder how good your kung fu is?" As soon as Li Maozhen finished speaking, he stood up and used his unique skills on Belo's chest.

Li Maozhen's magic sound palm hit Belo's chest directly, and the opponent's true qi shield completely blocked his attack.

After Li Maozhen attacked Belo for a full minute, he put away his magic sound palm.

"Your kung fu is not bad. No wonder you can be so obsessed with my sister!" Li Maozhen finally began to look at Belo in the right eye.

"King Qi's kung fu is not bad either. I guess you have suffered a lot over the years!" Belo noticed a small strand of white hair on Li Maozhen's head. It seems that the meteorite Gu in his body has been activated once.

"A man should be upright and upright, so what's a little hardship?" Li Maozhen said without changing his expression.

"That's right! King Qi, today is your first visit to the treasure land, I invite you to have a drink, what do you think?" Bei Luo made such an invitation to Li Maozhen.

"Okay! This is what I want to do!" Li Maozhen accepted Bei Luo's invitation.

In this way, Bei Luo ordered people to send a table of wine and food to Li Yunji's bedroom, and then he and Li Maozhen talked leisurely while drinking wine in the garden inside the palace.

While Bei Luo and Li Maozhen were drinking and chatting together, Li Yunji continued to supervise Bei Rong's homework.

As the topic between the two people became more and more speculative, Li Maozhen slowly accepted Bei Luo, his brother-in-law. When he left Li Yunji's bedroom, he solemnly bowed to the other party in a relatively standard manner.

"Uncle!" When Li Maozhen stepped out of Li Yunji's palace, Bei Rong, who had just finished his homework, suddenly called him from behind.

Li Maozhen turned around and looked at this "nephew" who looked 50% similar to him, and saw a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Rong'er, come here, let your uncle hug you!" Li Maozhen called Bei Rong to walk towards him.

"Thank you, uncle!" Bei Rong ran quickly to Li Maozhen with his short legs, and then the other party picked him up.

"Rong'er, tell your uncle, are your parents good to you? How do they get along with each other?" Li Maozhen walked in the palace with Bei Rong in his arms.

"Uncle, my father and mother are very good to me, and their relationship is very stable. In this palace, my father only has two women, my mother and the queen mother. My father..." Bei Rong smiled and told Bei Luo his true feelings.To Li Maozhen.

Children are the worst at lying, so Li Maozhen could clearly feel that every word Bei Rong said was true and without a single lie.

Li Maozhen held Bei Rong in his arms and strolled casually in the palace. When he fell asleep in his arms with a smile on his face, he carried him back to Li Yunji's bedroom.

After coming to the straight road of the palace from Li Yunji's bedroom for the second time, Li Maozhen had a better impression of Bei Luo.

"Your Highness King Qi, the king has arranged a palace for you, please follow me!" Just as Li Maozhen was sitting alone in a pavilion in the palace to enjoy the moon, a guard came to him.

"King Yan is thoughtful! You lead the way!" Li Maozhen stood up from the stone bench in the pavilion.

"Yes, sir!" The guard turned around and led the way for Li Maozhen, who followed closely behind him.

Next, Li Maozhen stayed in the palace of Yan for more than two months. During this period, he witnessed how Belo treated Li Yunji and Bei Rong. When he saw the scene that satisfied him, he completely accepted his brother-in-law.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Qi is asking for an audience outside the door!" An eunuch came to Belo.

"Let him in!" Belo had just finished dealing with the memorials for the day.

"Meet the King of Yan!" Li Maozhen came to the imperial study under the guidance of the eunuch.

"What is the purpose of the uncle coming to see me today?" Belo asked the eunuchs to bring a chair to Li Maozhen.

"Reply to the King of Yan, I have been bothering you in the palace for many days, and today I am here to say goodbye!" Li Maozhen said to Belo with his hands clasped.

"Goodbye! Do you want to go back to Qi or stay in Jizhou?" Bei Luo asked the eunuchs to bring Li Maozhen a cup of good tea.

"Reply to King Yan, I want to go back to Qi!" Li Maozhen picked up the cup of good tea.

"In that case, I will not force you to stay! Please do as you please!" Bei Luo asked the eunuchs to send Li Maozhen a lot of gold, silver and jewelry as a parting gift.

"King Yan, this is the clue box containing the Longquan treasure that I took back from the wordless stele of Emperor Wu!" After accepting Bei Luo's parting gift, Li Maozhen took out a long box from his arms.

"What beautiful flowers! There is also a little bug!" When Bei Luo took the box from Li Maozhen's hand, he opened the box directly.

The Raojiang Holy Gu in the box had not been solved at all, but after opening the box, Bello was able to look at the items in the box with a calm face, and all this made Li Maozhen feel unbelievable!

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